Bohemistyka, 2016, nr 4


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    Jubileusz Profesor Svatavy Urbanovej
    (2016) Mrhačová, Eva
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    Vo vobecný češtině pro zahraniční bohemisty
    (2016) Sachrová, Kateřina
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    Dva bohemistické časopisy
    (2016) Čechová, Marie
    Study briefly introduces and compares two Czech journals: „Bohemistyka“, published in Poland and „Český jazyk a literatura”, published in Czech Republic. Then focuses on the articles of journal „Český jazyk a literatura”, which may attract foreign Bohemists and Czech language lecturers abroad and analyzes texts about Czech for foreigners. Afterwards author discusses linguistically-oriented themes as they are reflected in the development of the journal since 1950’s.
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    Risk behavior in electronic communication
    (2016) Vašutová, Maria; Kopuničová, Viktória
    The paper deals with the issues of risk electronic communication and its negatives and consequences that entails. It also deals with cyberbullying as the most frequent form of electronic communication. Despite on considerable public and experts’ attention cyberbullying is still increasing. When you enter the word „cyberbullying” in Google, you may find nearly 9 million references about this topic. The direct help which can help to reduce cyberbullying is still unclear. Some of the studies dealing with these problems point to the fact that particularly teachers and parents don´t know how to deal with this and also how to help. They have problem to recognize the signals, they don´t know the exact process that would eliminate the cyberbullying and also protect the protagonist of cyberbullying. This paper presents a summary of the findings of the risk of electronic communication, the excessive problematic use of Internet, the effects of cyberbullying and prevention programs and organizations to help in resolving this issue.
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    O funkcji pragmatycznej napisów na T-shirtach (na materiale języka czeskiego)
    (2016) Dembska, Katarzyna
    The article describes the problem of pragmatic function of T-shirts inscriptions in Czech language. The Author analyzes T-shirts inscriptions from the point of view of speech genres and discusses problems of their typology. This paper is devoted to the role of the speaker of the statement and his communicative intentions. The author finally concludes that T-shirts inscriptions can not be considered as speech genres, but they have an illocutionary-act potential. Consequently, the author proposes to consider these inscriptions in the presentation of Mikhail Bakhtin‘s theory of carnivalesque.
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    Konotativnost vybraných skupin partnerských pojmenování
    (2016) Štěpánová, Pavla
    The presented article defines the term partners´ name and emphasizes the emotional and characteritazional function. More it deals with connotational function which enable the non-linguistic character´s interpretation of the numerous partners´ name´s origin. Connotations are described on the basis of the phraseology and short psychological, anthropological backround of partnership. In compliance with cognitive conception of the metaphor, two main partners´ conceptualizations are presented (partner is preciousness and partner is the subject/object of desire). These also constitute partial connotations (e.g. partner is physical contact, or partner is part of human body etc.)
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    Średniowieczny »Život Krista Pána« wobec »Meditationes vitae Christi«
    (2016) Borowiec, Karolina
    The article is an attempt to revise a popular in Czech medieval studies opinion, that preserved from 14th century Život Krista Pána (ŽKP) in its first part is based on Meditationes vitae Christi (MVC), Latin treatise for long time attributed to st. Bona- venture, or that ŽKP is an adaptation or translation of MVC. The author compares the convergent fragments of these texts with the sources of Meditationes vitae Christi and discusses similarities and differences between all of them. She also indicates some differences in the composition of ŽKP and MVC. Finally, she argues that the relationship between these two texts may be slightly different than previously claimed.