Studia Metodologiczne, 2014, nr 32
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Item Studia metodologiczne 32/2014 - spis treści(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014)Item Formy życia naukowego w świetle definicji pojęcia „organizacji uczącej się”(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kazibut, RadosławContemporary studies in the sciences, in particular in the laboratory sciences, are conducted by entire teams that are composed of scientists, engineers and technicians. Competent management of such organizations largely determines the success of research. In this article an attempt is made to analyze the evolution of the organization of laboratory science research within a framework that was developed by discussing the subject of a “learning organization”.Item Krytyka refleksywna w badaniach nad praktyką zawodową i organizacyjną(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Nowak-Posadzy, KrzysztofThis article attempts to show that certain modes of checking practitioners’ and an organization’s knowledge (as analyzed by means of professional practitioner research), can be seen as stemming from general philosophical notions of critique. The term “critique” has been interpreted in many different ways, depending on the philosophical tradition, and has been operationalized in various ways, according to the methodological standards in a given branch of science or field of research. Critique can thus be legitimately defined in terms of (1) reflection, (2) negation, or (3) revision and it can have (1) neutral, (2) negative, or (3) positive implications. Practitioner research (PR), among other objectives, investigates numerous professionals’ (or organizations’) modes of learning that are necessary to make their work (or functioning) more efficient. These types of learning can be considered in terms of (1) learning-by-doing from experience, (2) trial-and-error dealing with information, or (3) correction-and-revision of a given standard. In the first section of the paper the author wonders what kind of research PR is. In the second section he discusses three conceptual shifts in PR, which resulted in focusing on three ways of enhancing professional (organizational) knowledge (i.e. reflective practice, informational literacy, and an internal audit). Finally, the third section elaborates on the reflexive interpretation of critique in order to show that a philosophical approach to critique can be useful in grasping some of the practices (i.e. critical reflection) that have occurred in professional and organizational reality and deserve methodological attention.Item Zwinne podejście do zarządzania procesem badawczo-rozwojowym(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Bonecki, MateuszThis paper analyzes the evolution of research and development management methods. The so-called agile approach to project management is considered to have a great influence on knowledge-work organization and new product development methods. It is argued that agile organizations shape their R&D processes in accordance with the theory of complex adaptive systems and the principles of empirical process modeling in order to improve their responsiveness to market conditions or changing client requirements. Organizational agility is therefore conceived here as a function of interdisciplinary processing and the use of cross-domain knowledge about relevant factors that are present in a project’s external environment.Item Identyfikacja problemów w infobrokerstwie systemowym(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Boruszewski, JarosławThe purpose of this article is to provide adequate characteristics of problem identification in systemic information brokerage. A systemic information broker is an interdisciplinary professional who is responsible for creating pertinent content in an organization and who respects the accepted standards of record keeping. According to John Dewey’s theory of inquiry, problem identification is a stage between a felt difficulty and the formulation of the problem. The author of this article proposes a twolevel description of problem identification. At the macro level, problem identification is understood as identifying the respected way of thinking in an organization and, more specifically, as identifying the divergence between the respected way of thinking and one’s declared way of thinking. At the micro level, problem identification involves identifying keywords. Once identified, keywords are used to formulate problems in the form of how-questions.Item Praktyczność wiedzy: wdrożenia humanistyki(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Wojewódzki, TadeuszThis paper refers to models of practical knowledge that are present in Polish entrepreneurship. We distinguish between the economic model and the methodological model. What these models have in common is that they primarily function in theory. However, they differ in their approach to knowledge. The economic model emphasizes the importance of knowledge management, while the methodological one focuses on technology of knowledge. Business is dominated by the economic model. For methodological model suggest benefits for business, government, and science. Indications, however, requires a formula to implement a methodological model for a wide practice of entrepreneurship. Such a formula of cumulative experience gained in the practical activities promoted in project teams, enjoying the support of EU funds. The ability to develop best practices based on the methodological model of practicality is also considered. It refers to the reflectiveness of the methodological research school in Poznan and is based on the concept of the optimization statements. The recommended methodological model also assumes the use of knowledge relevant published standard quantization problem.Item Pomiar kapitału intelektualnego w przedsiębiorstwie – aspekty metodyczne(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Skrzypek, ElżbietaIn the new economy, efficient knowledge-based resource management of intangible assets can be an important source of a company’s market success. Increasingly, it is being noted that there are differences between the book value and market value of assets. The value of intellectual capital is the source of this difference. The aim of this article is to analyze the methods of measuring intellectual capital in a company and point out that the measurement of intellectual capital is an important element of the management process. It is becoming necessary to measure intellectual capital because its role as a factor in a company’s success is growing. This measurement is done at the macroeconomic (KAM, KEI, KI) and microeconomic levels (BSC, Scandia Navigator, IC Rating and Intangible Assets Monitor). A system of indicators, both quantitative and qualitative ones, is used to measure intellectual capital on enterprise level in order to show the level of and changes in its components. The methods of measuring intellectual capital should be chosen based on their capacity to increase a given company’s potential. The analyses that were carried out for the purpose of this article are theoretical in character and are based on the existing scientific literature as well as the author’s own reflections.Item Image(s) a informacja(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Strzelecki, JarosławThis article presents philosophical reflections on information. Bergson’s metaphysical category of image(s) is juxtaposed with the concept of information. This combination leads to the conclusion that any system (animate or inanimate one) remains “informationally” related to its environment in a metaphysical way.Item Metafora smogu informacyjnego a procesy informacyjne(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Szynkiewicz, MariuszThe author of this article investigates an epistemological problem that is related to information overload and the data smog metaphor in particular. The paper is focused on two aspects of data smog: the quantitative aspect, which concerns information dispersal, and the qualitative aspect, pertaining to the value of information.Item Instrumentalna i wiedzotwórcza wartość wiedzy(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kaczmarczyk, LechJohn Dewey’s pragmatic theory of knowledge supports the assertion that both the instrumental value of knowledge and knowledge-creation have common philosophical underpinnings. An analysis of this issue can help bridge the gap between the typical economic approach to knowledge and those approaches that are represented by contemporary epistemology and philosophy of science. The universal concept of the value of knowledge that is proposed here allows one to carry out further research on using contemporary epistemology in knowledge management practice.Item Różnice między informacją a wiedzą w kontekście zarządzania(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Stępnik, AndrzejThe aim of this article is to analyze the differences between information and knowledge with reference to management. The text presents certain negative practical consequences of overcoming these differences as well as important relations between information management and knowledge management, which should be practiced in an efficient organization.Item O sposobach i problemach reprezentacji wiedzy w nauce o zarządzaniu wiedzą(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Zeidler, PawełThe paper presents a preliminary analysis of methodological issues relating to the representation of knowledge that is managed in an organization. The problem of adequate ways of representing that knowledge and the concept of knowledge representation itself are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the issue of the representation of tacit knowledge which plays an extremely important role in an organization and gives it a competitive advantage. The analyses are carried out based on the assumption that models are the most convenient way of representing knowledge and are used to solve problematic situations that arise in the course of an organization’s activity.