Próba obliczania efektywności programu rozwoju (Na przykładzie gospodarki mięsnej)

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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One of the most important difficulties in working out a complex development program for various branches of national economy is the methodological difficulty in finding out the proper optimum variant. In this paper the author undertook an attempt to work out a method of assessing the efficiency of a proposed, development program. The attempt is based on the data relevant to the meat economy. The development of the meat economy rests on the expected growth of processing and commercial activites. The foreseen tasks can be carried out at the existing structure of industry or after some changes in it (concentration). In order to assess the efficiency of the development program of meat economy the author compares: a) two variants of meat processing and of transport (for raw material — meat and ready products), b) two variants of investement inputs, necessary to enlarge the production capacity and to improve the economic efficiency of said inputs. The comparison of these two variants shows the economic advantages in processing costs and investment inputs. The author is of the opinion that a concentration process would contribute to greater savings in production costs and in the costs of shifting the raw-meat surpluses. The investment efficiency at the existing structure and at the newly proposed structure — points to the advantage of the latter one. The concentration of production would also produce some non measurable effects, such as a better raw-material economy, greater possibilities of raising the quality of products and an improvement on the meat market (better supplies).



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 28, 1966, z. 3, s. 177-191






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