Melosik, Zbyszko2015-03-052015-03-052014Studia Edukacyjne, 2014, nr 31, s.7-231233-6688978-83-232-2781-6 includes the author’s pedagogical proposal concerning the shape of youth idetnity in the time of domination of culture of control and culture of dispersion. The several selected dimensions of this problem are analyzed with the special attention paid to: the antynomy high culture/popular culture; neoliberalism and neopragmatism as well as other socially constructed components of identity.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessyouthidentitypopular cultureneoliberalismpedagogyPedagogika i konstrukcje tożsamości młodzieży w „kulturze kontroli” i „kulturze rozproszenia”Artykuł