Wynagradzanie pracowników za wykonanie określonych zadań jako nowy element polityki płac
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
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The employees' remuneration for carrying out certain tasks as a new element of pay policy
One of the assumptions of the 2nd stage of the economic reform is the introduction
of new principles of remunerating the employees, relating directly their
pay to the results of their work. Such a connection is possible first of all under
the condition that the principle of task forms of employing and remunerating
the employees is adopted, the principle expressed presently in Art. 136 of the
Labour Code, but later requiring a more complex regulation making it possible
to determine the scope of a duty to work in terms of the size of assignment
rather than the amount of time of work. It is one of key mechanisms of the economic
reform which, if realized properly, should be decisive for the success of the
economic reform and should contribute to creating a basis for a further social
Task forms of remunerating (and employing) should be introduced gradually,
especially with respect to: managers of the socialized units of economy; people
carrying out research, developmental and implementive tasks of great significance for the national economy; remuneration connected with group organization of
work (including so-called innovation brigades) recently implemented in state enterprises;
and remuneration resulting from contracts for creative work.
A proposed system of remuneration, changeable in time and with respect to
the amounts paid (as a consequence of changes of tasks) and determined in subsequent
autonomous clauses accidentally connected with a contract for being ready
to work, is closely linked with the need to formulate a new conception of employment
relationship which would directly relate the pay to the outcome of work.
The new shape of employment relationship sketched in this article requires further
studies both with respect to its detailed justification as well as social side-effects
of its implementation.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 50, 1988, z. 2, s. 121-134