Excessive physical exercise in tourism and recreation and its metabolic effects

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An excessive physical exercise destructively influences on humans. This question has now a not overpriced meaning because there are more and more popular extreme kinds of tourism, recreation and sport, and far shifting limits of results attained in elite sport, and there are wider range of time and loads of professional work, which can lead even to work holism. If compare human body organization to not oversized device or building construction, one has to say that human body is in the same way subjected to stress, it means energy expenditure. A subjection to permanent stress without a full recovery can cause an abiding change of a metabolism regulation level. It means strain of this regulation. It is a shift within a genetically programmed range of homeostasis and a change of biological requirements of human body subordinative to maintenance a relative and very labile metabolic balance. However, it is not free. Each physical exercise is a download of an energetic credit from human body energetic substrates. If this credit is too high, it can cause a dysfunction of some functional spheres of a human being and can turn into an overtraining status. Usually, it manifests in suppression of the most energy-consuming function, it means reproductive function. It occurs in both genders. Then, this question is very complicated from the psychic sphere of human being, too.




extreme tourist and recreational activity, excessive exercise threat, work holism, EMN index, wskaźnik EMN


Acta Biologica University Daugavpils. 8 (1) s.5-15.





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