Glottodidactica, Vol. 28 (2000)

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    Gemeinsames Schreiben in der Fremdsprache: Muster, Kreativität und das Glück des Autors
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) SCHINDLER, Kirsten
    The following article aims at examining the question in how far the text patterns influences the text production process. In an experimental study, German and Polish Students of French were asked to write a letter of application for a stage at the French enterprise Danone in groups of two. The groups could be distinguished due to their state of knowledge concerning the conventions of a typical French letter of application. In the article, I will show the different states from their text product. Besides, I will then ask what this knowledge, or the lack of it, may mean for the text production process. At the end, the article will focus on a discussion concerning the question of teaching writing in L2 and the idea of providing foreign language student with text patterns for different communicative tasks.
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    Wiedergabe von literarischen Vornamen in deutsch-polnischer Übersetzung (am Beispiel des Romans „Buddenbrooks” von Thomas Mann)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Pieciul, Eliza
    The article discusses the question of the position of proper names (first names) in literary German-Polish translation. The empirical basis consists of first names from the novel by Thomas Mann (The Buddenbrooks) and its Polish translation. The first part of the article contains a theoretical introduction in the field of onomastics and discusses the nature and specific features of first names (1). In the next step different strategies of rendering of literary proper names are presented (2). The empirical analysis (3) shows the two main translation strategies: transcribing and adapting of literary first names, and their consequences for the target language reception. The article sums up the analysis of chosen first names presenting linguistic and cultural conditions for rendering of proper names in literary translation (4).
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    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der interkulturellen Sprachvermittlung
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) PFEIFFER, Waldemar
    This article is a basic discussion on the problems of intercultural learning in foreign language teaching. Starting from the statement that the concept of intercultural education has become one of the most widely discussed and most popular topics in the disciplines of arts and social sciences the author examines in the first part of the article the origin of intercultural orientation and discusses the main Landeskunde-theories and the most important cultural contents in the practice of foreign language teaching. In the second part of the article the dangers of overusing of intercultural objectives are reflected and future perspectives for methods of intercultural foreign language teaching are suggested.
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    Zu Besonderheiten des Österreichischen aus Sicht eines Auslandsgermanisten
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) LEWANDOWSKI, Andrzej
    The main aim of the article is creating a basis for application of the most typical vocabulary for the area of Austria in teaching materials for German students. In the article there is a short analysis of the most common words of Austrian origin in everyday life, their etymology, peculiarity and typical lexical and phonetic differences between German and Austrian. The analyzed examples were taken from Austrian press and popular Austrian dictionaries.
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    Selected aspects of job motivation as seen by EFL teachers
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) ŁĘSKA-DRAJERCZAK, Iwona
    The article presents a preliminary report of 120 questionnaires addressed at EFL teachers and distributed between 1998-2000. The survey aims at obtaining information on the condition of teacher job motivation at the present stage of their professional career and determining the factors which are positive job motivators and those which are negative job motivators as described by EFL teachers. The article presents a brief description of 6 selected questions and the interpretation of obtained results. The survey is part of a Ph.D. dissertation entitled „Motivation and Self-Perception of EFL teachers”.
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    Vielleicht ein Projekt?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) HOFFMANN, Marta
    With the new school reform on the high school level teachers should aim at the students global development (students should not leam for school purposes but rather for life). A helping form in this kind of teaching may be a given project which in this article is explained as a whole.
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    Die Bedeutung der Lehrwerkanalyse für den modernen Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Ciepielewska, Luiza
    The demand for language courses and at the same time for language course books increases over the years continuously so a wide range of possibilities is available to teachers nowadays. The analysis can prove to be helpful in case of doubt as to which course book to choose for a particular student's group. The aim of this article is to present the rising importance of the analysis for modem language courses. Throughout the article the author gives an outline of analysis history, presents factors which made the analysis nowadays necessary and discusses analysis components. At the end of the article titles of periodicals are listed in which ready analysis of different course books can be found.
