Charge-order on the triangular lattice: Effects of next-nearest-neighbor attraction in finite temperatures

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The extended Hubbard model in the atomic limit, which is equivalent to lattice S=1/2 fermionic gas, is considered on the triangular lattice. The model includes onsite Hubbard U interaction and both nearest-neighbor (W1) and next-nearest-neighbor (W2) density-density intersite interactions. The variational approach treating the $U$ term exactly and the $W_l$ terms in the mean-field approximation is used to investigate thermodynamics of the model and to find its finite temperature (T>0) phase diagrams (as a function of particle concentration) for W1>0 and W2<0. Two different types of charge-order (i.e., DCO and TCO phases) within $\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}$ unit cells as well as the nonordered (NO) phase occur on the diagram. Moreover, several kinds of phase-separated (PS) states (NO/DCO, DCO/DCO, DCO/TCO, and TCO/TCO) are found to be stable for fixed concentration. Attractive W2}<0 stabilizes PS states at T=0 and it extends the regions of their occurrence at T>0. The evolution of the diagrams with increasing of |W2|/W1 is investigated. It is found that some of the PS states are stable only at T>0. Two different critical values of |W2|/W1 are determined for the PS states, in which two ordered phases of the same type (i.e., two domains of the DCO or TCO phase) coexist.


This is the author created version of an article accepted for publication in J. Magn. Magn. Matter (Elsevier) journal. The article has been published on a gold open access basis under a CC BY 4.0 licence


National Science Centre (NCN, Poland) - Grant SONATINA 1 no. UMO-2017/24/C/ST3/00276; scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (Poland) for outstanding young scientists (2019 edition, no. 821/STYP/14/2019)


charge order, triangular lattice, fermionic lattice gas, longer-range interactions, extended Hubbard model, atomic limit


Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 541, 168441 (2022)





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