Postawy pracowników PGR wobec polityki rolnej PRL na tle postaw innych grup mieszkańców wsi wielkopolskiej

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Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM

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Attitudes of state farm workers towards the agrarian policies in Poland as against the attitudes of other groups of the Wielkopolska region country dwellers


The article is a study of attitudes of state farm workers towards the State agrarian policies (in its tactical and strategic aspects). Proposed methods of the study are to determine a scope and contents of political consciousness of that group of country dwellers. The analysis accounted for three variables only, considering them to be the most integrating in a process of forming political attitudes : — connection of an examined group with its working and living environment, i.e. a village in this instance; — knowledge of the examined on a subject of attitude, i.e. agrarian policies; — systems of recognized values. A choice of the examined group and a location of the investigations in the Wielkopolska's country aimed at distinguishing that stage of political attitudes developement which can be observed in the conditions of advanoed economic growth in the country and functioning of population inside of the so-called socialist sector of rural economy.A social position of the examined could not be defined as a favourable one. Even in the region of strong traditions of social and particularly cooperative managing and of advanced industrialization of a farmwork, the state farm workers remain as social outsider's both economically, socially and culturally speaking. Conditions of their labor (laboir relations in State farms, wages economic effects of State farms) as well as living conditions (low (standard of accomodation and of its facilities) are below the average conditions of life and work of other groups, of country dwellers. In this situation it is not to be wondered at that links of that population to the country have a character of not neutralized economic necessity (in case of farmer members of a cooperative or individual farmers the emotional character of these links can also be observed). At the same time, state farm workers do not reveal any substantial knowledge on the agrarian policies and its interests are concentrated on those moves of the State which can increase profitability of individual- farming. A reconstruction of value systems in the examined groups indicated that on account of the type of labor they are involved in, the state farm workers who should undoubtedly be ranked as the working class have a „false class consciousness". Value associated with a private ownership of land and concomitant negative evaluation of socialized economy are in a center of their value system. This group is aspiring to join the class of farmers, they negatively assess both labor relations in the state farms (particularly visible division into white and blue collar workers) and their economic effectiveness. In their words, state farms are neither socially nor economically competitive against private farms. To sum up, the attitude of state farm wankers towards the agrarian policies is the one of economic individualism and their consciousness is „false by class means".



Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016



Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 45, 1983, z. 2, s. 189-202






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