The phaseness of human biological development assesse with the use of selected physicochemical methods

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Adam Mickiewicz University Faculty of Biology

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The principal idea of the work was to show a new, original method of description of the phenomena of human biological development with the use of nonstandard research methods so far unused in the ontogenetic studies in regard to the stable and involutional phases of ontogenesis. The main purpose of the work was to assess with selected methods individual reactions of a human organism in ontogenesis against the development of the population. Two research methods were selected. They were subsequently used to show individual reactions of a single human organism against the phenotypic variability characterising the population. The research methods employed are based on the physical and chemical properties of biological cells (the Electrophoretic Mobility of Cell Nuclei (EMN) method) as well as on the physical properties of selected physical parameters describing the properties of biological structures (the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy method). One of the objectives of the study was to corroborate the applicability of the EMN index method as an adequate criterion 1 A summary of the thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Sciences in Adam Mickiewicz University, PoznaƱ 1999. Professor conferring the degree: Joachim Cie lik. The title of the thesis: The phaseness of human biological development assessed with the use of selected physicochemical methods . 136 Z. Czapla of biological age estimation in each phase of ontogenesis. High sensitivity of the EMN index made it possible to check to what extent a reaction of an individual, resulting from the operation of selected factors increasing the risk of premature death (nicotinism, alcoholism), would permit to assess the deviation of this individual organism from the theoretical course of its ontogenesis determined with the EMN method. Another task under the study involved checking to what degree the ontogenetic development curve in selected subject groups (alcoholics, smokers and non-smokers) determined with the EMN method deviated from the control curve. The principal research tasks regarding the methods of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy involved attempts to find a new physical parameter, which could serve as a measure of the advancement of certain biological processes accompanying human ontogenesis. In other words an attempt was made to find a physical parameter which could become a new criterion of human biological age estimation regardless of the phase of ontogenesis.




biological age, EMN index, relaxation time, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, phase of ontogeny, aging


Variability and Evolution, 2000, Vol. 8, pp. 135-141





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