Bartkowiak, Marcin2013-03-112013-03-112003Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 65, 2003, z. 3, s. 145-1540035-9629 paper examines the professional code of conduct of brokers and investment consultants. The author specifies the notion of profession and professional code of conduct, goes on to name arguments for and against setting up codes of conduct and describes circumstances under which they can be set up. The last part of the paper deals with the code of professional conduct of the concerned professional groups in Poland and legal regulations as well as statistics on infringement of these regulations.plETYKA ZAWODOWA MAKLERÓW PAPIERÓW WARTOŚCIOWYCH I DORADCÓW INWESTYCYJNYCHPROFESSIONAL CODE OF CONDUCT OF BROKERS AND INVESTMENT CONSULTANTSArtykuł