Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 68, 2017


Recent Submissions

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    Identyfikacja cech reżimu odpływu rzek w Polsce na różnych poziomach grupowania
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Wrzesiński, Dariusz
    The paper presents the characteristics of the river regime types in Poland which were obtained by applying the unsupervised approach to the regime based on the results of clustering rivers with respect to the values of the 12 monthly flow coefficients in the average annual cycle. In the paper were used daily flow values from the period 1971–2010 for 516 gauges located on 280 Polish rivers.On three clustering levels, 5, 9 and 12 varieties of river runoff regimes were identified and detailed. The paper also presents the spatial distribution of rivers that represent these variants.
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    Typologia reżimu odpływu rzek w Polsce w podejściu nadzorowanym i nienadzorowanym
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Wrzesiński, Dariusz
    The paper presents a typology of the river regime in Poland obtained with the application of a supervised approach, i.e. a classic typology according to the assumptions of Dynowska with a regime typology obtained in an unsupervised approach by means of hierarchical grouping. In both cases, the explanatory variables were monthly flow coefficients – respectively: only from spring and summer months, with predefined threshold values, or 12-month flow coefficients. The paper applied daily flow values from the period 1971– 2010 for 516 gauges located on 280 Polish rivers. In both approaches, five types of regime were designated, including rivers characterised by a similar distribution and range of monthly runoff values in an average annual cycle. The designated groups, however, differ in abundance, which affects the image of spatial distribution of rivers representing the types of regime identified. The analysis shows that irrespective of the adopted method of designation, two types of regime, namely nival poorly developed and pluvio-nival are evidently characterised by different patterns of flow variability in an average annual cycle, and concern similar groups of rivers.
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    Geowizualizacja wpływu czasów wschodu i zachodu Słońca na godziny dyżurowania Lotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Wielebski, Łukasz
    The varying length of daytime (the period of time between sunrise and sunset) influenced by seasons and geographic location, also affects the on-call time of some aeromedical emergency service teams stationed at Polish Medical Air Rescue (PMAR) bases in Poland. The article presents geovisualizations of data from 2017 which illustrate the impact of sunrise and sunset times on the on-call time of PMAR bases and the level of protection of Polish territory for airborne medical aid.
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    The period of intense vegetation growth and maturing of plants in north-western Poland
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Tomczyk, Arkadiusz; Szyga-Pluta, Katarzyna
    The objective of the study consisted in determining the changeability of the dates of commencement and termination of the period of intense vegetation growth and the period of maturing of plants in north-western Poland, and also the respective durations thereof. Use was made of data concerning average monthly air temperatures for the years 1966–2015, which were obtained from the collections of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute. The period of intense vegetation growth has been defined as a period with average daily air temperature of ≥ 10oC, whereas the period of maturing of plants as one with an average daily air temperature of ≥ 15oC. The dates of commencement and termination of the aforementioned periods were determined using mathematical formulae proposed by Gumiński. On average, the period of intense vegetation growth commenced 3 days/10 years earlier and terminated 1 day/10 years later. In turn, the period of maturing of plants commenced on average 2 days/10 years earlier and terminated on average 2 days/10 years later. Research also revealed an increase in the duration of both the period of intense vegetation growth, and the period of maturing of plants in north-western Poland.
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    Variation of cloudiness in the mountain region on the example of the Sudetes
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Szyga-Pluta, Katarzyna
    The purpose of the study is to present a comparison of cloudiness at different levels of a mountain region and to emphasize the specific characteristics of cloud cover observed in valleys and on mountain summits, based on the example of the Sudetes. The analysis is based on cloudiness observations made in Jelenia Góra and on Mt Śnieżka in the years 1971–2015. The results obtained in the study demonstrate that the average cloudiness generally increases with altitude in the Sudetes. However, in the colder half of the year, in anticyclonic weather and thermal inversion conditions, this system may be inverted. There are more cloudless and clear days on average in the valleys and more overcast and cloudy days recorded at the tops of the Sudetes. The annual cloud cover amount is similar, due to atmospheric circulation. The diurnal pattern varies as an effect of the influence of local conditions. The increase in cloudiness during the period from 1971–2015 is more significant in Jelenia Góra than on Śnieżka.
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    Przymrozki i okres bezprzymrozkowy w latach 2001–2016 na Stacji Ekologicznej w Jeziorach (Wielkopolski Park Narodowy)
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Szyga-Pluta, Katarzyna
    The paper presents the characteristics of frosts occurrence at the Ecological Station in Jeziory (Wielkopolski National Park) in years 2001–2016. The frequency of occurrence of frosts in the spring and autumn, their intensity and duration of the frost-free period were analyzed. A tendency was observed to extend the frost-free period, which results primarily from the early disappearance of spring frosts. The slight frosts occurred the most often in Jeziory. The most severe frosts occurred occasionally due to the specific location of the station on the forest clearing.
