Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 17, 2010

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    Stereotypowy obraz Polaków w powieści Romana Dmowskiego "Dziedzictwo" – ujęcie lingwistyczne
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Zalewska, Krystyna
    The present article provides an analysis of stereotyped features of Polish society as it was presented in the novel "Dziedzictwo" [Heritage] written by Roman Dmowski. The book is a manifesto of an extreme right outlook of its author and, at the same time, a manifestation of beliefs and biases of his fellow countrymen as of the inter-war period. The findings of the analysis accurately reconstruct the stereotype of the Pole as opposed to the presented images of other nations, the Jews in particular. R. Dmowski characterizes his fellow countrymen as a community and, additionally, also sketches portraits and provides extensive profiles of some of its typical representatives. This biased and stereotyped presentation of the protagonists of the novel results to a large extent from the persuasive function of the text.
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    Germanizmy leksykalne. Wśród "Barbaryzmów i dziwolągów językowych"
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Mędelska, Jolanta; Cieszkowski, Marek
    The authors of the article discuss linguistic material excerpted from a small-scale book written by Józef Bliziński and entitled "Barbaryzmy i dziwolągi językowe" [Barbarisms and linguistic oddities] published in Cracow towards the end of the nineteenth century. The source material for the analysis and the main focus of the authors are the borrowings from the German language. The book, written by an eminent comedy writer, deals with the correctness and the accepted standards of the Polish language in the then Austrian-partitioned Poland. As one might expect, since the target readers for this linguistic handbook were the inhabitants of Galicia in Eastern Europe, it would include mostly Germanisms. The analysis of the book, however, has proved that German loan words in Blizinski’s book are rather scarce. Nearly a half from the fifteen words considered as Germanisms by Blizinski could have French origins (although they might have been borrowed to the Polish language through the German medium). On the other hand, the book includes six words that may be Germanisms but that were not assigned by the author to the group of German borrowings.
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    „O zachowaniu się przy stole”, czyli językowa kreacja obyczajów biesiadnych w "Krzyżakach" Henryka Sienkiewicza
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Mariak, Leonarda
    The present article contains a linguistic and stylistic analysis of the presentation of table manners and table etiquette as it is described in "Krzyżacy" [The Knights of the Cross] by Henryk Sienkiewicz. The article consists of three parts which successively describe the most important elements of medieval cuisine (courses, beverages and spices). Some attention has also been paid to the dishes and good manners at the table. The analysis of the collected lexical material shows that the festive manners, courses, beverages and dishes presented in the novel complete the credibility of other realities of medieval everyday life described in the novel, such as clothes, furnishings of Medieval houses and entertainment. Taking into account the minimal number of historical sources dedicated to everyday life of Medieval Polish people, the world of festive manners and the cuisine created by Henryk Sienkiewicz, which is close to medieval reality, came into existence mainly thanks to the writer’s imagination and language intuition.
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    Gniazdo czasownika "mniemać" w historii języka polskiego
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Knapik, Kinga
    The article presents the history of the word family of the lexeme "mniemać". The applied nest method, worked out by synchronic linguistics, has made it possible to gather and juxtapose lexical units in a diachronic perspective. The nest analysis is preceded with information on the etymology of words. Thus constructed “historical nests” show a different development path for the two following verbs, synonymous in Old Polish: "mniemać" and "mnieć". The verb "mniemać" has become obsolete now, whereas mnieć is a component word in modern compounds thanks to the form "po-mnieć", which is rarely used today but which was very active in the word formation in the Old and Middle Polish period. This form has become a basic signifier for numerous prefixal formations such as "przypomnieć", "upomnieć", "wspomnieć", "wypomnieć" and "zapomnieć". A juxtaposition of the words recorded in historical dictionaries of the Polish language with the modern vocabulary allows us to show the changes and transformations in the vocabulary of the language that remain oblique from the synchronic perspective.
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    Komentarz jako gatunek w telewizyjnych programach informacyjnych
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Wardzała, Katarzyna
    One of the new elements of a news programme, evolved as a result of the changes in the its formal structure, is the commentary, which introduces some variety to the poetics of the news story as well as makes the actual presentation more attractive. The issue has not been, however, adequately addressed and discussed in the literature of the subject and there are only selective characteristics of some of its varieties available. The present article provides a description of different types of the informative commentary and its particular place within the structure of a programme for this genre is dependable on the information it refers to and on the involved relation between the two (how it is organized by and organizes). Additionally, the article discusses the form of the commentary and conceivable perceptional planes in which it can be manifested.
