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    Jędraszczyk K., Polityka pamięci i konflikt o miejsca pamięci w praktyce bilateralnej. Studium przypadku Cmentarza Orląt Lwowskich, Poznań
    (Wydawictwo Naukowe UAM, 2020) Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna
    Publikacja opisuje konflikt ukraińsko-polski dotyczący odbudowy i otwarcia Cmentarza Orląt Lwowskich. Ukazuje trwający kilkanaście lat proces prowadzenia rozmów dwustronnych na różnych poziomach administracji lokalnej i centralnej. W oparciu o materiały udostępnione przez Konsulat Generalny RP we Lwowie oraz komentarze i artykuły w ówczesnej prasie na Ukrainie i w Polsce opisano główne fazy sporu, proces jego upolitycznienia, wyszczególniono polityków oraz aktorów związanych z procesem decyzyjnym i wykonawczym. Analiza dotyczy też stosunku obu narodów do miejsc pamięci i polityki historycznej związanej ze Lwowem i Cmentarzem Łyczakowskim.
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    Tkactwo w relacjach kulturowych Cesarstwa Rzymskiego z Barbaricum (I-III wiek n.e.)
    (2016) Kaczmarek, Zofia
    Textiles played underestimated role in the research on cultural relations between Roman Empire and Barbaricum, although they depict certain aspects of the mutual exchange between these two worlds. Textile studies explore ancient technology and changes it underwent, they offer insight into labour organisation, the degree of specialisation, they add to the store of knowledge about trade and other means of exchange. Textile also provide information about social and economic standing of their users, as well as their aesthetic preferences. Basing on textile material sources, historians and archaeologists are able to obtain more information about Barbarian economy, which left no written evidence of its condition. Eventually, archaeological finds of fabrics help to reconstruct ancient trade routes. The thesis that textiles had their significance in cultural relationship between Roman Empire and Barbaricum is supported by the presence of the so-called imports registered on these territories. Although not all textile types can be recognized as certain import, they provide valuable evidence that both Romans and Barbarians produced high-quality fabrics, which were also characterised by the fine quality of the raw material, i.e. wool. The weaving industry of the Roman times appears to be highly developed, while contacts, especially cultural ones, between Romans and Barbarians prove relatively complex when approached from the perspective of the textile industry.
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    Templariusze i joannici w biskupstwie lubuskim (XIII-XVI w.)
    (2016) Wasilkiewicz, Kamil; Mrozewicz, Leszek
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    „Kryzys ukraiński”, „operacja antyterrorystyczna” czy „wojna ukraińsko-rosyjska”?
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2016) Ksenicz, Igor
    Artykuł stanowi próbę uporządkowania pojęć związanych z rosyjsko-ukraińskim konfliktem w Donbasie. Materiałem źródłowym są komunikaty, zarówno oficjalne, jak i nieoficjalne, które poddane zostały analizie semantycznej w perspektywie porównawczej. Autor stawia hipotezę, że stosowana przez strony konfliktu terminologia realizuje określone cele polityczne. Przekaz rosyjski podkreśla wewnętrzny charakter „kryzysu ukraińskiego”, podczas gdy Ukraina, akcentując udział Rosji w konflikcie, kładzie nacisk na jego międzynarodowy aspekt.
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    Integracja europejska w programach ukraińskich partii politycznych
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2014) Ksenicz, Igor
    Artykuł przedstawia wykorzystanie hasła integracji europejskiej w programach ukraińskich partii politycznych, uwzględniając specyfikę systemu partyjnego oraz deklarowany proeuropejski kurs polityki zagranicznej Ukrainy. Analizie poddano dokumenty programowe pięciu ugrupowań, które w wyborach parlamentarnych 2012 r. przekroczyły próg wyborczy w wyborach proporcjonalnych: Partii Regionów, Ojczyzny, UDARu, Komunistycznej Partii Ukrainy oraz Swobody. Jako wniosek zaproponowano podział ukraińskich partii politycznych ze względu na ich stosunek do integracji europejskiej. Wyróżniono ugrupowania euroentuzjastyczne (Ojczyzna, UDAR), eurosceptyczne (Komunistyczna Partia Ukrainy, Swoboda) i europragmatyczne (Partia Regionów).
