Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1977, nr 3


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    Spis treści RPEiS 39(3), 1977
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977)
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    Powstanie, treść i znaczenie radzieckiego ustroju federalnego
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Siemieński, Feliks
    L'auteur dans son article, preparé à l'occasion de 60ème anniversaire en 1977 de la Révolution d'Octobre et de l'anniversaire de 55 ans dès la création de l'Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques, discute la conception de Lénine de la solution du problème de la nationalité sur le principe de l'internationalisme du prolétariat, ensuite il discute les relations de nationalité en Russie d'avant la révolution, la genèse et la formation de la RSFSR et ensuite de l'URSS en tant que les Etats construits sur le principe de féderation; il montre aussi les formes de l'autonomie nationale-territoriale en URSS, ensuite il montre et discute les principes de base du fédéralisme soviétique, comme: le principe de la Construction de la fédération sur la base nationale et dans le but de résoudre le problème de nationalité, le principe de la bonne volonté en création de la fédération, le principe de l'égalité des droits des républiques fédérales et le principe de leur souveraineté, de même le principe de l'union de l'URSS en tant que l'Etat fédéral, il montre aussi sur l'acception des expériences de l'URSS dans le domaine de la solution du problème national dans le monde contemporain, pour les autres pays.
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    Gmina we współczesnym systemie konstytucyjnym Jugosławii
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Simović, Vojislav
    L'article présente une position de la commune contemporaine dans le système socio-politique et constitutionnel de la RSFY. L'auteur discute tour à tour: 1) le caractère et le lieu de la commune yougoslave contemporaine; 2) sa conception constitutionnelle et la position et 3) quelques problèmes de la pratique de la réalisation de cette position. Dans la première partie de l'article l'auteur souligne le double caractère de la commune: elle est non seulement un élément du régime social d'autogestion mais aussi l'institution constitutionnelle. Sur la base de l'analyse de la formation du nouveau système social de la Yougoslavie avec la création de la démocratie d'autogestion et la nécessité de transformer l'Etat même, l'auteur conclut que la commune occupe une place particulière dans tout le système des communautés et des organisations d'autogestion. Elle est le premier degré de l'intégration de toutes les communautés et organisations et des intérêts fondamentaux du peuple travailleur, des nations et nationalités en échelle de la société. La deuxième partie de l'article comprend l'analyse des décisions de la Constitution de la RSFY, de constitution des républiques et des circonscriptions et du statut de la commune. Cette analyse montre, que la commune est une communauté d'autogestion ainsi qu'une communauté socio-politique dans le système unifié des communautés socio-politiques ou politiques-territoriales. Dans cette partie l'auteur discute les fonctions et les compétences de la commune, son organisation, les formes de la gestion et de rendre les décisions, etc. Dans la troisième partie on dit surtout sur les deux problèmes de la réalisation pratique de la position de la commune fixée constitutionnellement. Ce sont les problèmes concernant le processus de rendre les décisions et du fonctionnement régulier du système de délégation.
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    Prawo do wykształcenia i jego praktyczna realizacja przy wychowaniu i kształceniu studentów w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Büchner-Uhder, Willi; Poppe, Eberhard
    Le point du départ de cet article c'est la présentation de la fonction qui remplit le droit à l'instruction dans le régime socialiste. C'est sur ce fond, que les auteurs discuten les dispositons juridiques concernant l'enseignement supérieur et ces dispositions qui garantissent aux étudiants la coparticipation dans le processus de l'enseignement et de l'éducation.
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    Podwójne podporządkowanie w terenowej administracji państwowej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Habuda, Ludwik
    Dans l'article l'auteur fait l'analyse d'utilité de la construction de la subordination double en tant qu'une méthode d'application pratiquement le principe du centralisme démocratique. L'auteur s'appuie sur les résultats des recherches empiriques effectuées dans l'administration territoriale et constate: Prémièrement, il y a la possibilité de la limitation des influences contradictoires, qui sont liées à la construction de la subordination double, par la voie de la réduction du dégré de la centralisation de la gérance dans l'administration d'Etat. Deuxièmement, dans l'administration territoriale d'Etat il y a l'impossibilité de la résignation entière de la subordination double (en réalité elle est multiple). Troisièmement, il faut profiter de la construction de la subordination double en tant que la possiblité instiitutionnelle d'exprimer la critique sociale et le contrôle du fonctionnement d'administration et en tant que l'instrument de la lutte contre les tendences bureaucratiques.
