Refleksje, nr 5, wiosna-lato 2012

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    Wyjście z kryzysu - proces stabilizacji oraz odbudowa państwa afgańskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Wesołowska-Maciejewska, Anna
    Afghanistan is one of the most unstable countries in the world. The process of reconstruction began in 2001 when Taliban regime was defeated. It is difficult to stabilize situation in Afghanistan. Stabilization requires the help from an international community, especially the European Union, the ISAF and the United States of America. The support is mostly financial and material. However, there are many problems such as production and smuggling of drugs. Another problem is also Afghans’ huge poverty. These factors influence the completion of tasks negatively.
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    Gwinea - państwo po juncie
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Zobeniak, Marta
    After decades of inefficient governance and misuse of authority, the Guinean armed forces are a potential source of instability which could still throw the state (and the region) into chaos. If not reformed thoroughly, they will continue to pose a threat to a democratic civilian rule. The establishment of a transitional government and the ongoing electoral process are a significant opportunity. The objective of the reform process is to establish a much smaller force, accountable to civilians and capable of meeting the country’s security needs. The suspension of the second round of the presidential elections has heightened tension. Fears remained that if the election is not completed successfully, it may seize the opportunity to intervene again. This would be a major setback to any prospect of medium-term reform, which requires respect for civilian rule and oversight.
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    Struktura i determinanty bezrobocia w krajach rozwijających się
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Szcześniak, Patrycja
    Unemployment is a problem in present international reality that is com- mon all over the world. However, developing countries are particularly exposed to the consequences of unemployment. The author explains why in developing areas, where drama of unemployment is measured not by an amount of the unemployed, but by the amount of people close to starvation, it is so difficult to combat. The article presents an attempt to analyze the situation of developing countries in the context of unemployment. What is more, a particular attention will be paid to the fact that some financial support and social and cultural changes are needed.
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    Programowa niechęć do państwa jako kwintesencja zjawiska identyfikacji narodowej wśród Kurdów tureckich – analiza głównych przejawów nacjonalizmu kurdyjskiego w Turcji
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Szkudlarek, Magdalena
    The aim of this article is to present a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of Kurdish nationalism and identity in Turkey. An emphasis will be placed on aspects such as the lack of acceptance of Kurdish nationalists for state-oriented attitudes among some Kurds, the lack of acceptance for the Turkish government’s pro-Kurdish decisions and abusing of tragic Turks and Kurds’ past by both sides of the con-flict in order to win the propaganda war. The groundless conviction that “Kurdish nationalism” and “ PKK terrorism” is the same thing leads to misunderstanding that terror is the only indication of showing Kurdish identity. The true complexity of this phenomenon will be presented in this article.
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    Znaczenie Turcji dla gospodarki i bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Pohl, Artur
    In the second decade of 21st century the European Union will have to face the economic crisis and a problem of its domestic and international security enhancement. In both cases, the Turkish access to the organization can be a cure for European problems. Fast-growing economy, with young, well-educated society as well as big market may be an impulse to the economic growth of the EU. Economic surroundings and geostrategic location of Turkey, with its strong and modern army, can positively affect the security of the organization.
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    Spory w relacjach transatlantyckich
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Ziemborska, Liliana
    The Transatlantic Security Community, the mainstay of which is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has passed through a crisis repeatedly. At the beginning of the XXIst century the actions of the American Administration and a sceptical attitude of the Europeans towards the American war against terrorism caused an open con-flict between the allies from across the ocean. However, the tensions between military and political concepts of NATO have been increasing from the 1960’s. In the article entitled Disputes in transatlantic relations the most significant crises are raised, including the time of cold war, the 1990’s and the beginning of the XXIst century, when it came to a breach of Alliance which expressed the variable international conditions.
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    Archipelag Senkaku. Źródło napięć na Morzu Wschodniochińskim
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Kaczmarek, Piotr
    The article analyzes the question of Senkaku islands dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan. The aim of the text is to present how the dispute has affected Japan-China bilateral relations. At first, the paper focuses on characterization: the subject of dispute, claims of countries, its course and an international aspect. The second part considers: the incident in September 2010 and its consequences, the dispute effects and prosperities of its regulations. The relations between China and Japan are very complicated. The Senkaku Islands dispute and 2010 incident are presently one of the most important reasons for disagreement.
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    „Dziki Zachód” Państwa Środka – bezpieczeństwo i gospodarka w chińskiej polityce wobec prowincji Xinjiang
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Mikołajczyk, Szymon
    The main purpose of the article is to present the Key elements of Chinese policy in Xinjiang. This western province represents 1/6 of China’s landmass and plays a significant role in Chinese security and econo- mic policy. This study tries to show the complexity of challenges that Chinese have to face in their attitude to Xinjiang. For years, Xinjiang was known as a primary front in Chinese war on terrorism. That is why, a question whether the government uses the threat of terrorism as an excuse to violate minority rights is raised. Recently, China has been implementing a new policy, which is more concerned on econo- mic development and improvement of living standards and could be a first step in a long way to stabilize the situation in the province.
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    „Wielka Gra” na Oceanie Indyjskim. Chiny, Indie i Stany Zjednoczone w regionalnej rywalizacji mocarstw
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Karczewski, Maciej
    The Indian Ocean constitutes an area which is rich in resources and vital to shipping. In this region there are some strategic sealines that enable communication of China and India with this resourceful area. Due to the fact that the Indian Ocean region is rich in oil, China and India seek dominance in this part of the world. The article expla- ins and describes the dynamic of greatpower rivalry in various aspects. It also analyzes the role of the Unites States as stabilizing power in the new political and economic environment in Asia.
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    Chińskie imperium ratuje euroland przed kryzysem
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań, 2012) Cywoniuk, Justyna
    Since 2007 the world has been dealing with financial and economic crisis. From that moment a period of enormous loans for indebted countries, especially for PIGS countries, has started. It is also the period of budget savings within the social, pension and wage area. Workers’ enslavement and a high unemployment rate caused mass demonstrations spreading from one neighboring country to another. The only solution to stabilize the situation in many countries was the infusion of an enormous amount of money in order to deal with multibillion debt. That is why, the EU has decided to help the European economies and the Euro zone. There has also been a real need for a bigger bailout. China has turned out to be a country that helped and stimulated many EU economies. The Asian country has given the financial support to countries belonging to PIGS. What is more, thanks to some investments China has started an ‘economic invasion’ in Europe. However, Chinese help is not disinteresting as it wants to achieve some political goals.