Przegląd Politologiczny, 2019, nr 3


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    Stereotypes in Ukrainian Society Related to Internally Displaced Persons from Donbass
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Voytyuk, Oksana
    Stereotypes have always existed in Ukrainian society. The main reason for their occurrence as a rule, was the differences in the historical development of certain regions. With the influence of time, some stereotypes disappeared, but others appeared in their place. The war in the Donbass, has led to the emergence of new stereotypes, which began to firmly take root in the minds of people. Basically, these stereotypes relate to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the Donbass and have a negative connotation. The main disseminators of stereotypes are public figures, community activists and the media. The purpose of the article is to analyze the most widespread stereotypes in some regions of Ukraine not covered by the conflict and to find out the reasons for their occurrence.
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    The Legal Framework of Referendum in the Iranian Constitutional Context
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Hashjin, Seyed Hossein Malakooti
    In democratic regimes, the participation of citizens in the enforcement of political power constitutes the keystone of the legitimacy of sovereignty. Allowing and valuing the popular will in the political management of a country is necessary for the continuation of the legitimacy of sovereignty. Hence, political systems are still exploring the methods of establishing direct democracy in parallel to representative democracy. Referendum is a form of establishing direct democracy that is based on public votes on political and legal affairs. The legal organization of different kinds of direct democracy is explained in the constitutions. Among the methods of direct democracy, only referendums on the amendment of the constitution, political referendums, and legislative referendums have been recognized in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Although a referendum on the establishment of the Islamic Republic political system and a referendum on the amendment of the Constitution have been held in the legal history of Iran, no legislative referendum has been conducted so far. Senior state officials may propose a referendum and referendums can be held on special and critically important occasions. Regarding the theocratic nature of the Iranian political system, the validity of referendums is contingent upon non-contradiction between the subject of the referendum and the principles of Islamic law. This article explores the legal dimensions of conducting referendums in the Iranian constitutional context with a descriptive-analytical approach.
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    China–Latin America: Economic Relations in the 21st Century. Latin American Perspective on Opportunities and Threats
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Ratke-Majewska, Anna
    This article raises the issue of China–Latin America economic relations in this century. During the first two decades of the 21st century, there has been a significant increase in trade between China and Latin America, and China’s investments in Latin America have increased. Although the presented text discusses the issues of economic cooperation, its primary objective, however, is not to present the dynamics of these relations, but to reflect on the chances and risks for Latin America resulting from economic cooperation between China and Latin America. The article thus discusses the area of opportunities and threats in numerous aspects, giving various arguments and numerous examples. The conclusions of the article refer both to emerging challenges and the prospects for cooperation.
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    The Discourse on Language in International Relations
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Akyesilmen, Nezir; Ishmeal, Mohammed
    Little has changed since Stanley Hoffman declared International Relations (IR) an American Social Science and John Hobson highlighted the “lack of value-free and universalist theories of inter-state relations.” Since the 1970s in particular, with the end of the Cold War and developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the discipline of IR has faced major challenges to its core conceptual and theoretical framework. Despite several systemic changes and the emergence of a new environment in international relations, the field is still heavily reliant on the old, inadequate and/or value-laden concepts of the early twentieth century. Moreover, the discipline has been overloaded by a set of Eurocentric and ethnocentric concepts which lead IR students to question its international character. It is debatable whether this is due to incompetence or misuse of language. This article aims to deconstruct mainstream and hegemonic concepts in IR in a constructive manner. This paper utilizes a qualitative method of discourse analysis to re-examine the relationship between the use of language and context, often taken for granted, which limits the understanding of the concepts used in the discipline of IR to promote innovation and progress in the field.
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    Methodology of Political Science. The case of Eurasianism
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Bäcker, Roman
    The text answers the following question: what is the point of conducting political science research? The research can make a lot of sense when you are strongly motivated and, motivation is just as important as your knowledge how to do it. In the latter case, you must proceed in the correct order. Firstly, the boundaries of the research field should be set, and secondly, original and unconventional research problems and hypotheses should be defined. Thirdly, the proper selection of primary and secondary sources is necessary. Fourthly, you choose appropriate research methods and techniques, and then construct a research tool or tools. After the determining of the level of accuracy and relevance of data collected, it is possible to proceed to the verification of hypotheses. The more thorough the process and the more inquisitive researcher, the more interesting research results are obtained.
