Demograficzne aspekty w statystycznych badaniach przestępczości
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Demografie Aspects of Statistical Studies on Delinquency
The delinquency statistics belong to that sphere of social statistics in which
there is a great danger of bypassing totally the qualitative side of the examined
phenomena. In order to eliminate that danger it is suggested to introduce: a) the
standardized delinquency coefficient, b) the coefficient of delinquency for specific
age groups, c) the general delinquency dynamics index.
By the delinquency coefficient is meant the number of sentenced persons per
100 000 inhabitants. When we apply the number of sentenced persons only to the
category of people able to commit delinquencies in the light of existing law —
then we get the corrected coefficient of delinquency. When comparing several
administrative regions or several periods of time — it is important to construe such
a coefficient, which would on the one hand, express the phenomenon of delinquency
in a given place and time by means of one number and on the other hand,
which would eliminate the influence of changes caused by the age structure. That
task is being performed by the standardized delinquency coefficients.
The standardized delinquency coefficient rests on the pattern of standardized
coefficients of fertility and mortality known in demography. When dealing with
several regions — for the standardized population is usually taken the population
of the country as a whole and when dealing with several periods of the same
region — the population of the most recent period.
When the criminology is interested in delinquency of people belonging to the
same age group and irrespectively of the year in which the court and penal proceedings
have been taken up — then it is necessary to eliminate the age changes
inside the examined group and the calendar year in which the proceedings started.
In that case the coefficient of delinquency for various age groups is being determined
by fixing the deviation between the real and hypothetical coefficient of
delinquency in percentages of the hypothetical coefficient.
Finally, the general index of delinquency dynamics rests on the Laspayers
and Paasche models. The elements of that index constitute the numbers of sentenced
persons and the severity of sentences, expressed in the time of privation of
liberty or the amount of imposed fines. We can distinguish here the general index,
the index of the number of delinquencies and the index of the severity of imposed
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 28, 1966, z. 1, s. 255-265