Partia komunistyczna walcząca z religią i państwo komunistyczne gwarantujące wolność religijną jako teoretyczne podstawy marksizmu-leninizmu w walce z religią i Kościołem katolickim w krajach realnego socjalizmu
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Wydział Teologiczny UAM
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The Communist Party Fighting against Religion and the Communist State Warranting Religious Freedom as Theoretical Bases of Marxism-Leninism in its Strife against Religion and the Catholic Church in the Countries of Real Socialism
Marek Jędraszewski in his article The Communist Party fighting with religion and the communist
state guaranteeing religious freedom, as theoretic background for Marxism-Leninism in fight
against religion and Catholic Church in the countries o f real socialism, presents philosophical and
ideological principles, which direct the course of politic of communists states in the battle against
religion and Church, especially Catholic Church. The author shows sources of that in antireligious
thoughts of the modem Europe: deism of Enlightenment and philosophy of Feuerbach for whom
the sole condition of substantial human freedom was appreciation of radical atheism. Next, author
presents the Marxist conception of religion as the “opiate of the masses” and “opiate for the masses”.
On the end, is presenting Lenin’s distinction between antireligious program of party and worldview
neutrality of state, which was the ground for cutthroat war against religion, both in the Soviet
Union and other countries of People’s democratic so-called the Ostblock) in the period 1944-1989.
Author resemble the main thesis of the Pius XI encyclical Divini Redemptoris from 1939, which
shows antihumanistic, furthermore felon face of “godless communism”. The best example giving
by the author, for the rightness of popes words, is abatement of the Catholic Church by the communist
party in the Poland in the times of Polish People’s Republic. As a conclusion author is citing
words of pope John Paul II from encyclical Centesimus annus: “Marxism had promised to uproot
the need for God from the human heart, but the results have shown that it is not possible to
succeed in this without throwing the heart into turmoil” (CA, 24).
Enlightenment deism, Feuerbach philosophy, Pius XI encyclical Divini Redemptoris, John Paul II encyclical Centesimus annus, fight against Church in Poland
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, T. 22, 2008, s. 299-318