Ekonomiczne przesłanki lokalizacji przemysłu olejarskiego w regionie

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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The Economical Premises of the Localization of the Oil Industry in a Region


The localization of the oil industry is designated by the definite factors. The following ones are considered: the basis of raw material, the outlet and the conditions of transport. In the article there was shown the role of several factors of the localization of oil industry in the region of Wielkopolska. The rapeseed is the basic raw material of the oil industry. The demand on raw material in oil industry is big, it decides about a strong connection of the workshops of the oil industry with the basis of raw material. It means that the workshops ought to correspond to some area under cultivation that would guarantee the possibilities of manufacturing in the course of a year. The researches that are carried on allow to ascertain that the amount of crop of the rapeseed in the region that is subjected to the oil industry in Wielkopolska creates the conditions of farther development. Besides the basis of raw material an essential facteur of localization is the possibility of sale of the ready products. The basical product of the oil industry is margarine, Wielkopolska is one of the main consumers of margarine in the whole country (14% of the consumption of the whole country). The consumption per head in Wielkopolska is the high est in Poland. In spite of the profitable conditions of sale the oil industry in Wielkopolska does not produce margarine. It causes the necessity of transportation of margarine and at the same time sending off the seeds and semifacture to the oil manufactures situated in different voivodeships. That situation causes the dispensable transportations and in consequence the enlarging of the costs of transport and production. The led investigations proved that the localization of oil industry in Wielkopolska from the side of analysed factors is profitable and does not set any abridgement to the farther development and even points to its necessity.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 31, 1969, z. 3, s. 137-153






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