Prognoza rozwoju gospodarki narodowej w NRD. Podstawowe zagadnienia

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WydziaƂ Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Prognosis of the Development of National Economy in German Democratic Republic. Basic Problems


Economic system is a nucleus of the developed social system of socialism. Hence the stabilization, efficiency and dynamics of the economic system are of decisive significance. In 1963 in German Democratic Republic work was started on new economic principles of economic policy, planning and managing national economy. The development of the economic system ought to follow according to basically important concept of the model, and the central state managing and planning ought to be organically united in the basic questions of the economic and social process with the responsible managing and planning of the socialist enterprises on the one hand and with the responsible managment and planning of the social life in the territorial units on the other hand. According to that the different problems of managing and planning ought to be gradually handed over to the lower organs of the planning and managing system. It is to be expected that in that way the further democratization of the political and economic managment and closer connection between the production and the market as well as the proper application of the category of value will be achieved. The basis for the proper working out of the perspective and multiannual plans constitutes the general social prognosis of development. It consists of the following parts: ,1) prognosis of the numerical strength and structure of the population; 2) prognosis of the development of the natural conditions, e.g. of the output of the mineral resources, utilization of soil, of the sources of energy etc.; 3) prognosis of the development of science and technology; 4) prognosis of the main directions of education and complementary education; 5) sociological prognosis; 6) prognosis of the intellectual and cultural life.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytĂłw RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 31, 1969, z. 1, s. 277-285






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