Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium, 2012, nr XXII/1

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    Smoki jako istoty mieszane. Funkcjonowanie w literaturze greckiej i rzymskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Gierszewska, Maria
    The purpouse of this paper is to present functioning of dragons in Greek and Roman literature. Main aim is to show diffrent ways of creating dragon-like creatures by ancient authores and to give a perspective on each of three models of their appearance.
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    Ustalanie kwestii merytorycznych za pomocą aparatu krytycznego na przykładzie Poetyki Marka Hieronima Vidy
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Lew, Agnieszka Paulina
    Previously the changes in the work couldn’t be observed, from the earliest version of the „Poetics” which is preserved in the Venturi codex - throughout the version that represents the not authorized by Vida Paris edition – up to the two authorized editions of the work published in Rome and Cremona. In the article the examples of the changes made by Vida are demonstrated.
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    Wiersze w średniowiecznych kronikach a strategia komunikacyjna nadawcy
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Bering, Piotr
    The paper deals with inner organization of poems in medieval chronicles. The author examines various arts and registers of their. He also tries formulating a thesis of poem’s potentially dramatic organization.
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    Antyczne źródła renesansowej teorii afektów
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Raubo, Agnieszka
    The article presents the Renaissance theory of affects, referring to its root in antiquity: the theory of four temperaments was created by Hippocrates and Galen. Furthermore, the article discusses individual bodily fluids and their interrelations that occur (with seasons of the year or stages of life), their influence on man’s dispositions, moreover, it shows interrelation with “psychology of character” and “nature of temperaments”. The topic of humanistic fascinations of Renaissance doctors is also mentioned (exemplified by works of Wojciech Oczko, Józef Struś, Wojciech Naborowski), they were often creators of poetic writings and those who were fascinated by antique culture of literature, philosophy and medicine.
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    Marek Fabiusz Kwintylian, Institutio oratoria, księga XI 1, 1 – XI 3, 29
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Śnieżewski, Stanisław
    The most important thing for orator is to know which style is the best to inspire benevolence, to provide insight and evoke emotions in a judge, keeping in mind what results we should expect to gain in various parts of the speech. The future orator should be taught that to speak appropriately is to take into account not only what is useful, but also what is proper. The power of memory gives us an abundance of examples, rules, opinions, words and deeds, thus memory is accurately called the treasure of speech. Even a mediocre speech will be more moving when succoured by the force of actio than the best speech devoid of it. Nothing can be perfect if the gifts of nature are not supported by creative zeal.
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    Trzy plany akcji w Fedrze Seneki
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Rzepkowski, Krzysztof
    In the following article I present my own concept for interpreting Seneca’s Phaedra, demonstrating that the action takes place on three distinct settings: that of the royal palace (DOMUS), which is the domain of Phaedra’s actions, that of the city of Athens (URBS), which is the realm of Theseus and the Nurse, and that of the forest (SILVAE), which constitutes the world of Hippolytus. In the second part of the article I propose to arrange the stage in a way that takes the proposed settings into account.
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    Portret żony idealnej w wygnańczej twórczości Owidiusza
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Kruk, Karolina
    The author of the article investigates Ovid’s poetry from exile in order to unveil the portrait of a perfect wife contained in his works. On the basis of Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto, she tries to present a complex model of a woman, who is at the same time in grief, in love and in prayer.
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    Cudowność przyrody w Opisie Pańskich dziwów i cudów w Jerozolimie Perdikasa z Efezu
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Budzanowska, Dominika
    Perdicas of Ephesus lived probably in XIVth century in Constantinople. He was cleric and prothonotary of Ephesus. Perdicas visited Jerusalem, Bethany, Bethpage and Bethlehem. He as writer and pilgrim described in his poem, which consists of 259 verses, the miraculous events and places connected principally with Jesus’s and his mother’s history. A poem written by Perdicas indicates the great role of nature: sky, clouds, light, rocks, stones, water and plants, which glorify their Creator and serve Him in miraculous places of the Holy Land, occupied by Saracens.
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    Postać Tejrezjasza w tradycji i literaturze antycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Sołtysik-Matłosz, Kamila
    This article presents a profile of Tiresias, famous prophet of Thebes. The main question is a blindness and age of Tiresias connected with his authority.
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    Social memory and its literary forms in Greek epic and tragedy
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Schade, Gerson
    Several Homeric departure-scenes, depicting a son leaving his father, contain as their central theme the idea of becoming such a hero as one’s father was. In light of the new concept ‘social memory’ it is no wonder that the central message of the heroic code, ‘always try to excel’, is part of the conversation during the departurescenes, for the simple reason that this phrase and those connected with it define the social memory of the heroic society, the ‘heroic code’. Reminiscences of one’s father and his words mean much to heroes, structure their lives, provide a frame, and help them to cope with the current situation.