Browsing by Author "Kraskowska, Ewa"
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Item Doświadczenie a gender w literackim i filozoficznym dyskursie oświecenia i romantyzmu (zarys problematyki)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Kraskowska, EwaThe aim of this article is to demonstrate close links between 'experience' as an epistemological notion and 'femininity' as a gender concept. Experience is considered here within two dichotomies: experience - reason; and experience - innocence. They are traced here mainly in the writings of Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, Krasicki, Mickiewicz, Blake and American Transcendentalists. Both dichotomies constitute an essential part of the Enlightenment and Romanticism thought, art and lifestyle. In particular they construct the code of sensibility, which highly influenced the 18lh and 19,h centuries aesthetics, spirituality and philosophy. As a result of the cult of sensibility in Western culture there appeared a peculiarly gendered figurę - that of a sensitive man, a feminized małe, capable of experiencing and showing strong emotions. By connecting maleness with features usually perceived as typically feminine, the latter gained higher cultural status. The counterpart for the sensitive man was a reasonable woman, a female person endowed with traditionally masculine intellectual capacities. The discourse of experience has a special meaning in William Blake's work and thought; here it is related to his anti-rationalist and antiscientific worldview, as well as to his apotheosis of Innocence as the State of elear insight into the true reality - one that is hidden behind the visible world. From Blake, via European Romanticists and American Transcendentalists it is possible to draw links to contemporary counterculture, environmental movements and theories (eco-criticism, eco-feminism) with their appreciation of soft feminine values.Item Kobieta w komunikacji literackiej XX wieku(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2009) Kraskowska, EwaThe article presents the phenomenon of literary communication from the perspective of gender studies. It deals with the problem of the growing participation of women in this process throughout the 20th century, and the variety of roles they perform in it: as authors, readers, translators, editors, publishers etc. On the other hand their activities have been regularly undervalued by the mainstream criticism. The author argues that the participation of women in the literary communication, which in the past was perceived as an act of violating cultural norms, today is an obvious, as well as necessary element of cultural life, which doesn't mean that it has lost its subversive potential.Item Narodziny pisarki dwudziestowiecznej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kraskowska, EwaRozdział monografii zbiorowej pt. "Polskie pisarstwo kobiet w wieku XX: procesy i gatunki, sytuacje i tematy" ukazuje proces kształtowania się dwudziestowiecznej tożsamości pisarskiej kobiet na przykładach biografii i twórczości Marii Rodziewiczówny, Gabrieli Zapolskiej, Marii Komornickiej i in.Item Niny Rydzewskiej "Ludzie z węgla" i Zyty Oryszyn "Ocalenie Atlantydy": próba lektury palimpsestowej(Wydawnictwo PWSZ im. Angelusa Silesiusa, 2014) Kraskowska, Ewa; Bielawska, Sylwia; Browarny, WojciechThis article presents a parallel (“palipmsest”) reading of two novels set in post−war Wałbrzych: Ludzie z węgla (People of Coal) by Nina Rydzewska and Ocalenie Atlantydy (Atlantis Rescued) by Zyta Oryszyn. The former was published in 1951 and follows the doctrine of socialist realism,and the latter appeared in print in 2013, as the last one of the author’s novel cycle started in 1981. Extremely different in form and worldview, these two novels share their chronotope, and the aim of this study is to analyse its various dimensions: one seen from the perspective of Polish repatriates from France, and the other seen from the perspective of deportees from the Borderlands (Eastern territories) of pre−war Poland.Item O tzw. "kobiecości" jako konwencji literackiej(IBL PAN, 2000) Kraskowska, Ewa; Borkowska, Grażyna; Sikorska, LilianaThe article deals with the question of the so-called "femininity" as a notion in literary studies. The author argues that it should be perceived as a kind of literary convention determined by historical and cultural factors.Item Ojcowska żałoba Karola Irzykowskiego(Wydawnictwo IBL, 2008) Kraskowska, EwaThis article deals with a relatively