Życiorysy studentów w badaniu dróg młodzieży do studiów wyższych

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Students' biographies in researching the ways of the youth to academic studies


The subject-matter of the article is the problem of the value of autobiographic materials in the qualitative analysis of the process of education with respect to statistical research of those processes. In particular, the author focuses his attention on the problems of applying both methods in studies on selective functions of education being, on the one hand, the component of the socialization of individuals submitted to education and, on the other, the manifestation of the democratization of educating. The article is based on comprehensive writings and on the autobiographies of students of A. Mickiewicz Uniwersity Pedagogics Institute. The students were oriented on the specific problem of research. The author begins with the recollection of his own experience from the pre-war period in similar materials concerning the subject „My Way to Crime", i.e. concerning the analysis of disturbances of the socialization process of children and youth. Referring to the problem of collecting and describing the materials in that period, the author characterizes the method of preparing under supervision, in years 1971/2, 1972/3, 1973/4, the autobiographies of students oriented, this time, on a positive aspect of socialization, namely the problem „My Way to Academic Studies''. Next, on the background of the characteristics of extensive actions of collecting and applying autobiographic materials in scientific research in both pre-war and post-war periods as well as the characteristics of mass statistical studies on selective functions of education conducted in post-war period the author performs: 1) the quantitative (typological) analysis of collected autobiographies' distinguishing between the three types of ways to academic studies on the background of a wider socialization process: a) harmonious, constantly on a high level, b) uneven, on the border between medium and high levels, c) systematically „paved" by growing school successes; 2) the evaluation of a statistical method based on school documents and questionnaires and applied in studies on selective functions of education realized in the educational system on the background of extensive social changes. Finally, in effect of the above analyses and evaluations carried out on the setting of empirical and theoretical scientific achievements in both disciplines the author points out to the needs and possibilities of combining both approaches — qualitative (typological) and quantitative (statistical).



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 49, 1987, z. 4, s. 269-287






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