Energia elektryczna jako przedmiot badania statystycznego

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Electric Energy as an Object of Statistical Examination


Production of electric energy, similar to every economical process is a mass product possessing a definite factor, a systematic and fatal ones so the product rising in it can be subjected to statistic examination. Therefore the author called electric energy, understood as an object of statistic examination, an industrial product formed in the result of transformation of the primary energy into derivated energy, presented with proprieties defined by physics as the electric current. The process of production of that energy is strictly connected with the use of it and the scope of the examined object can be streched also on the used energy. The author proposes to consider in the investigation as well the connector between the production and the use as well, i. e. the transmition of electric energy, its peculiarity speaking for it, examined from the economic point of view. A conventional statistical unit of the examined agglomeration can be 1 kilowat per hour. The description of these units and at the same time the designation of the scope of the examined object, is held with reference to a number of changeables, which the author distinguishes into generic, subjective, chronological and spatial ones. The priority in every examination have the generic changeables, especially „the role in the economical process". The subjective changeables have the main significance in the examinations inspired by problems of administrating and managing the economy. The dynamics and spatial dispersion of the electric energy can be described by the use of chronological and spatial criteria. Talking about the measurement of the examined object the author points to the necessity and purposefulness of using the estimation and conclusion from the part about a whole, if there is no possibility of immediate and full observation. In the article there was underlined the need of examination on electrification in the aspect of economical growth.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 31, 1969, z. 3, s. 247-254






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