not-too-well-known text by Karol Irzykowski, composed of fragments of the writer s diary devoted to the sickness and death of his five-year- -old daughter Basia. Irzykowski took down his notes as things went on, trying his best at possibly most sincerely evidencing individual phases of that traumatic experience as well as his own feelings triggered by it. Ms. Kraskowska analyses Irzykowski s notes in a gender perspective, asking questions on cultural conditioning of mourning. She moreover juxtaposes these with Pa³uba, the novel published dozen-or-so years earlier, in which the themes of illness, death and mourning take an essential part. To the scholar s mind, Irzykowski although driven he was by an imperative of sincerity was experiencing the events related to the loss of his little girl in a manner resembling that of a scenario projected for a novel s purposes.Item On the Circulation of Feminist Discourse via Translation (V.Woolf, Beauvoir, J.Butler)(2010) Kraskowska, EwaThe article is concerned with the history of translations of three canonical texts of twentieth-century feminist discourse: Virginia Woolf’s A Room of Her Own, Simone de Beauvoir’s Le Deuxième Sexe and Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble. Using Edward Said’s idea of travelling theory as her starting point, the author follows the reception of the above texts in Central and Eastern Europe and in selected Western countries, concluding that only rarely does a translation play a major role in the circulation of theories, disseminated primarily through secondary academic and quasi-academic discourses.Item Piórem niewieścim. Z problemów prozy kobiecej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Kraskowska, EwaThe book explores some aspects of Polish prose written by women authors in the two decades between the World Wars.Item Poetka i joga(Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 2015) Kraskowska, Ewa; Grądziel-Wójcik, Joanna; Kwiatkowska, Agnieszka; Umerle, TomaszArtykuł zawiera interpretacje wierszy Anny Świrszczyńskiej związanych z praktykowaniem przez poetkę jogi.Item Polskie pisarstwo kobiet w wieku XX: procesy i gatunki, sytuacje i tematy(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kraskowska, Ewa; Kaniewska, BogumiłaWieloautorski tom to cenna monografia, a zarazem podręcznik do historii literatury polskiej XX w. uwzględniający równorzędny udział kobiet-pisarek w tworzeniu piśmiennictwa narodowego. Będzie to nie tylko obowiązkowa polonistyczna synteza uniwersytecka oraz lektura uzupełniająca dla przedstawicieli innych dziedzin humanistyki, lecz także książka zaspokajająca gusty wszelkich miłośników i znawców polskiej kultury dwudziestowiecznej. Część pierwsza, „Procesy i gatunki”, stawia sobie za cel ukazanie procesu historycznoliterackiego z perspektywy genderowej oraz opis genologiczny dwudziestowiecznego pisarstwa kobiet. W części drugiej, „Sytuacje i tematy”, zostają poddane refleksji związki uczuciowo-intelektualne między pisarkami, miejsce kobiety-pisarki w komunikacji literackiej, doświadczenie Zagłady, wojny i emigracji w pisarstwie kobiet, status pisarki regionalnej, humor w kobiecych narracjach osobistych, przeszłość i historia w pisarstwie kobiet, różne wymiary religijności w liryce kobiecej oraz problematyka cielesności w poezji i prozie kobiecej.Item Sama wśród mężczyzn. Zofia Nałkowska jako instytucja życia literackiego w międzywojennej Polsce(2013) Kraskowska, EwaThe article presents the role of Zofia Nałkowska in inter-war Polish literary culture. Her activity in the structures of literary life was combined with personal commitment to promotion of young talented authors. While she maintained close bonds with the political elites of the Polish Republic, she also functioned above the ideological divisions, actively supporting authors who were opposed the state. As the only woman she was member of the Polish Academy of Literature. Her participation in the official forms of public life forced her to spend time mostly in male company. At the same time, Nałkowska’s most important relationships, both with women and men, developed in private space.Item Virginia Woolf i sztuka biografii(Tygodnik Powszechny, 2011-04-17) Kraskowska, EwaArtykuł dotyczy miejsca pisarstwa biograficznego w tworczości Virginii Woolf i ukazuje, w jaki sposób autorka "Pani Dalloway" polemizuje z wiktoriańskim modelem żywotopisarstwa (na przykładzie utworów "Orlando" oraz "Flush"). Omówione są tu również polskie przekłady trzech biografii samej Virginii Woolf.