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    Społeczna rola i uwarunkowania samorządu spółdzielczego. (O potrzebie samorządu spółdzielczego)
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Kowalak, Tadeusz; Piekara, Andrzej
    Le coopérativisme répond au besoin social des communautés locales ou des groupes professionnels sur les institutions socio-économiques, d'autogestion, locales et démocratiques. La coopérative est une institution adéquate surtout là, où il s'agit des affaires et des besoins de «la nature et du fond des choses locales et exigeant d'une gestion décentralisée. De plus la coopérative est une forme de l'administration de l'entreprise, remarquablement favorisant l'émancipation et la mise à profit des valeurs locales matérieles ainsi qu'intellectuelles, est donc un bon instrument pour organiser (activiser) le progrès social et économique, surtout dans les milieux désirant sortir de l'obscurantisme et des contraints à s'appuyer surtout sur les propres forces et moyens et sur la propre prévoyance collective. Il existe cependant des conditions, dont l'accomplissement dépend l'activité de la coopérative effective et désirable. C'est à ces conditions et les conséquences de leur non observation qu'est consacré cet article. Les auteurs ont montré les conditions suivantes les plus importantes: — le degré convenable de l'autonomie et de l'indépendance de la coopérative par rapport aux organes et institutions répresentant le système global dominant, — la démocratie coopérative consistant en influence décisive des membres sur le choix de l'appareil du pouvoir de la coopérative, sur la participation aux décisions, l'inspiration, le contrôle et l'application de la responsabilité sociale, — le caractère de groupe — il s'agit des groupes intégrés, homogènes, sociaux, constituant la société et non la masse anonyme, — le caractère local, consistant et liaison essentielle avec le milieu déterminé social local, — la représentation et la protection des intérêts sociaux, matériels, professionnels etc. des membres de la coopérative. A la lumière des conditions susmentionnées les auteurs ont soumis à l'analyse quelques coopératives existant en Pologne (d'agriculture, des consommateurs etc.) constatant, que la tendance à un vite progrès technique et au dévéloppement économique dans le coopérativisme la conduit parfois sur la voie de la concentration exagérée de la technocratisation et beaurocratisme dans la gestion en liaison de cela les fonctions sociales et éducatives de la coopérative diminuent, leur caractère d'autogestion et la participation des membres aux affaires et décisions de la coopérative se bornent. Ce sont les tendances et les phénomènes, dont se sont occupés les centres politiques ainsi que scientifiques en Pologne dans l'intention de leur s'opposer et d'assurer le fonctionnement régulier de l'autogestion coopérative, qui est l'un des éléments de la démocratie socialiste — convenablement conçue.
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    Trendy rozwojowe federalizmu amerykańskiego
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Jaskiernia, Jerzy
    Federal structure of American governmental system, shaped by the 1787 Constitution, has survived till now, although governmental institutions have undergone transformations together with the change of socio-economic conditions. The model of dual federalism has given way to the model of cooperative federalism. In spite of the centralist trends started by the New Deal reforms, the (initiatives undertaken by presidents L. B. Johnson (Creative federalism), R. M. Nixon and G. R. Ford (new federalism) mean an attempt at preserving the equilibrium between the federal government and states. Intensification of forms of subsidies used till now (grants-in-aid) and introducing uconditional subsidies (revenue sharing) show that the lack of financial balance did not became for the federal government a signal for taking over the „endangered" state functions, a solution is sought in the way of strenghtening all the levels by subsidies so that can effectively manage their responsibilities as assigned to them by the federal division of tasks. To meet the growing responsibilities a modernization of state governments have been started in mid-sixties. The modernization increased the technocratic potential of state governments and broadened their possibilities in modern management. As alternatives to federal system the following solutions are most frequently quoted: regionalisation, basing local authorities on the institution of ethnic communes, increased importance of towns, the role of local authorities as ombudsman. These radical suggestions have however very little chance to be realized in immediate future, they might be caused only by a great crizis. American system reacts to smaller irregulations by releasing tensions. The immediate perspective goes in the direction of particular transformations aiming at: rationalization and consolidation of local units, revision of constitution and modernization of state level, broadening federal subsidies for states and local governments, increasing federal government's responsibility for securing social services, growth in direct contacts between the federal government and local authorities. No radical centralist or decentralist alternative does constitute a panaceum in American conditions. Attachment to traditional solutions taking in consideration adaptational possibilities of federalism seems to determinate its further functioning. Pragmatic tendencies will show themselves in attempts to modernize all levels of government in purpose to readjust them to changing needs and conditions of life of American society.
