Jarmołowicz, Wacław2017-12-312017-12-311980Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 42, 1980, z. 4, s. 83-980035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/21175A system of material incentives in an industrial enterprise, connected with non-parametrical management system, is a subject of considerations and analysis. Particularly, characxeristic methods of creating wages fund and premium funds as well as direct instruments of wages policy, that regulate principles of division, a r e subjected to the critical appraisal in the article. Pointing out motivation limitations in wages system the author brings out in strong relief the role played in shaping level and proportions of effective wages by division mechanism unfunny controlled and proceeding from the ranks, which is a reaction of workers for employed division tools. The diminished connection between work and wages, which is a result of unsatisfactory efficacy of material incentives system, contributes to non-effective methods of economy of man-power and other work resources and it is also one of significant factors of consolidation of economic unequilibrium of demand type.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSystem płac przedsiębiorstwa w zarządzaniu nieparametrycznym jako czynnik samoutrwalania nierównowagi popytowejThe Wages System of an Enterprise in Non-Parametrical Management As a Factor of Demand Unequilibrium Self-ConsolidationArtykuł