Mechanizm kształtowania socjalistycznego modelu konsumpcji

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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On a Mechanism of Shaping Socialist Model of Consumption


It is immensely important in a process of consumption rationalization in a long to accomplish an analysis of interdependencies between preferences of individual consumers, social preferences and the central planner's preferences. A proper settlement of proportions of influence of these proportions on consumption enables formulation of a definite social — in the broadest sense of the word — consumption pattern. Realization of such pattern can cause settlement of a rational consumption model conformable to general assumptions and tendencies of the socialist society development. The condition is, however, an effective stimulation of realization policy of the consumption pattern and behaviours of individual consumers. It does not mean striving after dictation to the households what and how they should consume. The matter is to influence the course of consumption phenomena more effectively and to manage means being at the disposal more rationally than before. A mechanism of shaping socialist model of consumption contains postulative and realization spheres. The first one concerns individual, social and central planner's preferences. As the result of the analysis and due to application of the compensation principle the social — in the broadest sense of the word — consumption pattern is obtained. The second sphere embraces questions of consumption policy, i.e. Problems of realization of consumption pattern assumptions. As a result of application of definite realization policy as well as of influence of actual individual consumers behaviours (shaping of which is embraced also by the realization sphere) we obtain a consumtion model. Certain arrangements of the consumption model shaped in such way influence in turn the postulative sphere. The concept of a mechanism of shaping socialist pattern of consumption depends upon distinguishing notions of a „model" and a „pattern" of consumption. A model of consumption is a reflection of actual population's behaviour in the sphere of consumption. A consumption pattern can then be understood a a postulate to the address of reality. If it is so, then the model of consumption can result from realization of a pattern. In dependence on the effect with which we apply the realization policy of a consumption pattern and on the effectiveness of stimulating consumers behaviours we obtain more or less desirable consumption model.



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 40, 1978, z. 4, s. 179-194






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