Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, 5/2011

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    Die richtungweisende Führungsrolle der Europäischen Union in der internationalen Klimapolitik
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Hickmann, Thomas; Jantz, Julka
    Od szczytu klimatycznego w Kopenhadze w grudniu 2009 r. Unia Europejska próbowała przejąć inicjatywę w zakresie formułowania celów i zadań dla ochrony światowego klimatu i walki z zanieczyszczeniami powietrza. Ze względu na opór wielu państw nakreślone ambitne plany redukcji gazów cieplarnianych nie zostały powszechnie zaakceptowane, ale sama UE może już poszczycić się pewnymi osiągnięciami. Olbrzymią słabością w koncepcjach UE jest Wspólna Polityka Rolna, gdzie postęp w walce z zanieczyszczeniami ziemi i powietrza jest najmniejszy. Dla wielu państw członkowskich wdrażanie unijnych rozporządzeń wiąże się z olbrzymimi kosztami, których te kraje nie są w stanie udźwignąć. Istnieją nadal różnego rodzaju przeszkody administracyjne, które również utrudniają wprowadzenie jednolitych norm ochrony klimatu.
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    Troubles in the heart of the EU – Political crisis in Belgium
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Van den Bosch, Jeroen
    This article looks for the causes of the Belgian crisis in its history, political reforms and identity changes. It further analyzes what might be the consequences of these changes for Belgium and Europe.
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    Die Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union. Die anomischen Konsequenzen der deutschenWiedervereinigung
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Mehlhausen, Thomas
    Zjednoczenie Niemiec przyniosło wielopłaszczyznowe konsekwencje dla procesu integracji europejskiej. Autor w artykule analizuje szeroką teoretyczną dyskusję, która toczyła się na ten temat w literaturze naukowej. Chodziło głównie o następstwa reunifikacji dwóch państw niemieckich dla Traktatu o Unii Europejskiej z Maastricht i poszerzenia Unii Europejskiej na wschód.
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    Über das erfolgreiche Scheitern einer europäischen Verfassung
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Kleger, Heinz
    Autor artykułu analizuje genezę traktatu konstytucyjnego, wychodząc o deklaracji z Laeken w grudniu 2001 r. Szczegółowo opisuje założenia i działalność Konwentu ds. przyszłości Europy. Wiele miejsca poświęca kwestii ratyfikacji Konstytucji Europejskiej, zwłaszcza nieudanym referendom we Francji i Holandii. W jego opinii projekt przyjętej reformy traktatu konstytucyjnego podczas prezydencji niemieckiej był wynikiem kompromisu ostatecznie zaaprobowanego przez 27 państw członkowskich. Komisja Europejska odrzuciła polskie plany rozpoczęcia od początku dyskusji nad nowym traktatem i utrzymania nicejskiego systemu głosowania (ma obowiązywać do 2014). Traktat lizboński tworzy dość stabilną konstrukcję i nie powinien być kwestionowany w przyszłości, choć pod naporem obecnej kryzysowej sytuacji może zostać zmieniony.
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    Myśl polityczna i struktury organizacyjne ruchu anarchistycznego w państwach Unii Europejskiej w dobie przemian globalizacyjnych
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Malendowicz, Paweł
    The subject of this study is the transformation of the organizational structures, as well as in the political thought in the Western European anarchist movement during the period of rapid globalization. The research period runs from 1991-2010. Material for the research was provided by printed matter as well as Internet news and articles, documents and the author’s correspondence with the representatives of the European anarchist movement. The main method/technique of the survey involved the analysis of source texts. The author also employed his own research experience and observations of anarchism. Contemporary globalization processes are characterized by contradictory directions of development. They are expressed in the unification of the terrorist movement on one hand, and the diversification of its forms on the other. The goals of the anarchist movement and its main trends of thought are changing and dispersing. The achievement of full freedom, however, remains the primary goal of anarchists, while all other goals are secondary.
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    Obwód Kaliningradzki FR w stosunkach unijno-rosyjskich
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Kotowicz, Wojciech
    Due to its history and isolation from the proper territory of the Russian Federation since 1991, the Kaliningrad Oblast exhibits unique features in comparison to other parts of the country. This territory has been one of the key factors in relations between Russia and the European Union in terms of Russian domestic and foreign policy. Poland and Lithuania joining the European Union in 2004 transformed the Kaliningrad Oblast into an enclave inside the European Union and made it a ‘double periphery’. On account of its geo-political location the Kaliningrad Oblast was to become ‘a bridge spanning East and West’, ‘Russia’s gateway to Europe’ and ‘a pilot region for Russia-EU cooperation’. The paper shows the position and role the Kaliningrad Oblast plays in Russia-EU cooperation and outlines its prospects for development.
