Seria "Wykłady Poznańskie z Filozofii"

Redakcja naukowa serii: Prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr W. Juchacz Przewodniczący Komisji Filozoficznej PTPN Prof. UAM dr hab. Karolina M. Cern Prodziekan ds. nauki i współpracy międzynarodowej Wydziału Filozoficznego UAM


Recent Submissions

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    Wolność akademicka jako zawód i powołanie
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Godek-Ostrouch, Lidia; Juchacz, Piotr W.; Cern, Karolina M.
    Academic Freedom as a Profession and Vocation is an attempt to give an updated reading of Weber’s category of the vocation of science through the lens of academic freedom. This is the first such attempt; until now, the interplay between the two has not been explored in the literature. The paper begins by posing a question: how should we understand the role of academic freedom and to what extent should it be respected in scientific practice and science policy-making? We can analyse academic freedom on two different levels: (a) the methodological level relating to the principles of constructing scientific knowledge (perspectivism, conceptual constructivism, problematization); and (b) the practical level, including the postulate of academic freedom understood as a founding assumption of modern science. The dual perspective on academic freedom can also be seen in the Weberian category of science as vocation. I argue that academic freedom is the normative standard for the ideal of vocation: it is a necessary condition for the project of vocation (understood as an ethical ideal), and above all, freedom is a co-evident parameter of thinking at the level of cognitive operations and human cognitive action choices (the cognitive ideal). Moreover, I attempt to explore the extent to which Weber’s concept of academic freedom can help us understand our problems with academic freedom today. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of academic freedom for the work of academics as well as the democratic ecosystem as a whole. Weber’s notion of academic freedom has important implications for the crafting of institutional support for responsible science in the twenty-first century – implications that have yet to be fully grasped, much less implemented.
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    Wykłady o filozofii Plotyna
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Kiedrowski, Krzysztof; Juchacz, Piotr W.; Cern, Karolina M.
    This book provides a brief introduction to the philosophy of Plotinus. It includes five lectures and an appendix containing an outline of Plotinus’ biography. The lectures aim to provide a synthetic yet analytical reconstruction of the main ideas of Plotinus’ system supported by relevant quotations from The Enneads. Lecture I (The Plotinian Universe) provides an overview of the relevant terminology and a presentation of the structure of the gradualist Plotinian universe. The relation of emanation/origin, which constitutes the main metaphysical relation in this universe, is also discussed in detail. Lecture II (The One) outlines the intellectual-historical context to which Plotinus’ philosophy refers (Parmenides’ Truth-being, Plato’s theory of the principles and the (neo)Pythagorean philosophy) and presents the way of understanding the One (the Absolute) through the interpretation of the terms used by Plotinus: ‘the One’, ‘the It’ and ‘the Good’. Lecture III (The Intellect) presents a discussion of two issues: the emanation of Intellect from the One and the nature of Intellect. The first issue is presented in the context of Plato’s theory of the principles, which is complemented by the hypothesis of return as contemplation, which is unique to the Plotinian system. The second part of the lecture is devoted to the characteristics of the noetic world (Intellect), as one-many and the Intellectual-Principle. Lecture IV (The All-Soul) contains a presentation of the concept of the origin of the Second Hypostasis (Soul) from the Intellect, its metaphysical properties, as well as a discussion of the generation of the World by the All-Soul, while lecture V (The Individual Soul) discusses the question of the multiplicity of Soul and the exceptional status of the human individual soul. A significant part of the lecture concerns the return of this soul to the Intellect (the paths of beauty, truth and virtue), as well as to the One (the mystical path, understood as intellectual insight).
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    Freedom and Abundance: Dialogical Philosophy of Style
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Gan-Krzywoszyńska, Katarzyna; Juchacz, Piotr W.; Cern, Karolina M.
    This book presents an outline of the dialogical philosophy of style and it consists of three chapters. The first chapter, Literature and style, introduces the concept of philosophy as a story and presents an analogical approach to dialogue. According to Nietzsche’s The Joyful Wisdom, style constitutes a comprehensive, coherent outlook on life: living in harmony with oneself and the world. Following Genova, the signature and meaning-expressing conception of style are considered in comparison with Sontag’s approach to style from the dialogical point of view. The chapter ends with the concept of style as editing, and in this context I present the notion of attention in the sense employed by Weil. The second chapter, Attitude: Freedom And Flexibility, advocates establishing harmony with both oneself and with others, in accordance with the ideas of Thibon and Pronzato, and briefly examined styles of education. Integrity as a criterion of a refined style is based on the moral dimension. In consequence, coherence and clarity lead to an individual style that paradoxically excludes competition. The issues of spontaneity, originality and improvisation are discussed. The final question of flexibility – within the art of life, which is the art of war – is considered, since a fight for one’s style constitutes the greatest victory. The third chapter, Abundance and Joy, is about pluralism and presents creativity from a dialogical perspective, with special emphasis on Freire’s notion of “untested feasibilities” and on appreciation instead of appropriation. The issue of abundance is crucial to the proposed dialogical concept of style. Style as an important contribution to wisdom as a technology of the good life is discussed, and some examples of contemporary applications of the dialogical philosophy of style are presented.
