Spółdzielczość kredytowa typu rolniczego w reformie systemu bankowego z roku 1982
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Credit cooperatives of the agricultural type in the reform of banking system of 1982
The article discusses changes in organizational structure and in principles of
functioning of cooperative banks which are related to the new banking law and
the new cooperative law of 1982 and which will be implemented in practice in the
years of 1983 and 1084. The attention is focused on major limitations in the taplemenitation
of complete mutual financial aid and of the related rules of cooperative
banks as local institutions of small banking credit. The mutual financial aid is limited among others, by the duty on cooperative
banks to associate in the State-cooperative owned Bank of the Food Economy as
their auditing, organizational and financial central office, this is a channel securing
intervention of the State administration in the affairs of credit cooperatives
and of the associated individual farmers. Decision-making competence of the centrai
Sitate administration in the respect of loaning and other banking «services as
well as the directive character of limits and binding guide-lines following from
an annual State credit plan are breaking direct links between a credit action and
the economic character of local funds of the mutual financial aid. They are also
strengthening the effect of administrative measures of directing activities of cooperative
banks and weakening cooperative rules and methods of banking influence
on individual farmers. Similarly the statutory rules of socializing profits and
assimilating cooperative management of earmarked funds to a financial management
of state enterprises are decreasing the stimulating role of the mutual financial
aid and of the or elated specific cooperative rules.
A process of changing statutes of cooperative banks which has begun in 1983
can facilitate the introduction of rules and forms which were described in the end
of the article, they can effectuate more complete than previous financial mutual
aid of credit cooperatives.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 45, 1983, z. 2, s. 139-155