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    Polski samorząd terytorialny a współpraca rozwojowa
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2014) Ksenicz, Igor
    Jednostki samorządu terytorialnego od 2006 r. są uprawnione do uczestnictwa w polskiej współpracy rozwojowej. Referat podsumowuje dotychczasowe działania polskich samorządów w tym zakresie, na które składa się ponad 100 projektów realizowanych w 6 państwach przez 53 jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. Analizie poddane zostały zarówno dokumenty programowe Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych, jak i obszary udzielanego wsparcia, geograficzne i tematyczne. Głównymi beneficjentami pomocy rozwojowej udzielanej przez polskie samorządy są ich partnerzy z państw Partnerstwa Wschodniego, w szczególności ukraińscy. Dominującym tematem analizowanych projektów jest wsparcie samorządu terytorialnego.
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    W hołdzie naszym Antenatom 85 lat Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicz, 2004) Łukomski, Grzegorz; Laskowski, Jerzy
    The monograph presents the academic traditions of Poznań, which go back to the beginning of the 16th century. The Poznań Alma Mater originated from the Lubrański Academy ("Lubranscianum"), established in 1519, as well as from the Jesuit College ("Collegium Societatis Jesu"), founded in 1573. The University officially inaugurated its academic programme on 7 May 1919. Professor Święcicki was elected its first vice-chancellor. The monograph also contains extensive biographical notes on the University founders: Heliodor Święcicki (1854-1923), Michał Sobeski (1877-1939), Rev. Stanisław Kozierowski (1874-1949) and Józef Kostrzewski (1885-1969).
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    Oбщество и культура Россиию Четверть века перемен (1991-2016)
    (IKE UAM, Wydawictwo Naukowe Contact ABC, 2018) Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna; Ендращик, Катажина; Oлексы, Пётр; Антонова, Наталия; Дятлов, Виктор; Дятлова, Елена; Карнаухова, Вера; Рабинович, Владимир; Сивкова, Анастасия; Терехова, Татьяна; Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna; Ендращик, Катажина; Kuzan, Kateryna
    Содержание 1 Народ, нация, цивилизация. Проблема дискурса об идентичности граждан Российской Федерации после 1991 года ; 2 Церковь в России после 1991 года; 3 Культура России в годы трансформации; 4 Мигранты: проблемы безопасности и развития для России. Mногообразие и конфликт групп интересов в принимающем обществе; 5 Стиль жизни – стабильность и динамика; 6 Российские СМИ в период трансформации; 7 Социобразовательные тенденции в России: региональный аспект.
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    Economic role of the Roman army in province of Lower Moesia (Moesia Inferior)
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM, 2017) Duch, Michał
    This books takes a comprehensive look at the Roman army as a factor which prompted substantial changes and economic transformations in the province of Lower Moesia, discussing its impact on the development of particular branches of the economy. The volume comprises five chapters. Chapter One, entitled “Before Lower Moesia: A Political and Economic Outline” constitutes an introduction which presents the economic circumstances in the region prior to Roman conquest. In Chapter Two, entitled “Garrison of the Lower Moesia and the Scale of Militarization”, the author estimates the size of the garrison in the province and analyzes the influence that the military presence had on the demography of Lower Moesia. The following chapter – “Monetization” – is concerned with the financial standing of the Roman soldiery and their contribution to the monetization of the province. Chapter Four, “Construction”, addresses construction undertakings on which the army embarked and the outcomes it produced, such as urbanization of the province, sustained security and order (as envisaged by the Romans), expansion of the economic market and exploitation of the province’s natural resources. In the final chapter, entitled “Military Logistics and the Local Market”, the narrative focuses on selected aspects of agriculture, crafts and, to a slightly lesser extent, on trade and services. The book demonstrates how the Roman army, seeking to meet its provisioning needs, participated in and contributed to the functioning of these industries.
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    Społeczeństwo i kultura Ukrainy. Ćwierćwiecze przemian (1991-2016)
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej, 2016) Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna; Krasiwski, Orest; Bezludny, Ołeksandr; Durniak, Bogdan; Jaciw, Roman; Kotyhorenko, Wiktor; Stroński, Henryk; Uhryn, Jarosław; Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna; Kupidura, Ryszard
    W publikacji przedstawiono społeczne przemiany na Ukrainie po 1991 roku. Opisano je w kontekście transformacji mediów, cerkwi, przemian w zakresie sztuki, edukacji.