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    Wistful Hope: A Dialogical Study on Revolt
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Leśniewski, Piotr; Juchacz, Piotr W.; Cern, Karolina M.
    The first chapter presents the philosophy of dialogue as a certain revolution, and thus a new discourse rejecting the idealistic tradition “from the Ionian Islands to Jena”, according to Lev Shestov’s rule: the higher the absolute is valued, the more everyday values are neglected. Selected “glimmers of hope” are indicated: in Greece, among Kant’s questions, in Nietzsche’s stories about Pandora’s box. Two approaches to the human face are proposed as two final situations. A number of criticisms are also made regarding the application of the concept of responsibility, as suggested by Giorgio Agamben. The second chapter contains memories of selected revolts and revolutions. The fundamental differences between the invigorating revolt and the stagnant revolution are discussed, as well as the “Freedom and Bread” Uprising in June 1956 in Poznań, Albert Camus’ speech at a rally of solidarity with the workers of Poznań, the August strikes and the rise of the mass “Solidarity” movement, memories of 496 days of revolt and hope until 13 December 1981, with the Soviet Army units stationed in Poland at that time and the exercises of the United Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact “Союз-81” and “Запад-81”. It is assumed, following Leszek Nowak, that the introduction of martial law was the optimal solution from the point of view of the “Solidarity” strategy: the union avoided being drawn into the power structures exercised by the triple-lords. This chapter contains a few selected Polish memories already after 1981. The last chapter discusses the results of the transformations of the late 1980s and early 1990s and other issues: the requirement of spiritual transformation formulated by Rosa Luxemburg, contained in her critique of Bolshevik terror, ideological mixture as a weakness of a mass movement, and Tischner’s project of working on hope.
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    Filozofka i paso doble
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Malitowska, Anna; Juchacz, Piotr W.; Cern, Karolina M.
    The subject of the book is ballroom dancing, understood as an artistic-cultural practice. The author outlines the problem context, in which dance as a cultural phenomenon is not a common subject of research, especially in Poland. As for ballroom dance – it is of even less interest to academia. Its artistry seems unnoticed by art in general, while its culture-forming dimension is marginalized in education. This “cultural absence” clearly contrasts with the growing popularity of ballroom dancing as a competitive sport, or form of mass entertainment provided by television programs such as “Dancing with the Stars”. Starting from such a diagnosis, the author demonstrates that ballroom dance extends beyond its sporting, utilitarian or consumerist dimensions and is becoming a self-conscious artistic practice that affects social and cultural discourses. The book consists of three essays, each of them presenting a different theoretical perspective on ballroom dancing. The first essay, exploring the field of choreography, examines how composition, which transforms gestures and figures into routines, is nourished by cultural traditions. The understanding and interpretation of dance are addressed in the second essay, which develops a “dance audience” concept, building on hermeneutics and cultural semiotics. In the third essay, the author presents ballroom dancing as a historical discourse of art and discusses the role of cultural competencies in dance-art creation, understanding, appraisal, and alteration. The argument made in the book is illustrated with references to the choreographies and achievements of leading ballroom couples, and is supported by findings in the fields of critical cultural studies, philology, literature studies, linguistics and semiotics, and art history, as well as research on visual culture and performance art.
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    Ideologie nieautorytarne – rozwój jednostki a edukacja demokratyczna
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Michałowska, Danuta Anna
    Some selected issues from the philosophy of education concern ideologies of education, especially the non-authoritarian ones indicated by Roland Meighan, the concept of person-centred education, and education for democracy. The aim of the analyses is an attempt to define a model of education that will foster young people’s creative development, respecting their autonomy and, in parallel, that will begin building a democratic society already at the stage of student communities. The ideology of autonomously learning the concept of autonomy, the principles of self-regulation in the learning process, the specific roles of the teacher and the student, as well as the style of work and strategies for acquiring knowledge and skills – all these issues are discussed in the context of the problem of achieving the goals of democratic education. The issue of individual freedom and autonomy in education is analysed and, drawing on the example of an English independent school, the features of the educational process which lead to the realization of most of the assumptions of non-uthoritarian ideology and a flexible approach to teaching are described. In the ‘learner-centred school’ model of Donna Brandes and Paul Ginnis, based on the humanistic approach to education developed by Carl Rogers and Fritz Perls, the autonomously developing individual has the opportunity to experience the limits of freedom, responsibility for their choices and for the quality of relationships, as well as cooperation and community building based on democratic principles. The analysis of the democratic model of education and school practices indicates the possibilities for building democratic student communities while at the same time providing conditions for the comprehensive development of the person and their autonomy. It is a philosophy of education focused on the person – one who belongs a community of autonomous individuals.