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    Die Selbstevaluation im prozess- und lernerorientierten Fremdsprachenunterricht (Bedeutung, Ziele, Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten)
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Chudak, Sebastian
    The article concerns the issue of evaluation in the process of teaching a foreign language as its inseparable component. So far evaluation has been perceived as a process having a great importance for the teacher who can use it as a tool for controlling whether his aims have been achieved or not, to plan further work in a better way etc. Such approach to the process of evaluation, however, is not too much beneficial. This is why this article concentrates on the learner’s self - evaluation as the best way to establish his own aims, monitoring his progress, reflection on the chosen method of work and the possibility of changing it according to his needs etc. So the article says about the value of self- evaluation, its aims and possibilities of realization. The problem discussed is especially interesting and valid in the context of changing the approach from the traditional one (concentrated on the outcome of the process of learning) to teaching aimed at learner autonomy (in which more attention is paid to the process of learning itself).
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    Nachbarsprachen und -regionen: Chancen für eine bessere Verständigung in Europa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Bock, Ursula
    The following essay discusses the context of cultural problems and language problems between neighboring countries and regions in Europe. About two thousand years ago Greek and Latin had a lasting influence especially on Western European languages, whereas in the beginning modem era French became the prevailing idiom, which is nowadays removed from English as the language of technology and culture. In addition peoples migrations because of wars and poverty as well as increasing tendencies of globalisation raise the clashes of different languages and cultures all over Europe. Moreover, several European countries, e.g. Belgium, Switzerland or Italy, have to deal with multilingual inhabitants and a lot of cultural and social problems resulting from this situation. The second part of the essay concentrates on the historical and cultural development along the German-Polish borderline during the last 50 years. Special interest lies on the contemporary situation that is marked by increasing cooperation between the two countries. The improvement of cooperation concerns economy as well as culture and science including the promotion of learning the neighboring language on both sides of the frontier and thus building a new region of mutual understanding.
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    Zu semantischen Aspekten der Wortkombinatorik
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) Bielińska, Monika
    The process of language production is the correct connecting of separate words to bigger meaningful units and eventually the forming of sentences is based on certain rules called combination or compatibility rules. This article focuses on the semantic part of the combination mechanism, because it seems to be the primary one. The syntactic part will be discussed only briefly in the introductory chapter. The investigation encompasses the following aspects: a presentation of mechanisms of syntagmatic lexem connecting, restrictions of selection within word combinations and finally the separation of semantic selection rules from restrictions that are based only on language usage. Such investigations can be very useful for the description of contextual word behavior and consequently for foreign language teaching, especially when these investigations and their results are compared with those in other languages. Breaking the combination rules caused by interference may lead to many semantic-lexical mistakes.
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    Sequential bilingualism and the teaching of language skills to early primary school pupils in Nigeria
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000) ADEGBITE, Wale
    This paper argues that the poor mastery of language skills in Nigeria's educational system can be attributed partly to the poor methods of teaching language skills in the system, especially in early primary education. Given the fact that the bilingual concept is entrenched in the 1977 (revised 1981) Nigeria National Policy on Education, the approach of ‘simultaneous’ bilingualism has been utilised in teaching mother tongue and English language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - in the primary schools for a long time now. The use of this approach is noticeable, especially, in classroom presentation and text book development. However, it is apparent that the approach has not been effective and, thus, has not enhanced the inculcation of permanent literacy which is a major objective of the educational policy. Using illustrations from some common Yoruba (mother tongue) and English course books for pupils in early primary education in Nigeria, the paper observes some of the limitations of simultaneously presenting language skills to children in early primary education, and suggests that the sequential presentation of skills be done to promote efficient bilingual education in the school system. The paper suggests that teachers and writers of course books of Yoruba and English should present language skills in a way in which some skills learnt earlier will facilitate the learning of later ones.