Małżeństwo i rodzina jako wartość w świadomości nowożeńców miasta Poznania

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Matrimony and family as a value in the consciousness of the newly married couples in the city of Poznań


The present article is a part of the broader elaboration containing the analytical description presenting the retrospective problems in their quantitative and qualitative aspects. The present system of values concerning matrimonial and family processess of young married couples in the area of the city of Poznań. Material collected from 247 couples of newlyweds of 1982, constituting 7% of all the newly married couples of that period, with the aid of a questionaire inquiry method. The set represents mostly young families of workers and intelligentsia. Matrimony is understood to be a social relation and a base of the future family. Although the previous norms and patterns defining a course of human interrelations in the pre- and post matrimonial period are modified by the socio-economic conditions of city life, yet, the value of matrimony as a social institution and procreational family as a relatively stabilized form of social life are not deppreciated by them.It is advocated by the autor that a vast majority of the married couples intend to have children and with this aim matrimonies are concluded. But procreation is only one of many functions of the family it is not the essential one and is subjected to a rational planning. Apart of awareness of that need conditioned i.a. by the big city life and limitations of the crisis, the married couples prefer 2 children on the first place in their family. The author indicates also at the need of offering a fully fledged assistance to the newly marrieds in material, moral and educational character, as the hardships of existence are putting aside the higher values, important for the State and nation and prefering efforts to gain immediate values of a consumptional type.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 47, 1985, z. 2, s. 253-266






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