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    Prawo podmiotowe Etyka – prawo – polityka
    (Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Raburski, Tomasz; Juchacz, Piotr W.; Cern, Karolina M.
    The book explores the concept of rights in three fields: law, morality, and politics. Rights are treated as a bridge-concept, connecting those fields. The work draws heavily on English-, German- and Polish-language sources. The differences between those academic discourses on rights, Rechte and prawa are discussed. The introductory chapter examines the meaning of the concept, and the variety in the forms of rights. The differences between the English concept of right and the Polish prawo podmiotowe are discussed. The first chapter presents the moral aspect of rights, i.e. the features of the language of rights in comparison to other moral languages, and the role of rights in contemporary ethical theories (esp. utilitarianism). The second chapter examines legal rights. The German concept of Reflexrecht is described. Two forms of legal institutions are compared: one based on rights and the other on well-being. Legislators have to choose which form they use when they enact the law. Several examples are analyzed – what are the consequences of such choices and what are guiding principles helping the legislators to make them. In the third chapter, the politics of rights is discussed, and its three forms are examined in detail: strategic litigation, strengthening of democratic principles, and the empowerment of social movements. The book concludes with a historical chapter, outlining common mistakes about the evolution of rights and their historical role. Two historical moments are discussed in more detail: the conflict of intellectual traditions in 19th century Polish political discourse, and the Marxist critique of rights in socialist legal systems, which led to attempts to replace rights with other institutional forms.
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    Tożsamość narracyjna w dobie postprawdy. Pytanie o aktualność myśli Charlesa Taylora
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Filipiak, Magdalena; Juchacz, Piotr W.; Karolina, M. Cern
    The term ‘post-truth’ is widely used to describe the status of facts in public discourse. The term implies that arguments appealing to emotions and beliefs play a greater role in shaping public opinion than do arguments based on facts. This book attempts to answer the question of whether the concept of narrative identity, formulated by Charles Taylor in the late 1980s, is still relevant today, if we consider the importance of post-truth in the construction of modern subjectivity. In Taylor’s conception, narrative identity is an orientation in axiological space, and a person defines their attitude towards others through narration and articulation, thus becoming aware of their own axiological map. The source of knowledge about the subject’s “conceptual framework” is conversation, conducted in the medium of language, hence an essential aspect of identity formation is a certain vision of the truthfulness or acceptability of meanings. Taylor puts forward an expressivist conception of meaning, according to which meaning in public space is the result of a conversation involving the disclosure of subjective expressions, beliefs, feelings, sentiments and opinions. From this perspective, Taylor’s conception seems to be extremely up-to-date and appropriate for the contemporary climate of post-truth. Taylor’s analysis of the sources of modern subjectivity can thus be viewed as revealing the mechanisms conducive to shaping the current atmosphere of post-truth. Among such mechanisms, we can mention the features residing on the side of the subject, such as the affirmation of everyday life, a kind of internalization of the subject, assigning great value to human interiority, objectification as a “point” identity, and an understanding of freedom; as well as certain factors outside the subject, namely aspects of the modern world such as secularization, temporality and value pluralism.
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    Filozofia kosmologii antropicznej
    (Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2021) Leciejewski, Sławomir; Juchacz, Piotr W.; Cern, Karolina M.
    In the second half of the 20th century, research in the field of scientific cosmology began to focus on the fact that protein life forms existed on one of the planets. The relations between, on the one hand, the structure, development and origin of the universe and, on the other, the possibility of the existence and duration of life, started to be described in different versions of anthropic principles. The universe in which the emergence and evolution of protein life forms was possible came to be called the anthropic universe. Thus, the hitherto three-part research field of cosmology (the structure, development and origin of the universe) was supplemented with a fourth component: the origin of life in the universe. In other words, anthropic cosmology would attempt not only to reconstruct and describe the structure, development and origin of the universe, but it would also discuss the origin and possibility of the evolution of life in this universe. The anthropic current in cosmology also emerged as part of an attempt to resolve the difficulties that arose in the cosmology of the 1970s. The many problems encountered by the standard cosmological model inspired a search for new ways of analysing cosmological issues. This resulted in the emergence of so-called anthropic explanation, which formed the basis of anthropic cosmology. The aim of the book is to provide a general introduction to selected issues connected with a very broad field of research located on the borderline between philosophy and cosmology. The first chapter will present the scientific and philosophical dimensions of cosmology. In the second chapter, cosmic coincidences and the cosmic context of life will be discussed, and the basic formulations of the anthropic principle will be reviewed. The concluding third chapter will identify how anthropic cosmology can be understood today, before outlining its basic philosophical implications.