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    Wariancja rzeczowników w "Nowym słowniku poprawnej polszczyzny PWN"
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Ruszkowski, Marek
    Linguistic variants are elements that are considered identically in terms of functionality, though they differ formally. The present article discusses variant forms of nouns. The study refers both to variants in the strict sense, i.e. identical in terms of function, and oscillating variants, i.e. those that differ in one quality, i.e. chronology, frequency, social range, stylistic character or the degree of expressiveness or emotiveness. The examples have been excerpted from "Nowy słownik poprawnej polszczyzny PWN" [The PWN New Dictionary of Correct Polish Usage]. The collected material has been classified into several groups depending on the relations between variants defined by means of qualifiers and abbreviations. Formal and linguistic expressions of noun variantivity are also presented. The examples under scrutiny indicate that the linguistic norm (standard) accepts far more nominal variant forms than the linguistic custom presents as it has sanctioned only a certain part of the analysed examples. A detailed and thorough study on the functioning of nominal variants in the linguistic custom is, however, difficult to carry out.
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    W sprawie wpływów języka niemieckiego na polszczyznę
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Nowowiejski, Bogusław
    The basic and underlying assumption for the article is that the hitherto written literature of the subject lacks a general and comprehensive work combining and integrating the state-of-the-art knowledge on Polish and German linguistic contacts, particularly within the scope of the extent and the nature of this influence. Hence, attempts have been made to provide a holistic presentation of the most important results of the influence of German on Polish, including into the scope of interest not only standard Germanisms to be found in dictionaries (from the oldest ones to the most recent), but also the effects of this influence on Polish dialects, regional varieties of non-standard Polish and sociolectals, the influence of the German language within the scope of word formation, including loan translations of various kinds and phraseological units, commonly used sayings and proverbs, and, finally, proper nouns, anthroponyms and place names existing in the Polish–language areas in particular, as well as eponyms.
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    Frazeologiczne innowacje wymieniające w powieściach "Solaris" i "Dzienniki gwiazdowe" Stanisława Lema
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Nawrocka, Małgorzata
    The article attempts to analyze the phraseological innovations that introduce partial replacement of phrases in the novel "Solaris" and a collection of short stories "Dzienniki gwiazdowe" [Memoirs of a Space Traveller]. The innovations, being the result of a replacement of a component with another one which seems to the creator of a text more appropriate, attractive, or simply more fit to the text, have been classified in relation to their approach towards the context and situational conditioning. Semantic relations between the replaced and the replacing component and their influence upon the change in the meaning of a phaseologism are considered. The basic assumption is to investigate the function replacing innovations perform in science fiction literature. The functional criterion has been adopted as a basis for establishing the usefulness of an innovation. This criterion makes it possible to evaluate whether a given innovation is semantically and stylistically correct, whether it is appropriately attuned to the context, whether its meaning renders the communicative intentions of the writer, and, finally, whether it satisfies the assigned stylistic and stylization functions.
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    Konotacje tekstowe a pojęciowy model słowa
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Kuryłowicz, Beata
    The present sketch attempts to provide a semantic description of the word "bluszcz" [ivy] in “Young Poland” literary period in order to present and prove the importance and the place of the vast array of textual connotations in the conceptual model of the word. The concept of an open-ended definition and the principle of internal motivation have all made it possible to reveal the textual connotations of the word "bluszcz" within the scope of its different degree of establishment and precision. These are the features that, though weak and fleeting, still perform very important functions because they introduce order into the semantic structure of the word and bond it together. Each and every distinctive feature has a strictly defined place in the structure. To reveal these various semantic components would not be possible with the application of traditional methods of semantic analysis.
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    Znajomość frazeologii regionalnej wśród poznaniaków
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Kołodziejczyk, Marta
    The article discusses the issues related to the knowledge of the regional phraseology among present-day users of the local Poznań dialect. The research material is excerpted from a survey conducted among 120 local inhabitants within the age bracket of 15-87. Based on the results of the survey it is fair to conclude that the level of usage of the discussed phaseological units is highly dependent on the age of respondents, with the group of middle-aged people having the highest competence in the usage of dialectal forms. The most widely used expressions and phrases include those that describe the properties of human beings – physical and mental features and one’s behaviour or activities. The examination of the collected material allows us to compare the frequency within particular groups of phraseologisms that can be distinguished in the local dialect. It turns out that the most stable word groups are those units that have their counterparts in standard Polish, whereas the least stable are loan translations and the paraphrases from the German language. The article also indicates the similarities between the semantic structure of the phrasological layer in Poznań dialect and the structure of Polish colloquial vocabulary.
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    Ile form bezokolicznikowych jest w paradygmacie czasownika? Problem trybu przypuszczającego bezokolicznika
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Gębka-Wolak, Małgorzata
    The article aims at establishing whether, within the range of the formal criteria, sequences composed of the particle “by” subordinated to an infinitive form of the verb can be interpreted as analytical infinitive forms of the subjunctive mood. The conclusions based on formal tests demonstrate that it is feasible to reject the concept of the modification of the infinitive by the grammatical category of mood. The most coherent interpretation of the structures infinitive + "by" is one that describes them not as analytical forms of infinitive forms of the subjective mood but rather as constructions that combine the forms of two lexemes: the infinitive form of the verb and the form of mood operator.
