Polityka Niemiec wobec Europy Wschodniej: Russia first?
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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM
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German policy towards Eastern Europe: Russia first’?
Agresywne zachowania Rosji w trakcie konfliktu na Ukrainie w 2014 r. podważyły strategiczne
założenia polityki Niemiec. Powiązania gospodarcze nie doprowadziły do przemian wewnętrznych
w Rosji oraz nie ograniczyły jej nastawienia na rewindykowanie wpływów imperialnych. Gotowość
Niemiec do poparcia Ukrainy w reformach wewnętrznych i jej zbliżenia do UE oznaczała, że są one
skłonne bardziej zniuansować założenia swojej strategii wobec Europy Wschodniej i tym samym ograniczyć priorytet Russia first.
The strategic assumptions of German Ostpolitik have been undermined by the aggressive activities of Russia during the Ukraine crisis. The tight economic relations between Germany and Russia have not brought about domestic transformations in the political system in Russia, and have not reduced its interest in regaining its imperial position in Eastern Europe, i.e. in the area of the former Soviet Union. Germany’s support for both the reform program in Ukraine and deepening its relations with the EU has shown that it is ready to critically evaluate its strategy toward Eastern Europe and review its ‘Russia first’ approach.
The strategic assumptions of German Ostpolitik have been undermined by the aggressive activities of Russia during the Ukraine crisis. The tight economic relations between Germany and Russia have not brought about domestic transformations in the political system in Russia, and have not reduced its interest in regaining its imperial position in Eastern Europe, i.e. in the area of the former Soviet Union. Germany’s support for both the reform program in Ukraine and deepening its relations with the EU has shown that it is ready to critically evaluate its strategy toward Eastern Europe and review its ‘Russia first’ approach.
Niemcy, polityka wschodnia, Rosja, Ukraina, Germany, Ostpolitik, Russia, Ukraine
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2015, nr 4, s. 19-32.