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    Explicit and Implicit Meanings of Cultural Communication
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Contact/ABC, 2015) Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna; Chodera, Janina; Nowak, Szymon; Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna
    The monograph represents the outcome of studies carried out by researchers from Poland, Russia and Ukraine. The notion of culture became the core concept which drew contribution from representatives of various fields and disciplines of humanities such as cultural studies, linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, literature studies, theory and history of culture or political studies. We have chosen to construe that notion as a system of symbols and meanings: explicit, or palpable ones, which assume the concrete shape of the products of human labour and thought, as well as hidden, or intangible, less perceptible aspects of human behaviour. Such a methodological framework enabled us to approach the issues of cultural communication in an innovative, versatile and interdisciplinary fashion. As a result, we offer the Reader this very monograph, which demonstrates its interdisciplinary nature as well as the possibility of harmonious fusion of knowledge yielded by the investigations in social and philological sciences. The monograph addresses a range of issues relating to cultural communication, which encompasses human behaviours, products and outcomes of the latter, methods of symbolic exchanges, patterns of response and interpretation, systems of norms and prohibitions which induce particular actions. Hence cultural communication subsumes processes in which social groups communicate with one another through everyday exchange and artistic output.
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    Piekna i/czy Bestia? Wizerunek medialny Julii Tymoszenko i Wiktora Janukowycza w polskiej prasie 2009-2012
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Contact/ABC, 2014) Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna
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    Explicit and Implicit Meanings in the Historical Politics of Ukrainian Presidents in 1991-2010
    (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Contact/ABC, 2015) Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna; Chodera, Janina; Nowak, Szymon; Jędraszczyk, Katarzyna
    The reluctance of historians towards the notion of “historical policy” stems from its negative associations with the historical propaganda of the People’s Republic of Poland. The very combination of the words seems an oxymoron to many historians. However, it should be noted that some experts in the field (especially in Germany, though in Poland as well) stress that historical policy can, and even should be approached as a positive phenomenon, particularly in the context of phenomena which benefit identity building and the advancement of thorough historical research. Also, historical policy encompasses institutional undertakings aimed at promoting specific attitudes to history. The style of managing historical policy depends primarily on the stage of development of political culture and the degree to which civil society has developed and (in the case of Ukraine in particular) the stage of the nation-building process. In the latter instance, we are dealing with a vision of nation-building process which heads toward titular or civil nation. Historical policy has also much in common with persuasion-oriented communications. The authority is the communicating entity, and in Ukraine, given his powerful constitutional status, it is the president. Ukrainian society meanwhile are the recipients. The greatest dilemma of Ukraine’s historical policy lies in the marked influence of the split to which ethnic Ukrainian territory was subjected, i.e. the division between tsarist Russia and the Habsburg Empire. This is reflected in the sense of identity and the nature of national transformation. The Dnepr river marks the symbolic dividing line. The omplex past resulted in two historical frameworks and two types of historical narration. Yuri Shapoval defines one as nativist and the other as alternative. Each type offers a singular catalogue of events. In the first narrative, we have Kiev Ruthenia, Principality of Galicia-Volhynia, the noblemen and the Cossacks of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the period of rule of the Russian and Austrian-Hungarian empires, the year 1917, the West Ukrainian People’s Republic, People’s Republic of Ukraine, liberation struggle, the Famine, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, dissidents and independence. The alternative narrative comprises different elements: the joint nation of old Ruthenia, Lithuanian-Polish colonisation, the Council of Pereyaslav, social and political movements of the 19th century, October Revolution, the people’s war, Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, the Great Homeland War, fighting against the German invaders, Ukraine a member of the UN, downfall of the USSR as a tragic moment in history. Yaroslav Hrycak calls one vision of history a “Ukrainian, traditional” and the other a “Soviet” one. Both have their pantheons of heroes and, due to linear nature, both are simplifications. Thus, from the