Morimoto, YukoPavón Lucero, Victoria2012-08-132012-08-132004Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2004, vol. 31, nr 1, pp. 385-392.978-83-232-2145-60137-2475 purpose here is to explain the semantic differences between the Spanish pseudo-copular verbs ponerse and quedarse, which both express a change of state. We will distinguish two different constructions with quedarse: 1. with predicates like atónito, de piedra, etc. which express a punctual inchoative event; 2. with predicates like calvo, sin fuerzas, etc. which express a punctual event that delimits the end of a gradual change of state. The verb ponerse denotes a punctual or gradual inchoative event. These aspectual differences lead to different combination properties of these verbs, (i.e., {*ponerse/quedarse} delgado vs. (ponerse/*quedarse} gordo).esAproximación semántica a la gramática de "ponerse" y "quedarse"Semantic introduction to the grammar of the verbs 'ponerse' and 'quedarse'Artykuł