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    Unia Europejska w dążeniu do przestrzegania praw człowieka na Białorusi
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Kakarenko, Ksenia
    Belarus is not a member state of the European Union, nevertheless the European Parliament is clearly interested in the observation of human rights in that country. An analysis of the legal norms contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus shows that all the important rights and freedoms that form a part of European standards of human rights are contained within it. Nevertheless, this Constitution has a merely ‘semantic’ character. There are no actual guarantees given in specific statutes. The norms contained in statutes enable the public authorities to violate any constitutional norms. What is more, these powers are also provided by statutory acts. This article presents what sanctions have issued from the European Union in response to human rights violations in Belarus over the last 20 years.
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    Partnerstwo Wschodnie – szansa dla europejskiej integracji państw poradzieckich
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Sydun, Swietłana
    Eastern Partnership - a new EU initiative. While it is difficult to say what benefits it will bring to both parties: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and EU countries. Of course, now more critical than results. Partner countries pose a different problem in the implementation of its relationship with EU, but they all share a common desire to deepen these relations. The EU should be open in this matter and to offer a higher level of political organizations, and progressive strengthening of ties in key areas. It takes time to appreciate the influence of the EU on the development of partner countries of Eastern Partership. But we must remember that the result depends on both sides.
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    Być albo nie być w Europie – dylematy integracyjne Wielkiej Brytanii
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Curyło, Barbara
    The paper discusses the issue of Great Britain’s EU membership in the context of the challenges faced by the internal and foreign policies of the U.K. Using the notion of an integration dilemma, the author indicates the tensions that result from the requirements, opportunities and consequences of a national state’s membership in an integrational structure. In Great Britain, the integration dilemma concerns the origin of the decision to join the EU and the impact of EU membership on the political system of the state. In this context the author presents the European activities of Great Britain, mainly in the realm of struggling for an intergovernmental nature of integration and the priority of national interest in the multi-faceted European environment.
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    Mechanizmy Finansowe 2004–2009 – pozaunijne źródła wsparcia rozwoju ekonomicznego i społecznego Polski
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Guzowska, Aleksandra
    The article deals with the financial instruments available in Poland as a result of being a part of the European Economic Area (EEA), i.e. the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism. The role and contribution of those Mechanisms to the socio-economical development of Poland are examined based on the financial perspective 2004-2009. Firstly, the author presents the organizational and legal framework, the general principles, the rules for distributing sources as well as the components that enabled use of funds coming from those instruments on the Polish ground, such as: the management and implementation system along with the institutional system. This background enables the review of all priority areas and funds, presenting their particular aims and assumptions. Bearing in mind a closing stage of the financial perspective 2004-2009 the author shows the level of achieved indicators and some examples of carried out undertakings. The article tries to present the assessment of first effects of projects’ implementation as well as the most important lessons learned with the way of taking them into consideration in the next financial perspective of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.
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    Ziemie Zachodnie a proces akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej. Analiza prasy regionalnej w latach 2002–2004
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Olechowska, Paulina
    The article is an effect of interest in research interests across the image of Polish accession to the EU which was created by press texts of regional newspapers of the Western Land of Poland. The press texts was selected broadcast content on the appropriate form, and clearly carved eventually reflect the problems that have become important and have been discussed issues relating to the Polish accession to the EU. Polish-German relations was important point of pre-accession discussions in the regional analyzed newspapers. Based on analysis, can be concluded that the motive for combining texts, newspapers surveyed had hoped that the adoption of Polish EU will speak to a symbol that will contribute to the disappearance of overcoming mutual prejudices and stereotypes still functioning. Although the mutual relations of both countries still had a significant impact historical and social events, it seems that the regional press journalists of the Western Lands really belief that after 1 May 2004 will begin a new stage of history. In press texts was repeated several times the idea of Polish-German ‘community of interests’. Analysis of the texts shows that in the pre proceeded quite freely communication processes between German and Polish representatives of local authorities, particularly where the German side clearly says about concerns stemming from EU enlargement, Poles and Germans expecting to improve the better economic situation. The analysis of the press shows clearly that the German political elite was unable to convincingly explain the lack of acceptance of the German society for EU enlargement to include Poland.