beginning of independence, Ukraine has entertained two visions of Ukrainian past which function simultaneously. One may be termed “Ukrainian” and the other “post-Soviet”. The former draws a picture of Russian oppression (as well as Polish-Lithuanian), while recounting tales of heroism, dedication and nationalist sentiments. In the latter, the narrative tells the story of friendship with the Russian nation, their kin in language religion and culture, a friendly nation since times immemorial. In the initial years of independence, Ukrainian authority strove to legitimise and consolidate its position, often patently demonstrating their respect for history. The leaders of independent Ukraine, who originated from the former communist elites, adopted the “national project” (national-democratic), which helped them justify the existence of a new political entity and distinguished the “new Ukraine” from its predecessor. As regards symbols and discourse, the ideological void of the early 1990s was filled with rhetoric which since then would be employed by pro-nation and pro-reform groups, gathered around “Rukh”. The subsequent stage, from 1994 to 2004, is associated with the two terms of president Leonid Kuchma, and largely a rehabilitation of the Soviet legacy of Ukraine. Kuchma came to power as a representative of the historical awareness of eastern and southern Ukraine. With tim.e his policy acquired an ambivalent but also fairly balanced attitude towards the past. The views of president Yushchenko also evolved, though in a different direction. During the campaign, despite the attempts to categorise him as an adherent of the national or even nationalist narrative, he appeared to be for the consensus. However, as time went by, he became an advocate of the slogan “one church, one language, one history”. His actions fuelled the latent discord concerning historical policy. He addressed the most controversial issue which the people of Ukraine are not yet ready to evaluate, namely the role of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in the history of Ukraine. Undoubtedly, president Yushchenko should be credited with “activation” of the national memory of the 1932-1933 famine and the creation of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance. (2006). As a young state, Ukraine needs good historical policy and prudent support of the state in the process of studying and shaping of the image of its past. The lack of crystallised concept of policy of memory and its changeability are an acutely felt issue. There is no fixed calendar of national holidays and anniversaries which would be important for the Ukrainian citizen, a singular “charter” of memory. However, this is by no means a surprise as each citizen was brought up in a specific historiographic tradition, which still exerts an influence on the historical perception, interpretation and narratives. Unfortunately, history is fairly often a topic exploited for political purposes and a source of social rifts, which the political circles deliberately nurture and fuel. Consequently, it often happens that policy of memory breeds a conflict of memory.
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    Cywilizacja łacińska: ekspansja-dominacja-kryzys
    (Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie, 2016-12) Kubiaczyk, Filip; Sareło, Zbigniew; Jakóbczyk, Stanisław; Kaźmierczak, Marek; Ciesielski, Mieszko; Kornacka-Sareło, Katarzyna; Kubiaczyk, Monika; Gaj, Beata; Gnyś-Nidecka, Małgorzata; Kubiaczyk, Filip
    Cywilizacja łacińska. Ekspansja-dominacja-kryzys Abstrakt Teksty zebrane w niniejszym tomie skupiają się na problemie przyczyn kryzysu cywilizacji zachodniej, zwłaszcza jej tradycji łacińskiej, z różnych perspektyw badawczych (historycznej, filozoficznej, filologicznej i kulturoznawczej). To zróżnicowane podejście znalazło wyraz w odmiennym formułowaniu podejmowanych zagadnień i przyjętej metodologii, jak i użytej terminologii w odniesieniu do analizowanej kategorii. Pojęcia cywilizacja łacińska i cywilizacja zachodnia używane są przez autorów komplementarnie. Stosują oni przy tym rozmaite narzędzia metodologiczne, zarówno tradycyjny warsztat historyka, jak i odczytania interdyscyplinarne, interkulturowe, intertekstualne i komparatystyczne. Różnorodność tematyczna i chronologiczna tekstów oraz interdyscyplinarny ogląd omawianej problematyki, który proponuje niniejsza monografia, powinny służyć lepszemu zrozumieniu naszej europejskiej teraźniejszości i przyszłości. The Latin civilization. Expansion-domination-crisis. Abstract The texts gathered in this volume focus on the causes behind the crisis of Western civilisation, in particular its Latin tradition, examining it from a number of research perspectives (offered by history, philosophy, language and culture studies). This diversified approach is reflected in the differently formulated issues, varied methodologies and distinct terminology. The notions of Latin and Western civilisation are employed in a complementary fashion. Meanwhile, the method ranges from the traditional disquisition of history to interdisciplinary, intercultural, intertextual and comparative interpretations. The monograph’s thematic and chronological variety, as well as the interdisciplinary take at the subject in question should contribute to a better understanding of the European present and future.