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    Nowe modele ochrony przed nieuczciwą reklamą w państwach kapitalistycznych
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Mokrysz-Olszyńska, Anna
    Le développement continu de la publicité provoque la diffusion de la cinommée publicité déloyale et cause la nécessité d'améliorer les méthodes de la protection des intérêts des concurrents et surtout des consommateurs. Dans l'article présenté ci-dessus on discute les modèles concernant la protection contre la publicité déloyale qui se sont développés en résultat des expériences des pays capitalistes (l'auteur cite les exemples de la RFA, des Etats Unis, et de la Suède). Ces modèles se fondent sur les méthodes de la protection appliquées afin de résourde le problème de la publicité déloyale; en différence aux principes de droit adoptés surmonter celle-ci. Le critère de la différenciation des modèles respectifs de la protection est le sujet de qui cette protection provient, donc dans l'article on analyse les problèmes suivants: autocontrôle des personnes qui agissent dans le domaine de la publicité — comme modèle dominant dans la RFA, autocontrôle liée à la large intervention d'Etat dans le domaine du marketing et de la publicité — modèle dominant aux Etats Unis, ainsi que l'autodéfence des différentes organisations des consommateurs et des organisations sociales, qui est le principal élément du modèle suédois de la protection contre la publicité déloyale.
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    Integracja problemów środowiska człowieka z systemem planowania urbanistycznego i regionalnego
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Domański, Ryszard
    There is a general opinion that problems of human environment should be incorporated in a system of management and planning of socio-economic development. Such incorporation gives the best frame for the treatment of these problems according to the requirements of the present time. The aim of this article is to present the way of incorporating environmental problems in the management system and especially in planning systems at urban and regional levels and conditions that ought to be fulfilled in order to make this incorporation effective. We assume the following organizational structure of the national economy. Decisions concerning environment are made along three organizational systems, that is: territorial system, sectoral system, and population. The territorial system consists of three levels: local, regional and national. Large urban-industrial agglomerations are units of regional level. The sectoral system consists of enterprises, industrial corporations and economic ministries. This system includes also cooperatives and social organizations. The third system consists of households. The biggest transformations of environment are caused by the sectoral system. What are the necessary conditions of incorporating environmental problems to management, urban and regional planning at the given organizational structure? The author defines sixteen such conditions. Among them are: 1) Plans of cities and regions ought to take into account guiding principles of the central programme of environment protection, which is a part of the integrated socio-economic programming. 2) It is indispensable to work out new instruments of environment protection planning. They are: quantification of environmental factors and linking data concerning the enviroment with regional statistic data, linking environmental criteria in decision models with technological, economic and social criteria, modelling antropogenic changes in the environment, including environmental factors in cost-benefit analysis. 3) It is indispensable to coordinate plans and activities of territorial and sectoral systems as far as environment development is concerned. 4) The decisive role in coordination of operational character should be given to regional organs of planning and management. 5) Prevention of environmental disturbance should be the main principle of environmental protection. 6) It is necessary to call into being an environmental inspection agency and give it regulatory authority. What way of incorporating environmental problems in the management systems would satisfy the necessary conditions of effective incorporation? The way presented below does not take all conditions into account. In order to ensure clarity of graphic presentation we limit ourselves to two conditions 3 and 4 which play an especially significant role in the author's conception therefore require emphasis.