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    Sezony hydrologiczne w czterech wybranych rzekach Polski o zróżnicowanych warunkach kształtowania się reżimu odpływu
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Stanisławczyk, Beata; Tomalski, Przemysław
    The article describes an attempt at the delimitation of hydrological seasons in four rivers in Poland. The rivers are located in mountain (Raba), highland (Kamienna), lowland (Bzura) and lakeland (Pisa) areas. The number of hydrological seasons identified in the examined group of rivers equals 11. There are 4 seasons in each of the rivers. Each season may occur more than once a year in the studied river. Therefore, the number of occurrences of seasons varies from 9 to 19. The hydrographs of mountain rivers are more fragmented, while the lowland and lakeland rivers have longer seasons.
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    Porównanie procesu kartowania elementów środowiska przyrodniczego z wykorzystaniem technologii GPS i UAV
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Smaczyński, Maciej
    The dynamic development of unmanned aerial vehicles allows them to be used in various sectors of everyday life. Also in the field of earth sciences, increasingly often unmanned aerial vehicles are seen as a tool for spatial data acquisition, on the basis of which it is possible to edit the thematic map. Often, the mapping of the natural environment for the purposes of editing the map is done using a GPS receiver. This allows the accuracy of the mapping on map scales of 1:10 000 and smaller. The need to edit large scale maps in the aspect of the natural environment components protection requires the use of more accurate measurement methods. The research problem is to identify the potential of low aerial imagery in the environmental inventory process. For this purpose, the results acquired from the GPS receiver and UAV technology will be analyzed.
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    Wpływ urbanizacji na zmiany hydrogramu odpływu w zlewni Żylicy (Beskidy Zachodnie)
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Holeksa, Szymon; Raciok, Mateusz; Absalon, Damian
    Mathematical models which transfer downfall to surface runoff are applied for a catchment whose area is smaller than 50 km2 and where high-water stages are caused by rainfall. The aim of the paper was to investigate changing hydrographs as a result of increasing urbanization. Calculations were performed using models which transfer effective rainfall into surface runoff. The modelling was carried out for three different periods which were characterized by different use: historical, current and predicted. Effective rainfall was transferred into surface runoff using Snyder’s model. Retention was calculated by SCS-CN model.
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    Charakterystyka wybranych parametrów fizyczno-chemicznych jeziora Gostomie (Puszcza Notecka)
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Ptak, Mariusz; Nowak, Bogumił
    The paper presents results of observations from the period 2012–2013 concerning selected physical and chemical water parameters in Lake Gostomie (Noteć Forest, western Poland). They covered: surface water temperature, water temperature in the depth profile, dissolved oxygen concentration in the depth profile, electrolytic conductivity and water transparency. In spite of a short observation period, their detailed record constitutes a reference for comparative research in the future. Collecting similar information over the upcoming years will permit the assessment of the scale and rate of transformations of Lake Gostomie.
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    Wpływ Oscylacji Północnoatlantyckiej na zmiany stabilności reżimu stanów wody jezior w Polsce
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Plewa, Katarzyna; Wrzesiński, Dariusz
    The paper presents results of research on the stability of water stage regime of Polish lakes in different phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The stability of the regime was defined as the degree of regularity of occurrence of a particular phase of the hydrological regime, i.e. high and low water stages. The determination of the stability of water stage regime in lakes applied the stability coefficient. The analysis covered data concerning mean monthly values of water stages from 1976–2010 for 34 lakes located in Polish lakelands. According to the study, the effect of changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation on water stages in lakes is variable in time and space. In the positive NAO phase, maximums on lakes occur earlier than on average – in winter and spring, and in the negative phase - later. Minimums change in a lower range, particularly in the positive NAO phase. In the negative phase, on the majority of lakes, the term of appearance of Imin was later than on average. The term of occurrence of minimums is considerably variable, particularly in the positive phase, and in the negative phase it is usually later, and occurs in autumn.
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    Przestrzenne i czasowe zróżnicowanie amplitud stanów wody jezior w Polsce w latach 1981–2015
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Plewa, Katarzyna; Wrzesiński, Dariusz; Baczyńska, Alicja
    The objective of the paper is the determination of the value and spatial variability of monthly and annual amplitudes of water stages in Polish lakes. The study applied daily values of water stages of 74 lakes located in Polish lakelands. Mean, maximum, and extreme amplitudes of water stages were calculated for each month and year in the period 1981–2015. The study revealed similar spatial distribution of isoamplitudes. Considerably higher amplitudes, however, both monthly and annual, occurred in coastal lakes and in the central part of the lakeland belt from Gopło to Druzno.
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    Wpływ działalności bobra europejskiego Castor fiber L. na zmiany stosunków wodnych na Polesiu Zachodnim
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Omelczuk, Łukasz; Kozieł, Marcin
    Beavers are one of the few species that, due to their engineering capabilities, can make significant changes in the natural environment. These animals contribute to changes in water conditions in a catchment area by raising dams on watercourses. Beavers slow down the drainage of water to surface and underground retention. The main aim of the study was the inventory of changes in the water conditions caused by the activity of beavers in the area of the Polesie Zachodnie region. It presents the results of field observations carried out at six sites in Mosty and Żuków villages. The observations were conducted from October 2015 to June 2016. In these places numerous beaver ponds were found, which were then measured in QGIS 2.14 programme. Other changes in the hydrography of this area have also been identified – the formation of a new watercourse or the initiation of meander formation. In addition to the obvious changes in vegetation resulting from the feeding habits of animals, vegetation has been observed following changes in water conditions (e.g. the emergence of new wetland species).
