Istota dobrobytu ekonomicznego w socjalizmie
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Essence of Economic Welfare in Socialism
Economic welfare identified with a comparative maximum of provision for
the society needs us dependent on the size of the (generated and verified national
income and on its rate of growth as well as on the right distribution of the
income for the members of the society. Thus the essence of economic welfare
resolves itself into the quantity and quality of goods and services put at the
disposal of the society. Unlike the pre-socialist formations, the relation between
the goal of all-economic activities and economic welfare of the society is direct,
since it expresses concurrence of the natural goal of production and the goal of
all-economic activities.
Realization of the natural goal of socialist economy follows from the collective ownership of means of production. Economic plans aiming at better satisfaction
of the growing requirements of the society constitute the outward form. Realization
of the natural goal in socialist economy manifests itself in the direct economic
calculus which supplies ways to pick out new lines in making basic means of
production in accordance with all-social preferences and to achieve an equilibrium
in economy and therefore determines material results of reproduction to a considerable
A number of essential economic problems and first of all the mechanism of
innovation, the response to economic phenomena and the verification of economic
results are not satisfactorily solved by the sphere of allocation decision planning
and choosing methods of manufacturing basic means of production with help of
direct economic calculus. Therefore it is necessary to stimulate the producer in
the field of choice of manufacture metods (within the scope of autonomous decisions
at the central level) and accomplishment of economic tasks in accordance
with all-social interest and in this connection to use the market economic calculus,
besides the direct economic calculus, what is linked with financial interest in the
results of work.
As utility effects are superior to value effects, commodity — and — money
categories and market mechanism are regarded as instruments of prompt accomplishment
of current economic tasks. The limited commodity — and — money
fetishism in socialism does not mean handling these categories at will. When parameters
of economic calculus are not true, they cannot be a basis for estimation
and valuation of the results of economic units' activities. The existence of commodity
— and — money categories in socialism does not mean a sovereign operation
of market mechanism and law of value. The principle of the central plan superiority
is independent of parametric or non — parametric methods of executing
that plan.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 35, 1973, z. 3, s. 105-119