Jaskinia Lodowa w Ciemniaku (Ice Cave in Ciemniak), Western Tatra, Poland - over a century-long investigations of climate warming-caused degradation of subterranean ice mass

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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences

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Jaskinia Lodowa w Ciemniaku (Ice Cave in Ciemniak), in the Tatra Mountains (Tatry), is believed to host the largest subterranean ice mass in Poland. It has been known for over a century, however, the onset of its scientific investigations dates back to 1922, when Tadeusz and Stefan Zwoliński mapped it. Since then, it has become one of the best-known caves in Poland. It was described in over a hundred scientific and popular science papers. They include findings of international importance, e.g. works related to radioisotopes ,ice-mass balance and age. However, some of the questions asked a century ago are still partly unanswered. One may wonder if they will be delivered before climate warming causes the largest ‘cave glacier’ in Poland to disappear.




Speleology, Speleologia, cryosphere, kriosfera, cave, jaskinia, ice cave, jaskinia lodowa, Western Tatras, Tatry Zachodnie, Tatra Mountains, Tatry, history of cave research, historia badań jaskiń, climate change, zmiana klimatu, ice mass balance, blians masy lodu, cave climate, klimat jaskini, Jaskinia Lodowa w Ciemniaku, Ice Cave in Ciemniak, cave ice, lód jaskiniowy, Late Holocene, późny holocen, cave exploration history, historia eksploracji jaskiń, cave ice genesis, powstawanie lodu jaskiniowego, cave ice climate record, zapis paleoklimatu w lodzie jaskiniowym, environmental change record, zapis zmian środowiskowych, climate warming impact, skutki zmiany klimatu


Barabach, J., Szczuciński, W., Kicińska, D., Palińska, Z., Rachlewicz, G., 2023: Jaskinia Lodowa w Ciemniaku (Ice Cave in Ciemniak), Western Tatra, Poland - over a century-long investigations of climate warming-caused degradation of subterranean ice mass. Geographia Polonica 96 (4), 405-430. DOI: 10.7163/GPol.0262.




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