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    Zmienność częstości i charakteru przebiegu zjawisk lodowych na rzece Parsęcie w aspekcie zmian klimatycznych
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Łukaszewicz, Jan; Jawgiel, Kamil
    The article presents the frequency, occurrence and variability of ice phenomena on the Parsęta River from 1951–2010. The variability of the course and nature of the ice phenomena has been described against the background of the changing climate, with particular emphasis on the variability of the air temperature and the thermodynamics of winter periods. In order to better visualize the variability of the thermals of the individual winter seasons, climatic classification of the individual periods was carried out and the anomalies were determined on the basis of it. The work also includes the course of atmospheric circulation, which determines the course of the air temperature on the river basin. For this purpose, the Jones index has been used, which is calculated to represent the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Based on the research, the shortest and longest periods of ice phenomena have been distinguished and their formation has been determined, depending on the variability of air temperature and water. The division of the ice phenomena into individual types and forms is also included in this article.
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    Uwarunkowania kształtujące zachowanie człowieka na terenach zalewowych a antropogeniczne zmiany obiegu wody
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Łukaczyński, Jakub
    Despite attempts by the public authorities to limit the development of human activities in floodplain areas, people do not stop using or settling on such terrain. This paper aims to identify and briefly describe the determinants and factors influencing decisions to conduct activities in the floodplain areas. The current findings in the literature were taken as the object of analysis, and man as the subject of an individual decisionmaking process as the point of reference. Attention has also been paid to the interdependencies between the use of floodplains by man and changes in water circulation that reflect on the intensity of floods.
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    Ocena doboru metod implementacji XIX-wiecznych map topograficznych do współczesnego układu współrzędnych w aplikacji Qgis
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Lorek, Dariusz
    The development of precise triangulation measurements at the beginning of the 19th century enabled map creation on the basis of plane tabling and pioneer triangulation sequences. One of the first great topographic masterpieces in Europe was the Prussian topographic map Urmesstischblätter dating back to the years 1822–1876, composed of 3000 sheets. The aim of the study was to propose and test a method for handling single Urmesstischblätter sheets in terms of georeferencing the not fully cartometric sheets and fitting the map into a modern reference system with Qgis software. The raster images of the Urmesstischblätter maps had coordinates assigned to them, which was accomplished by fitting the images to the local coordinate system PL-1992 (EPSG:2180). In an attempt to minimise the distortions, i.e., to improve the cartometricity of the source images, an alternative method of georeferencing was proposed – namely, local georeferencing.
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    Verifying reliability of selected meteorological elements in the GFS and WRF models in Poznań
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Kendzierski, Sebastian
    The article presents the results of a study comparing the reliability of the GFS and WRF numerical models using different spatial resolutions. The study was carried out on the basis of a series of model and observational data for a period of 13 months from January 2015 to January 2016 with computational grid coordinates corresponding to the location of Poznań. Forecast quality was compared for basic meteorological parameters – air temperature, atmospheric pressure and wind speed. The quality of forecasts for the meteorological parameters included in the study decreased systematically in subsequent time steps in the case of both the WRF and the GFS models. It improved in the initial hours of simulation after a higher resolution was applied for the computational grid in the WRF model (1,75 km) as can be seen from the minimal Mean Error values and very high correlation. For forecast time t = 0–60 h, WRF generated better results than GFS, especially when it comes to the quality of forecasting the atmospheric pressure field.
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    Porównanie przebiegu temperatury powietrza i wilgotności względnej w Petuniabukta i Svalbard-Lufthavn (Spitsbergen) w sezonie letnim 2016
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Kendzierski, Sebastian
    This work presents the values of air temperature and relative humidity measured in the period 7th July 2016 – 31th August 2016 in Petuniabukta and Svalbard-Lufthavn. The course of air temperature and humidity was compared. These values depend primarily on the type of atmospheric circulation. In the article, basic statistical methods were used (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation Pearson coefficient). The research revealed that Petuniabukta point is colder by 0.2°C and has higher average relative humidity of about 3%. Higher temperatures cause smaller differences of air temperature and relative humidity at the tested points. Also in this case, a lower value for relative humidity was observed.
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    Wpływ zmian powierzchni zieleni miejskiej w Poznaniu na parametr CN metody SCS i współczynnik spływu powierzchniowego
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2017) Jawgiel, Kamil; Łukaszewicz, Jan
    Land use changes are important in water circulation. Already at the stage of water supply to basin precipitation it’s modified into effective precipitation and then filters into the substrate or runs off the surface of the area. Identifying the significance of these changes is key in setting the limits for urbanization in terms of water management and flood protection. The most commonly used method for calculating the precipitation effect that causes outflow is the SCS method. The underlying assumption of this method is the dependence of effective precipitation on the type of land cover, soil and soil moisture. This article presents the application of this method in the context of the study of surface runoff in an urbanized area, where changes in land use during the last century have influenced the runoff.