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    O językowej deprecjacji potencjalnego klienta na przykładzie polskich i angielskich tytułów poradników
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Fabiszak, Joanna
    The study discusses the more controversial ways for naming and addressing target recipients of books of the “how-to” variety. The analysis deals with several thousand Polish and English handbooks and guidebooks for the general public that attribute a priori negative, unacceptable socially derogatory features to the potential receiver, or that describe him or her with insulting and disparaging words commonly regarded as even vulgar. Apparently, the titles based in their making on an unfriendly strategy towards the recipient – apart from being catchy and shocking in its form – also perform numerous informative and persuasive functions: from giving information on the content of the book to urging to purchase by way of appealing to ambition or complexes of the buyer. A comparison of the offer available in Poland and elsewhere has shown that the policy with regard to titles adopted by Polish publishers is fairly conservative. Unlike their English counterparts, Polish publishers put much effort not to offend the potential customer, which effectively prevents them from using unconventional forms of book promotion. This sort of “apprehension” of being rude towards the potential customer acts, at the same time, as a deterrent to committing abuse and is a safeguard in our book trade preventing the breach of the principle of appropriateness and the invasion of excessive vulgarity.
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    Redundancja w mediach. Rozważania wstępne
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Kula, Agnieszka
    Redundancy, most frequently discussed in works on computer science, telecommunications and the theory of information, denotes in linguistics the excess of information, i.e. this amount of information that exceeds the minimum required for a message to be understood. The excess, that can perform a number of essential functions in spoken and written text, has not yet been comprehensively addressed linguistically. A study on redundancy in modern media makes it possible to indicate – with the application of stylistic and pragmalinguistic tools – the methods for influencing the recipient. The present article considers such issues as the function of a redundant transmission of information (message) and its linguistic exponents. One of the most important tasks of redundancy, i.e. making a media statement more attractive, is presented in detail. The author also indicates a group of media messages in which redundancy is applied to blur or disintegrate the text and verbosity is conducive to its further convolutedness and esotericism.
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    O kształcie debaty publicznej (casus intelektualisty)
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Grzelka, Monika
    The study comprises material from press articles that deal with the notion of “intelligentsia” from the year 2006. The discussion, focused on the burning question whether a social group of “intelligentsia” really exists, whether there are any distinguishing features of the group, and who might be included in it, has been prompted by recalling A. Solzhenitsyn’s derogatory statement describing this social sub-class, i.e. his remarks on "obrazovanschina". Different positions that include diametrically opposing interpretations are then presented, from the characterization proposed by K. Libelt to present-day definitions. The material has been investigated with the application of interdisciplinary tools. The anthropological approach to ritualisation has proved to be particularly useful, as well as the findings and established facts related to the rationality of communicative action formulated by J. Habermas.
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    Ekspresywizmy leksykalne w "Przewodniku Katolickim" z lat 1895–2005. Peiorativa pierwotne
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Wiatrowski, Przemysław
    The article discusses emotive expressions that express negative emotions of the sender excerpted from "Przewodnik Katolicki" from the years 1895-2005. The author studies nominal primal negative emotional expressions that belong to the class of personal names (nomina personae), i.e. words that are semantically non-derivable and whose meanings include a fixed emotional component that is obligatory revealed in the statement. This group of units also includes words that are derived morphologically but the latter group includes only those words in which the formant is not the carrier of emotional marking. The excerpted lexical elements have been semantically analyzed. The analysis made it possible to identify their expressive meanings. In the reconstruction of their basic components (linguistic signs of emotion that are indicators and not carriers of meaning but whose signifieds correspond to a verbal proposition.), different factors that co-create the emotional value of peiorativa are considered, particularly the contextual influence. The analysis of the research material makes it possible to prove that the emotionally charged words used by the journalists writing for the weekly make their statement more powerful, add to its sharpness or pungency and, therefore, enhance the process of shaping the personal outlook of its readers.
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    Problem semantycznych innowacji frazeologizmów w tekstach artystycznych
    (Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2010) Skibski, Krzysztof
    The author attempts to consider the phenomenon of phraseological innovativeness in artistic texts. The adopted perceptional perspective (enhancing the significance of variantivity in phraseology) makes it possible to propose controversial, yet individual, categories for the analysis of particular contextual situations in which the analysed updated phaseological units occur. The fictitiousness of literature, its semantic instability – the openness for interpretation – allow us to tentatively reflect on the kind of various phaseological innovations in the function of the elements involved in sense-making processes. The modest material illustration provided is just a corroboration of the methodological invention.