Przyłączenie jednostki organizacyjnej spółdzielni do innej spółdzielni

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Joining an organizational unit of cooperative to another cooperative


Joining an organizational unit of cooperative to another cooperative is one of the new institutions of the Polish cooperative law of 1962, Joining can occur among all cooperatives operating within limits of Polish legal order. It haß to be established, upon examining joining from a civil law point of view, that it is carried into effect as a result of contract between making over and taking over cooperative. Among conditions of joining an organizational unit of one cooperative to another a particular part is played by: 1) expressing appropriate will by the group of cooperative members whose property rights and obligations are bound with an organizational unit to be joined to another cooperative, 2) passing a resolution by a general meeting of that cooperative complying with a request of mentioned members, 3) willingness of other cooperative to take an indicated unit over expressed by a suitable resolution of its general meeting. Taking over is not permissible if it is to effect decrease in financial rights of members of making over cooperative related to an organizational unit to be taken over by another cooperative. Joining an organizational unit to other cooperative can also occur by means of a resolution of general meeting of making over cooperative passed on the own initiative of that organ. Taking over takes place on entering in registers of making over and taking over cooperatives. The entry in the register of taking over cooperative is of a decisive importance. The records have a constitutive character. Taking over results are personal and legal, and financial. Members related to joined unit pass to taking over cooperative. Property of commodities, property rights and debts related with that unit are also passing (ex lege) for the benefit of taking over cooperative. It is also entering into labor relations towards members taken over from making over cooperative. Resolutions of making over and taking over cooperatives are suable in court by any of their members according to the rules laid by art. 42 and 43 of Cooperative Law



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 46, 1984, z. 1, s. 93-118






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