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    Urbanizacja wsi jako przejaw historycznego procesu rozwoju rynku
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Czyżewski, Andrzej
    In our treatise we attempted to present role of the market factor in the development of broadly meant country urbanization processes. From the historical point of view the development of market processes consists in a change of closed and self — sufficient production — consumption structure into another structure having advanced marked motivation of production decisions and based upon an analysis in terms of price, output and profit. Lack of above terms or their imperfect performance in the country of feudal and capitalistic Poland did not provide an effective alternative of work beyond agriculture. The situation has changed after the second world war. Dynamic development of non — agricultural activities has contributed to above change, which has definitely extended the labour market, thus causing a growth of consumptional demand for agricultural products and resulting in an (increase of market-bound process of meeting needs in the country. While pointing at the market mechanism as the factor which contributed to the process of changes lin rural areas one must emphasize however that in socialistic economy said process is not model — like pure. One must accept the fact however that economic relations of realization in the country of Poland assume the market form, while being part of planned or state controlled system. In further considerations mediums and symptoms of country urbanization were discussed, showing an effect of the following factors, namely migration of people, transfer of commodities and infiltration of technical progress. Said factors induce a change in living conditions in the country and determine spatial transformations, infrastructural modifications, rising standard of flat furnishings, etc. All these phenomena are admittedly a function of expenditures, which are largely effected by revenues created and realized through the market. Above revenues influence an extent and range of country urbanization, in which economic factors are ranking first.
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    Światowy rynek żywności: powstanie — przemiany — perspektywy
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Wojciechowski, Henryk
    The studies concerning the development and transformations which are taking place on the world food market are being widely conducted primarily because of the importance of food in the process of shaping the social and economic world development. At present the food factor — its resources and capabilities of meeting the growing needs of mankind — is the barrier limiting its future development. From the beginnings of XIX cent. the increase in world food production is a relatively smooth process, correlated with the constantly growing demand. However, already in the interwar period the world food market is undergoing serious perturbations, having their root in the difficulties of adjusting supply to effective demand. Those perturbations grew even stronger in the last 25 post-war years, during which a dramatic deepening of food crisis can be observed, focussing once more the attention on the mutual relationeship of the food supply size, food reserves, food demand and the corresponding prices. The explosion of food crisis in 1972 in these circumstances only confirms an expansion of food production on the one hand and the size of world population on the other, a correlation that affects the future world economic development as well as its economic transformations, particulary in the Third World countries. The author concentrates mainly on the possibilities of shoving off the barrier restraining further world economic development, which at present constitute the permanently growing food requirements (impossible to meet). As one of the remedies in this respect the author sees the introduction of specific changes in the world's trade pattern in the terms of trade. They will certainly have a complicated and composite character, as they stemm from numerous and various interrelated factors which are shaping the world food market.
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    Teoria Malthusa w świetle aktualnej sytuacji na światowym rynku pszenicy
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Jankowiak, Ludwik
    After a short representation of the population theory and the law of diminishing land returns, the author characterises the world wheat market, drawing attention to the fact that already for many years the rate of wheat growth exceeds that of population growth. That fact, however, does not exclude periodical shortcomings in different world regions. The world wheat reserves also show a growing tendency — what in turn has its effect on prices on the world market. The author dwells next on efforts to bring some order in the world wheat market. He puts forward an opinion that something must change in the world demographic picture. The pressure to increase wheat production cannot have a permanent character.
