Rola rodziny w transmisji kultury regionalnej i jej wpływ na prokreację
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
The role of family in a transmission of regional culture and its effect on procreation
The results of initial theoretical and empirical studies conducted in the framework
of the crucial problem 11.5 „Formation of the demo-graphical processes and
a socio-economic developement of Poland" indicate that a cultural factor is one of
the factors differeneiating demographieal -processes in a microscale in an intergenerational
handling. Identification of that factor on the grounds of procreationa1
attitudes and behavior in families is not possible with the results of previous sociological,
ethnographic and demographic surveys. The article attempts at problem
formulation with the discussion being conducted on the borderline of the three
mentioned scientific disciplines. The complexity of culture, its functional character
as well as the basic elements constituting it: hierarchies of values, attitudes, sccio-
- moral norms, customs, patterns and 'models shaping a system of human convictions
are including the questions of procreation within the range of culture. A family
is forming its image by means of the impact of a general national culture and
of particular subcultures. A differential influence on the parental attitudes is
yielded mostly by the regional culture. Many institutions and groups participate
in the transmission of culture. Transfer of the regional culture takes a little avail
of institutionalized forms and is performed by fulfilling a socializing function by
the family. The family can perform both a role o subject and of object in the
process of social changes. In reality it can combine those two functions remaining
in a dialectical system with the society. On the one hand it undergoes processes
of cultural dialectization but on the other it is able to secure the identity and socio-cultural continuity to its members, by means of its subjectivity. The continuity
and identity are manifested by maintaining the analogous world of values, norms
and patterns of behavior generation after generation. It seems that a process of
transmission secures similarities in an intergeneratioinal handling of procreational
attitudes and behavior characteristic for regional groups from which spouses are
derived. The final solution of the problem can be brought about by the complex
interdisciplinary empirical studies.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 47, 1985, z. 1, s. 229-242