Bohemistyka, 2017, nr 3


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    Zpráva z deváté mezinárodní vědecké konference Cizí nebo jiný v českém jazyce a literatuře, Ratiboř 6.–7. září 2017 r.
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Hampl, Lubomír
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    Jubileusz Profesora Viktora Viktory
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Balowski, Mieczysław
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    Tożsamość narodowa a język
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Taboł, Sebastian
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    Souřadnice času a míst
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Martinek, Libor
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    Byla jednou jedna...
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Martinek, Libor
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    Divil se babiččinu důchodu
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Hrdlička, Milan
    We distinguish a lot of dialect variations among the forms of Czech possessive adjectives. Speakers often substitute a mixed declension (paradigm otcův – father´s) for a compound declension (paradigm dobrý – good) in everyday communication. The article brings attention to the fact that in case of a female possessor in the connection with masculine or neuter nouns, sometimes a colloquial ending -ě is used (Divil se babiččině důchodu – He was surprised by his grandmother´s pension) instead of a standard ending -u (Divil se babiččinu důchodu). However, this phenomenon is mentioned only by few Czech grammar books.
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    »Kříž u potoka« Karolíny Světlé
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Všetička, František
    In her novel Kříž u potoka (1868) Karolína Světlá applied a contrastive principle, which is seen mostly in the relationships between her characters. A part of this principle is represented by vertical space completed by a place of horror (locus horridus). The place of horror is twofold in this novel, the latter is related to the anticipant character (a holy old women). The novel is framed in two ways – in a mortal and a local way. The opening of the novel is represented by Vorgeschichte, while the rest of the story is covered in the superstitious time.
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    Dziedzictwo niechciane. Walka pamięci w tetralogii śląskiej Evy Tvrdej
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Pospiszil, Karolina
    The paper discusses the issue of (national/ethnical) cultural heritage and the conflict between hegemonic politics of memory and collective memory of cultural/ /ethnic minority based on the example of Silesian tetralogy by Eva Tvrdá, a writer tied to the Hlučín Region. Some of novels characters betray their families and community choosing to assimilate into Czech or German society, yet find full assimilation impossible, and identity cannot been reestablished. The constant feeling of being empty and incomplete becames a heritage, which Tvrda‘s characters pass down to the next generation.
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    The Interpretation of Quantitative and Corpus Analysis of Thematic Fields in First Collections of Short Stories by Jan Čep
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Změlík, Richard
    The present paper is a direct continuation of the first part Potencionality of Quantitative and Corpus Analysis to Literary Studies – Toward Methodology (The Analysis of Themtic Fields), which was published in third number of this journal in 2016. In this study we present in detail the exploration of posibilities of interpretation using quantitative and corpus methods and illustrate the way, how specific we can use the results of the named metohod in the literary interpretation.
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    Błędny rycerz, pielgrzym, tułacz, Rom – powroty do tematów nomadycznych w literaturze czeskiej
    (Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2017) Gawarecka, Anna
    The topics of pilgrimage, wandering or roam which were the main subject of the romantic anthropological ideas often returns in Czech literature. On the one hand these topics are included into the resources of universal motifs of the Western European culture, on the other hand they represents an important strand in the contemporary discussion on the modern conditio humana. The repetition of the nomadic topics, based on the advanced chain of the intertextual connections and assumed the preliminary understanding with the reader, who is knowledgeable in a world of the prearranged meanings and ways of representations of the figure of wanderer/pilgrim/ vagrant, is an argument of the long lasting field of imagination which is connected with this figure. It i also an suitable tool for the research of the journey as a symbol of human life.