Rozważania o klimacie i konfliktach ideowych XVII wieku

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Reflections on a climate and ideological conflicts of the seventeenth century


Recollection of anniversary of the Vienna Victory inclines a historian of law and political thought to express his opinion. Main streams of intellectual and political discussion in the seventeenth century Europe are described by the author as well as peculiarities of climate in Poland in the reign of John III Sobieski presented against their background. Was it different (and to what degree) from the climate in 'other countries of that tumultous century? What complexes of phenomena patterned the ideology of Poles of the last quarter of the 17-th century? What was the intellectual and ideological heritage contributed to the Sobieski times by the previous age? Influence of the European thought was diminishing along the decades. Political culture of the last quarter of the century was clearly of local, "Sarmatian" descent. It was in the times of first elected monarchs and subsequently, in the reign of Vasas when the signs of atmosphere were formed Poland in the age of Sobieski was breathing with. Lasting process of creating grounds for the domination of oligarchy both in the political system, economy and in ideology was completed in the reign of John Casimir and Michael Korybut. Nonetheless the age of Sobieski was something more than a mere continuance of the previous development. Ideological climate of his times is revealed in petrifying old principles of the system and political orders. "Sarmatism", synonymous to conservatism then, and ideology of the golden liberty served as apology of the contemporary age. Elements of the latter were of extreme democratic character but in the situation of equilibrium among the combatting political parties in the country they contributed to strengthen the power of oligarchy. The Viennese success of Sobieski threatened to upset this equilibrium and therefore, the year 1683 so manificently distinguished itself in Polish military history for example. induced fostering of political fights in the country and became one more step forwards the stagnation of the Saxon age. After the 1683 victory all reforms of the Court were more successfully stopped by the aristocratic opposition.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 46, 1984, z. 1, s. 1-18






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