Glottodidactica, Vol. 23 (1995)

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    Wie der Lehrer, so die Schule - Zu valenzrelevanten Eigenheiten des Unterrichtsgesprächs hinsichtlich einer Kommunikationsbefähigung im Deutschunterricht
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) ZIMMERMANN, Constanze
    The starting point of the discussion about the school language are the two basic elements of communication - question and answer, whereas the most important is the logical and semantic contents of those two units of every dialogue, and of secondary importance - their realization in the language and the external determinants of the act of communication. The term “valence” is understood here as the valence of every element in relation to the contiguity which examined outside the langue. Having considered its three surfaces of occurrence (as the feature, relation and the potency), one may describe valence as a definite regularity of the verbal behaviour. The paper is summed up with a statement on the role of the teacher, steering and determining the behaviour of the pupil.
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    Metatextuelle Mittel in gewählten Textarten der deutschen dialogischen Sprache
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA, Ewa
    By metatextual (metalingual) means the author understands verbal means concerning a communication act, i.e. those which explain such an act, evaluate it, organize it formally and make it possible to realize it. As a method of distinguishing those means one may apply the test of reduction. On the basis of the analysis of the text the author distinguishes 6 sequences of metatexual means, among others the formulas initiating and organizing a dialogue, the means serving the cooperation of the interlocutors and others. The comparative analysis has shown that the metatextual means occur 2,5 times more often in authentic spoken texts (“small talk”) than in glottodidactical materials.
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    Höflichkeitsformeln in Lehrbüchern des deutschen als Fremdsprache
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) Schatte, Czesława
    In teaching of every foreign language routines and pattern expressions play a very important role, e.g. expressions of kindness. In this paper the author conducts an analysis of 6 handbooks of the German language, trying to define what expressions of kindness, (and their number and form) consider the method according to which a given handbook was designed.
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    Die Bezugsnormen wertender Satzadverbien in Texten gesprochener Sprache
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) Schatte, Christoph
    The article presents the division of sentential adverbs depending on their connection with: 1) logical value of sentence, 2) scope of sentence value, 3) relevance of content, 4) division of text and 5) evaluating statements, and then argues with paraphrasing as the method of explaining meaning and function. The author proposes using different connections of sentential adverbs as the criterion of the choice of means of explanation. This classification allows to precisely define the various norms of reference of qualifying sentential adverbs.
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    Zur Förderung der mündlichen Handlungskompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterricht (DaF)
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) RICHTER, Günter
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    Mündliche Handlungsfähigkeit des Deutschlehrers - Umrisse eines Forschugsprojekts
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) RICHTER, Günther
    The paper refers to the basic problems of the oral management of the classroom, mainly in the case of the German language teaching process. It defines the most essential notions connected with this subject and puts forward a sequence of hypotheses answering the most important questions, e.g. behavioral norms and patterns of the teacher, along with a number of methodological instructions.
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    Didaktische Implikationen des sprachlichen Grußverhaltens für den Deutschunterricht an Polen
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) MIODEK, Wacław
    Almost every conversation begins and ends with a formula of greeting and goodbye. Therefore those formulas belong to worth mentioning problems of contemporary sociolinguistics. The present article deals with three aspects of this problem: - the choice of appropriate formula of greeting and goodbye during the communication act in dialogue speech, - the comparison of formulas of greetings and goodbyes presented in German textbooks used in Poland with language reality, and presents methodological clues and examples of exercises which introduce above-mentioned formulas during German language lessons in Poland.
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    Zur Auswahl von sozio-kulturellen Sachverhalten im DaF-Unterricht
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) KORZENIEWSKI, Jan
    The main subject of the author’s interest is the problem of including cultural contents and elements of the intercultural communication in teaching the German language to foreign students. Treating the process of learning a foreign language as learning a foreign cultural environment the author divides the knowledge of foreign culture into this of the explicit (among others encyclopaedic information) and implicit character (e.g. values, attitudes, beliefs).
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    Zum Sprachstil des Märchenerzählens von Erwachsenen und Kindern
    (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1995) Bose, Ines; Gutenberg, Norbert
    This empirical study is a successful attempt at describing exhaustively verbal and quasiverbal behaviour i.e. to formulate the characteristic features of the style in a definite communication situation - telling stories. The features of narration are mutual for a wide range of authentic and literary texts, both monologues and dialogues, whereas in story-telling we deal with the features typical of the communication with a child. Analyzing the texts the authors applied elements of the conversational analysis, along with a detailed phonetical description.