Szpunar, Janusz2017-10-022017-10-021973Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 35, 1973, z. 2, s. 41-580035-9629 insurance premiums which constitute the participation of insurance taker in the insurance fund accumulated by insurance company should be differentiated according to the degree of risk and the size of possible damage. The average insurance premiums lead to the disadvantageous selection of risks, namely to the elimination of lesser risks by the heavier ones. Moreover, the average insurance risk does not show any preventive qualities, as it does not contain any incentives inducing to improvements or risks. The differentiation of risks must have, however, some defined limits. Too much differentiation leads to the creation of too small risk classes, which in turn complicate the correct calculation of insurance risks.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessZróżnicowanie wysokości składek ubezpieczeniowychThe Differentiation of Insurance PremiumsArtykuł