Zwierzyńska, Agnieszka2013-03-122013-03-122003Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 65, 2003, z. 1, s. 23-430035-9629 author’s main objective was to present the principles concerning extradition. The European Convention on Extradition drawn up in Paris on 13 Dec 1957 is a significant legal act that is the starting point for presenting principles of extradition in legal acts at the constitutional level in different countries. This article deals with the principles of the constitutions of selected federal countries, such as the USA or Switzerland, as well as some others, e.g. Italy or Spain. A discussion is presented of the principle of exterritoriality of some other countries in reference to extradition as well as the institution of the European warrant of arrest, which is to come into force on 1st Jan 2004. The analysis of the international agreements signed by Poland, the forms of accepted solutions as well as the temporary schemes of conclusions all bear out the significance of the accepted political system and its role in promoting the image of Poland as a democratic country and a reliable partner in negotiations that respects internationally recognised rules. The institution of extradition urgently requires the simplification of procedures; it imposes a very difficult task upon the national legislator and international institutions. At the present stage Poland faces the challenge of developing an effective execution of the law.plINSTYTUCJA EKSTRADYCJI W KONSTYTUCJACH WYBRANYCH PAŃSTW WSPÓŁCZESNYCHREGULATIONS ON EXTRADITION IN SELECTED CONTEMPORARY CONSTITUTIONSArtykuł