Ewolucja rad narodowych w Polsce
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM
Title alternative
Evolution of people's councils in the People's Poland
Reflections on evolving shape of legal regulations concerning local administration
in the forty years of People's Poland are subject of the present study. The
author examines basic stages in transformations of regulations of people's councils
which are the foundation of local administration.
Provisions of the temporary statute of people's councils, passed by the National
People's Council on January 1, 1944 are the starting point. The next stage is
opened by the provisions of 1944-1945 which introduced a dualistic model of
local administration based on the patterns of the interwar period (organs of
government administration and local self-government) supplemented by the system
of peoples councils. The year 1950 brings about an introduction of the Soviet
patterns to the system of local administration. On the grounds of those patterns
the system has functioned until 1972-1975, although it underwent substantial
modifications. Passing the 1958 Act of People's Councils ought to be noted here.
Several provisions are introduced in the act in order to preclude centralistic
deviations which were observed under the 1950 Act. The transformations of 1972-
-1975 can be summarized as combining the Soviet pattern with institutions of
government administration of the interwar period (a monocratic organ of local
administration with its submitted office, „transplanted" to the system of people's
The period succeeding he 1972 - 1975 reforms is the one of recurrent centralizing
of administration. Therefore, the Act of July 20, 1983 on the system of people's
councils and local self-government has to be interpreted as the reaction on
centralistic distortions of the former period. It became a sign of compromise in
an animated discussion on the concept of local administration which was under
way in the years 1930-1982. The Act is based on the idea of people's democracy,
characteristic for a socialist state, with institutional elements of selfgovernment
organization. As far as professional organs of administration in the system are
concerned, the legislator referred to the solutions of 1972 -1975, but the higher
influence in their creation was secured for organs representing citizens.
Various conclusions can be drawn from a study of evolving legislation in the
People's Poland. It should be noted though that two tendencies came to importance
in different periods of time — the one of centralization and the one of decentralization.
It was also the case of sear-ching a proper model of local administration
for a socialist (State, and — to a lesser extent — traditional Polish solutions were
evoked. It also seems that basic changes in the sphere of local administration
were carried out too often without proper preparations for the reforms.
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 46, 1984, z. 4, s. 1-16