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Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1993, nr 3


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Now showing 1 - 14 of 14
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    Spis treści RPEiS 55(3), 1993
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993)
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    Kryteria administracyjnego podziału kraju z punktu widzenia struktury regionalnej
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Parysek, Jerzy
    In the near future important changes in the administrative division of Poland will be implemented. Such a step is reasonable only when it brings about advantages which would otherwise be unavailable or hard to achieve. The structure of territorial division of the state should consist of socio-economic key regions arranged hierarchically. Such units should be of key character and they should have a distinct center of a given rank. Furthermore, they should have a high degree of density of population as well as of social, economic and cultural integration. Besides, they should be characterized by a considerable level of self-organization and they should have strong internal territorial links. Besides, each regional division should meet the criteria of adequacy and separation. The elements of such regional structure should be: (1) communes (gminy), as basic units of the regional structure of the state and basic territorial units of the socio-economic links of local character; (2) districts (powiaty), as sub-regional units consisting of communities, strongly linked with the sub-regional center; (3) regions (województwa), as the conglomeration of provinces, strongly linked with the regional centre. Any discussion on the number of units of the territorial division of the state has little sense before the appropriate research has been carried out. The territorial division should be accompanied by a clear determination of powers vested in particular units and by a considerable decentralization of the state powers (including the shifting of some central institutions to the regional level). The change of the territorial division of the state must be done simultaneously and in one stage, i.e., districts and regions (larger than they are today) must be created at the same time. It is a difficult and demanding task; therefore, it should be carefully prepared and its results should last for several decades.
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    Reforma powiatowa-zagadnienia prawnoustrojowe
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Leoński, Zbigniew
    The article contains the evaluation of basic assumptions of the draft law on provincial self-government as well as the considerations on various possibilities of the structural arrangement of local government on the provincial level. The starting point is here the evaluation of the fact that at a provincial level there are to be created self-governmantal entities only, and thus the influence of t he state governmental administration will be assured only to a limited extent. As to the territorial division, one has to assume that it will be a resultant of various tendencies. In the first place, it should be shaped so that it could implement its own tasks without the assistance of the state. The reform of the territorial division will entail the changes in the structure of specialized administrative bodies (e.g., courts or prosecutors' offices). Although the draft law refera to solutions applied at a commune (gmina) level, one should also take into account differences resulting from the tasks implemented by self-government bodies at a provincial level. With respect to the tasks, and especially the powers, the focus shifts here to the substantive law located outside the scope of the Law on Territorial Government. However, the reform will make it indispensable to amend both the latter law as well as the substantive law (and the administrative law in particular).
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    Samorząd terytorialny w strukturze aparatu państwa (perspektywy przebudowy administracji lokalnej)
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Rabska, Teresa
    The reconstruction of public administration is one of the most important structural tasks. Decentralization through Self- government is the most advanced form of the enforcement of public administration. However, it is not a sufficient reorganization undertaking. For decentralization to be efficiently implemented, certain general conditions should be met. One of them is a deep reconstruction of t he central government administration, which in its present form is not correlated with a new political structure of the State, its new tasks and with a new position of Government (as set forth in the Constitutional Act of 17 October 1992). Besides, there exists a need to provide for a smooth course of, and correlation between, the making of politics by the Government and the functioning of the administrative apparatus. In such a context, a new conception of creating districts (powiaty) as a new unit of territorial division and self-governmental authority seems premature. It needs to be added that the position of a district in the draft Law is not unequivocal. In particular, it is not clear to what extent the district bodies are to represent the district community, and to what extent they will only be the executors of certain tasks set forth in the Law.
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    Podmiotowość prawna gminy
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Szewczyk, Marek
    The author analyses the problem of legal personality of a commune (gmina) on the grounds of some basic theoretical conceptions concerning the nature of territorial government as well as in the context of new regulations adopted in the Republic of Poland.
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    Podstawowe kryteria tworzenia powiatów
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Budner, Waldemar; Kaczmarek, Tomasz; Matykowski, Roman
    The article discusses basic criteria of re-activating the district (poviat) structure: efficient administration, efficient satisfaction of the needs of the population, social ties and acceptance, the principle of coincidence of the borders of districts (poviats) and the division of special administration. In determining the seats and borders of districts (poviats), a starting point is the principle of the key role, based on the concep of central places and nodal regions. The problems of the reconstruction of t he district (poviat) structure are examined in the context of social and political conditioning of t he public administration reform in Poland.
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    Rola i formy uczestnictwa społeczności lokalnych w procesie zmian podziału terytorialnego
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Kaczmarek, Tomasz
    The article presents main problems of the reform of the territorial division of the state from the point of view of the decision-ma king process. Using subjective and objective criteria, the author analysed various forms of social participation (active and passive) in the said process. Attention was also paid to legal instruments regulating the forms and scope of the participation of local communes in the process of changing the territorial division. The article contains various examples of the role of a human factor in shaping the administrative borderlines in Poland and Western Europe. The last part of the article focuses on the evaluation of the contemporary reform of public administration in Poland, taking as a point of reference the assumptions of the participative reform. The author discusses various forms of social activity in the process of shaping a new territorial structure of the state.
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    Procesy prywatyzacji w miastach województwa poznańskiego
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Czyż, Teresa
    The article presents the analysis of the process of privatization in the towns of the Poznań Region in the years 1990 - 1992. The research consists in formulating and verifying the following preliminary hypotheses: (1) the economic revival connected with privatization plays an important role in diminishing the differences in the development of towns in the Poznań Region; (2) susceptibility to the growth of private entrepreneurship in the particular towns is strongly diversified; (3) services play a dominant role in the branch structure of the private sector; (4) structural changes in a town's economy taking place under the influence of privatization consist in the transformation of the branhes and kinds of industry and services; and (5) some types of services, previously offered by the state sector only, are being taken over by the private sector.
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    Program pilotażowy: dokończenie reformy gminnej czy pierwszy etap wprowadzania powiatów?
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Buczkowski, Piotr
    The author presents basic sociotechnical conceptions of a so-called pilot experiment, consisting in the widening of the scope and powers of some municipal communes.
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    Struktura normatywna przepisu karnego
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Wróbel, Włodzimierz
    The author analyses different conceptions concerning a model structure of a provision of the criminal law and the way those elements are reflected in the statute. The analysis is carried out from the point of view of t he adequacy of those conceptions for the application of the criminal law.
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    Postawy i stereotypy etniczne młodzieży akademickiej (polsko-niemieckie badania porównawcze)
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Woźniak, Robert
    The article discusses the opinions of the students in Poland and Germany, after the reunification of Germany. The sample contains the students of Berlin, Hamburg and Szczecin universities. The number of investigated persons was 423 (242 men and 181 women). In the study, a number of empirical research instruments have been used (e.g., a questionnaire of sociological investigation and a participant observation data analysis). The article focuses on three main problems: (1) basic theoretical and methodological concepts: (2) the acceptance among Polish and German students of the Odra-Nysa borderline (91.2% of the students accepted this borderline, though the figure was different in recent years); and (3) opinions about this borderline, as well as opinions of German students about social and economic situation in Poland.
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    Nowe środki społecznego przekazu a teoria ustawodawcza- współczesne problemy amerykańskiej wolności prasy
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993) Lively, Donald E.
    The article presents complex problems connected with the application of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the USA in the context of the appearance of new media and extensive transformations of the social life.
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    Przegląd piśmiennictwa RPEiS 55(3), 1993
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993)
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    Sprawozdania i informacje RPEiS 55(3), 1993
    (Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1993)