Kultura pracy. Pojęcie i podstawowe problemy

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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A study consists of three parts, first being focused on theoretical explanation of concepts involved („work", „culture", „culture of work"), the second reflecting general factors that condition changes in the „culture of work", and the third concentrated on problems of stimulating changes in the process of work, and of its cultural aspects. In the first part, the author deliberates the concepts of „work", „culture" and „culture of work", and their mutual relationships, from the standpoints' of everyday usage and of sociology. Culture is interpreted here as both a „by- -product", and a correlate (or an attribute) of human activity, especially of productive work. Culture patterns, norms and ideals — being a set of by-products of a human productive work — are at the same time the conditions for a work- -process, its organization, and for intergroup and interhuman relations. In the second part, the author stresses an idea that culture and „culture of work" undergo historical changes due to the process of economic and social development. To his opinion, „culture of work" is greatly impressed by three groups of the situational factors, i.e. : a) an economic and political system of society, and a phase in its development; b) a cultural heritage of a society varying due to both territorial and class diversity of population, and to its international contacts; c) an institutional infrastructure of culture in a society, and a cultural policy of the government. Another main factors influencing „culture of work" are regional and local culture patterns of population, and social relations in the local milieus, both of them correlating with social and demographic characteristics of population. In the third part, the author discusses some cultural aspects of dynamizing the process of work. He points out the three groups of means available of stimulating productivity, i.e. : 1) the means of improving planning and organization, and technology of production; 2) the means of selecting manpower, and of improving their qualifications; 3) the means of re-orienting of workers' norms, values and ideals, of re-modelling of their motivations, morales and attitudes. Characterizing more precisely the last group, the author has pointed out, among others, the following means : a) improving and uprising of professional education (in mural forms, or courses) by introducing some elements of discussion on the role and meaning of work in a human life; b) discussing the results of sociological and psychological investigations on motivation, productivity, etc., within a program of professional education. The author argues, however, that the most important and the most effective means of re-shaping workers attitudes and morales is an immediate, everyday example (if good) of their masters, supervisors, and opinion leaders.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 36, 1974, z. 4, s. 77-90






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