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    Rumunia i Bułgaria na drodze do Unii Europejskiej (1990–2007) – perspektywa Niemiec i Francji
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Ciesielska-Klikowska, Joanna
    The membership of Romania and Bulgaria in the European Union became a reality in 2007 and was treated as a culmination of a twenty year process in which both countries had to meet the difficult requirements which the Community set. These requirements were more challenging to realize because of the fact that Bucharest and Sofia were forced to introduce severe economic and social reforms, and political changes that led to the transformation of two post-communist republics into parliamentary democracies with well-functioning, free markets. The collapse of the communist era began a new phase in history, whose motto was to establish a ‘return to Europe’. Romania and Bulgaria identified their allies in the Euro-Atlantic organizations, and in cooperation with them they perceived a chance for economic reconstruction and an increase in importance on the international arena. However, the key role on the path of the two Black Sea states to the European Community was played by the Federal Republic of Germany and France, which for the past forty years have been seen as the driving motor of European cooperation. In partnership with these countries, Bucharest and Sofia were trying to implement a plan for their return to Europe. From 1990 both Romania and Bulgaria cooperated with France and Germany in political and economic matters, trying to arouse the interest of leading politicians from Bonn/Berlin and Paris. Although it was clear that the Franco-German pair was emphasizing the commitment of other post-communist countries, such as Poland, the Czech Republic or Hungary, and their leading role among candidates for membership in the EU, it can be said without doubt, that France and Germany were always involved in the process of Euro¬pean enlargement to include the countries on the Black Sea. The article shows the difficult path of Romania and Bulgaria to the European Union, the role of Paris and Bonn/Berlin in the accession negotiations, the decisions made during the presidencies of France and Germany in the Council of the EU, and also stresses the commitment of Bucharest and Sofia to meet the requirements from Copenhagen and their efforts to become members of the Union in 2007.
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    How to legitimate the European Union and the integration process: EU governance approach
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Volodin, Dmytro
    This article addresses and responds to the question of changes in the European Union governance and how we can legitimate the process of European integration according to internal facilities. Some of the main conclusions refer to the lack of institutions capable of performing their functions as well as the key elements for achieving possible changes towards democracy.
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    Parlament Europejski wobec reformy systemu instytucjonalnego w trakcie obrad Konwentu w sprawie przyszłości Europy
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Kozub, Patrycja
    The article is a reconstruction of the position of the European Parliament and its delegates to the Convention on the Future of Europe towards the greatest institutional reform of the European Union in the history of European integration. The author analyzes the impact of the European Parliament on the provisions of the draft Constitutional Treaty, concerning, among other things: the axiology of the Union, the institutional system, the role of national parliaments and enhanced cooperation. These studies made it possible to observe that the European Parliament, like the European Commission, was one of the Community institutions which was particularly interested in strengthening the transnational factor in the process of European integration, including the European Union’s institutional system. Therefore, during the debate, the representatives of the European Parliament stated their demands for: further enlargement of the powers of Parliament in the legislative process, changes in decision-making procedures in the Council of the European Union, as well as strengthening the position of the European Commission in the European Union’s institutional system. Analysis showed that this position was the consensus worked out from the varied opinions of European political groups, which were presented by individual members of the European Parliament involved in the institutional issues
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    European Neighborhood Policy as a Cooperation Instrument between Ukraine and the EU
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Palagnyuk, Yuliana
    European Neighborhood Policy as an instrument of cooperation with the neighboring countries, including Ukraine, is analyzed in this article taking into account new geopolitical conditions as the result of events in North Africa in the beginning 2011 year, preparation of new association agreement between the EU and Ukraine on the new level with perspectives of membership of Ukraine in the European Union.
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    Unia Europejska w dwa lata od wejścia w życie Traktatu z Lizbony
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Tomaszyk, Mikołaj
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    Unia Beneluksu – nowa odsłona starej współpracy
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Kołek, Paweł
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    Integracja europejska w polityce zagranicznej Turcji za rządów Partii Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju (AKP)
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Osiewicz, Przemysław
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    Realizacja Programu Kulturalnego Polskiej Prezydencji w Radzie Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Barabasz, Adam