Problematyka rolnicza dorzecza górnej Noteci

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Agricultural Problems of Upper Noteć Basin


The present state and spatial structure of agriculture of the Noteć River Basin characterized against the background of natural conditions and historical development of that are subjected to the analysis in the paper. First landforms, waters, geological structure and in particular climate of the area under study, situated in a very centre of the dry belt of Central Poland are characterized, followed by the description of soils. Out of them very fertile and easy to cultivate the Cuiavian black earth were probably responsible for the early settlement of that area, which eventually became one of the principal grain producing and exporting regions of the old Poland. Subdivided by the partitions of Poland between Prussia and Russia the area under study followed until the First World War different development trends of the German and Russian empires. The far reaching consequences of that division in the development of that area could be seen until now. Early settlement, deforestation, long lasting cultivation without sufficient fertilization, incompetent reclamation works in the XVIII - XIX centuries, together with, a peculiar character of climate contributed to the growing dryness expressed an the so called „steppization" of the area. In such situation because of insufficient moisture increased chemical fertilization, of the last few decades does not bring any more an expected increase in crops. The potential remedy could possibly be an introduction of irrigation the economic side of which ought to be however carefully calculated. In the second part of the paper, on the ground of research carried on in the area concerned, the present spatial structure of agriculture of the Noteć Basin is analysed. Spatial differences in agrarian structure, land use, crop combination, livestock breeding, agricultural productivity and commercialisation are characterized by various quantitative methods. The subdivision of the area under study into agricultural regions and subregions delimited on the ground of the typology of agriculture is presented in a closing part of the paper.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 41, 1979, z. 2, s. 157-180






Title Alternative

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