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    University in the Period of Changing the Information Flow Model
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Lewandowska, Maria; Stachowiak, Beata
    The article aims to present the results of the study regarding the view of modern students at the university. Several research problems were formulated as follows: what sources of information and knowledge about the world do contemporary students use; what are the main goals of higher education according to modern students; why are modern students deciding to start a higher education course; who is an academic teacher for a modern student? The research tool was a questionnaire made available to the students electronically. Research has shown that the University is one of the sources of information for 65% of students participating in the study. Only the Internet has obtained more indications. Futhermore, Respondents regarded the key objectives of higher education as contributing to the intellectual development of students, vocational training and awarding academic degrees and issuing diplomas. The main reasons why the respondents chose to study at a higher school were: the desire to obtain higher education, the desire for intellectual development and the acquisition of specific practical skills. Academic teachers are for students who have answered the open question, above all persons transferring knowledge. 21% of them gave the answer “master” and all synonyms of this term.
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    Brexit and the effects on Germany from an economic and social perspective
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Bartkowiak, Marcin; Ratajczak, Anna
    At the end of March 2017, the British government initiated the legal procedure of withdrawal from the EU, beginning the two-year countdown towards Brexit. However, as of August 2019, the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations is still pending. The Brexit uncertainty over the years has had an impact on the UK economy negatively affecting, e.g., its growth. This paper addresses the impact of Brexit, however from the viewpoint of Germany, focusing on the economic and social perspective. For our analyses, we differentiate between the announcement of Brexit and the possible final outcomes of Brexit. From an economic perspective, our analyses focus on the four freedoms of the European Single Market. From a social perspective, our analyses focus on mobility, studying and training in the UK, financial transactions and consumer rights. Using descriptive statistics primarily based on data from Destatis and Eurostat, we expect the following implications. From an economic perspective, we expect negative implications like worsening trade relationship between the UK and Germany affecting jobs, especially in the automotive sector. From a social perspective, we also expect negative implications like increasing travel costs to the UK, increasing mobile phone roaming charges, additional healthcare insurance. Further areas impacted by Brexit may be studying and training in the UK, financial transactions and customers rights.
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    Electronic forms of political participation in Great Britain – intentions and experiences
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Kapsa, Izabela
    The present article describes the broad notion of electronic political participation in Great Britain – from grass-roots activities (political movements, protests), to government decisions that lead to the organization and implementation of electronic public services (e.g. e-government, e-voting). Experiences are mostly mentioned as matters related to the turnout, citizen participation in various forms of protests (especially after 2010) as well as Great Britain’s accomplishments in terms of e-government. Intentions are first and foremost activities related to the implementation of e-voting in the country. The author of the present article discusses these topics using a case study approach, as well as comparative and descriptive analyses. To do this, the author uses data available in the form of reports, empirical research and press analyses. It has been concluded that the British people are not particularly open to the use of electronic tools in the public sector but there is much organizational and political effort of the elites to implement these solutions. The issue of further work on the development of e-participation in this country (e-voting in particular) remains unsolved.
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    From Democratic (Citizenship) Education to Participative Democracy? Youth’s Difficult Way to Active Citizenship
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Mrozowska, Sylwia
    In this article we make an attempt to join a discussions on the political and social activity of young people in contemporary polyarchies. On the basis of the assumption that the condition for the active fulfilment of civic functions are cognitive skills and the ability to communicate which the individual improves in the education process and through participation in social phenomena, we are trying to find the answer to the following questions: how is participation perceived in today’s polyarchies, what can be the determinants of youth’s political and social involvement, why do European international organisations – the Council of Europe and the European Union – take measures to activate European youth. In the first part of the article, we focus on democratic participation and try to recognise its role in selected models of democracy. Then we analyse selected aspects of youth electoral absenteeism. We cite examples of the activities of the Council of Europe and the European Union in the field of the youth democratic (civic) activation with an indication of the reasons for this activity. Finally, we point to the relationship between the political and social participation of young people and the condition of modern European polyarchies.
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    Progressive and conservative rhetoric in political advertising
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2019) Piontek, Dorota
    The starting point of the study referred to in this article is the Hugh Rank’s concept of progressive and conservative rhetoric. Used in advertising, these two types are derived from the actor’s attitude to a particular benefit and are characterized by certain permanent features. The aim of the study was to verify the assumption that based on the analysis of advertising messages of specific political entities, it is legitimate to conclude whether they are seeking re-election or aspiring to power they do not currently have. The subject of the study was advertising content sponsored by election committees, broadcast during the Polish parliamentary campaign in 2015 as part of free of charge blocks of election programs by TVP. The analysis is of a qualitative nature and was made on the basis of electoral spots of committees whose campaigns were successful, i.e. which won parliamentary representation.