Cechy diagnostyczne rodziny i czynniki umieralności niemowląt

dc.contributor.authorTritt, Alicja
dc.description.abstractIn the first part of the article the Author has choosen 33 preliminary diagnostic variables differentiating the level of infant mortality. The variables belong to five groups of hypothetical factors of infant mortality, namely: 1) demo-biological factor, 2) socio-economical factor, 3) cultural factor, 4) health protecting factor, 5) environmental factor. Afterwards 16 variables without necessary source information have been excluded from the total. In order to improve the information on the 17 variables left in the set the Author has elaborated a survey questionnaires concerning the infant deaths in the recent years. In the second part of the article the Author has discussed the methods of factor analysis and taxonometrics. He has found the centroidal method (L. L. Thurstone's method) as the apropriate method of factor analysis and the average difference method (Czekanowski's method) as the best taxonometric method for region delimitation. At last, the new voivodships created on the 1 st of June 1975 have been accepted as the basic spatial units for region delimitation.pl
dc.description.sponsorshipDigitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016pl
dc.identifier.citationRuch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 39, 1977, z. 2, s. 101-120pl
dc.publisherWydział Prawa i Administracji UAMpl
dc.titleCechy diagnostyczne rodziny i czynniki umieralności niemowlątpl
dc.title.alternativeFactor analysis and delimitation of regions by factors of infant mortalitypl