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    Nowe rozwiązania w stosunkach handlowych EWG z krajami rozwijającymi się
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Nędzyński, Jacek
    The last few years make a period of an unusual economic and political activity of the developing countries tending to change their economic status in the world. Many international conferences trying to work out an universal help conception for the Third World have reflected this tendency. The signature of the „co-operation agreement" which has been subscribed in Lomé, February the 28th, 1975 by the EEC and by 46 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, is being willingly presented by EEG authorities as a model of exemplary relations between prospering and developing countries. The Lomé agreement should really bring advantage to the above-mentioned developing countries (all the more so as almost all commercial restrictions have been one-sidedly repeald and so as the export incomes stabilization system has been introduced), especially in the moment when the universal help programs for the Third World cannot reach to be realized. On the other hand, many resolutions of this agreement are arousing reservations. Almost all the „Black Africa" and some other developing countries will find in the EEC businesses a consequence of the agreement. For the EEC, the agreement is one more step continuing the traditional colonial bonds and the policy of expansion in the Third World. The agreement will render difficult the relations between socialist countries and that countries which have signed it. In this situation, the socialist countries must tend to work out new forms of co-operation, especially in industrial and technological spheres. It seems that some Third World countries would do better if tried to update their own economy instead of searching for the EEC help in order to attain their speed-up economic progress.
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    Rola handlu w zaopatrzeniu produkcyjnym rolnictwa
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Brojerski, Marek
    The purpose of the present considerations was to determine the role of trade of articles for agricultural production, its conditions and the directions of changes. The main thesis of these considerations was the statement that the organization of trade of articles for agricultural production is not a spontaneous phenomenon, but it depends on the conditions of its activities — and therefore it is indirectly dependant on the economic level of agriculture. The problem resolves itself into observing the effects of the influence of the different economic levels of agriculture on the activities of trade of articles for agricultural production. A lot of attention is paid to determining the directions of development of trade of articles for argicultural production. It is impossible to realize stimultaneously all the factors which make it difficult for us to determine the role of trade in the field of circulation of supplies for agriculture. At the present moment the speed and the scale of the socio-economic changes in agriculture are unknown. The experience of trade of these articles when there exists a full satisfaction of productive needs of agriculture is too small. Nevertheless, we may assume that the situation of creating big farms and developing direct commodities circulation industry-farms there are possibilities of goods traffic excluding the rural trade network.
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    Uwagi na temat usług dla rolnictwa
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Śniegowska, Danuta
    In this article the services for agriculture are presented on the background of the economics of food. The demand for these services in the region depends on the volume of the agriculture production and on the level of region development. It is proposed to determine the quantitative demand for the services for agriculture in the region at the same time for all kinds of services, as a result of manysided internal and external links of the food-complex. For this purpose the input-output table for the agriculture is recommended.
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    Intensyfikacja ruchu towarów i postulaty w sprawie rachunku kosztów
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Böttcher, Heinz-Günther; Witt, Ingeborg
    Growth of developed socialist society mainly takes place by intensification of economic processes. The intensification is of a strategic character and it is treated as a main instrument of the economic policy. By such means only, satisfying of constantly growing material and cultural needs of the society as well as further improvement of the domestic trade efficiency is possible. The great role within the process of intensification of the economy falls to the cost calculus. The cost can be treated as a measure of the intensification efficiency. It means that in the level of cost the efficiency is reflected showing how the intensification tasks are fulfilled and how particular working groups mastered the intensification factors in all sectors of their activities. Intensification of commodity distribution from production to consumption and the economic efficiency results being connected with that, put new demands on the traditional cost calculus. These demands are reflected in a variety of postulates, which are discussed in the article in detail. Enterprises of the socialized trade in the GDR have at their disposal at present well functioning cost calculus connected with a place of generation. This calculus will be developed and improved further in such direction. Moreover, the initial examination of costs by assortment structure is now realized. Both forms of calculus, however, give no authoritative information on costs to create regional forms of turnover of commodities. Hence the authors present in the article the conception of — so called — cost calculus directed on a given economic phenomenon. The calculus is due to make possible an appraisal of the economic effectiveness of all changes in the process of turnover of commodities. The cost calculus, which is directed on these processes is a new form of calculation of cost bearers. In presents a specific kind of calculations. It is the calculation of partial costs and productivities. The calculus creates a basis for getting the workers accustomed to think in new economic categories strongly connected with a need to recognize the size of costs.
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    Przegląd piśmiennictwa RPEiS 39(3), 1977
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977)
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    Sprawozdania i informacje RPEiS 39(3), 1977
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977)