Glottodidactica, Vol. 18 (1986)

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    Zur Beschreibung der Fachsprachen für den gesteuerten Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) SKOWRONEK, Barbara
    Along with the increase in the interest of linguistic research with reference to the phenomena of linguistic performance, more attention has been paid to the specialistic languages. The present article deals with considerations concerning the description (definition) of specialist languages. On the basis of research approaches mainly of Hoffman (definition) of specialist languages. On the basis of research approaches mainly of Hoffmann and Bungarten the author draws conclusions for the teaching of special language as a foreign language.
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    Syntax und Semantik iin Erwerb zweitsprachlicher Fertigkeiten 37 Barbara SKOWRONEK, Zur Beschreibung der Fachsprachen für den gesteuerten Fremdsprachenunterricht
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Figas, Janusz
    Action-oriented observation of the second language acquisition (L2-acquisi-tion) multiplies task setting in the organization of the L2-acquisition. A double problem has to be solved for three processes, namely Test I, Operation, and Test II (cf. TOTE-unit in Miller/Galanter/Pribram 1960) have to be normatively directed and also made functionally effective. Traditional division of syntax and semantics applied to the success and failure analysis does not seem to be sufficient. The verbal action in L2 should be considered in three aspects: normative regularity, functional reproductivity, and creativity.
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    Bestimmungsfaktoren fremdsprachenunterriehtlicher Interaktion: begriffliche Abgrenzungen mit Blick auf die Praxis
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) KÖNIGS, Frank G.
    For a long time the discussion concerning the norm has been carried out from the point of view of linguistics and resulted in developing a theoretical-abstract concept that moves „somewhere” between a language system and the actual realization of language. FLT is an independent research branch and as such it cannot adopt that view as far as the norm is concerned. The author wants to define the concept of norm, than in its grounds he wants to draw an interaction in FLT, and carry out notional determinations based on language material.
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    Psychologische Probleme und Erkenntnisse zur Textauswahl für den fremdsprachigen Lehr- und Lernprozeß
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Apelt, Walter
    The interest linguistics shows in the text manifests itself in a global orientation (synthetic, contextual) and consists in linguistic-total approach: from the general to the particular and back to the general. It also finds its reflection in the methodology of FLT. The author criticizes the recently prevailing communicative approach; then ha gives the results of research on the contents of texts (as far as their motivational and anti-motivational aspects are concerned).
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    Partir du bon pneu”: l’expression idiomatique ä travers l’expression publicitaire
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Diaz, Olga
    An important linguistic function of expressions and idiomatic phrases i3 their intentionality, therefore the function which precedes the act of expression. Inten-tionality of idioms is used by sales, political publicity, which in order to increase the emotional value of idioms modifies them, transforms and deforms them. The watchword of publicity presents two difficulties for the learners of foreign language.
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    Für einen stärkeren Eirlsatz der visuellen Komponente in der Präparation giottodidaktischer Materialien
    (Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) ZYDROŃ, Janusz
    The following paper discusses the role and the function of visual elements {iconic elements, text visualisation and signal elements used as an organizer of the FLT-process) and of their components such as colour, motion, opposition,. typography and layout in the preparation of glottodidactic materials. The analysis deals mainly with textbook materials and the phase of the presentation of new material. The discussion proved great usefulness of visual elements for the preparation of glottodidactic materials, particularly in the aspect of the increase of retaining effects and their easy integrity in textbook materials. Taking account of their supralingual communicativeness, the personal relevancy of visual impressions, the redundant, for the FTL-process profitable, nature of visual elements and their, consisting in objectivity, interpretative relation to the verbal contents as well as considering their situational text completion and their culture-and realia-cognitive value, the author postulates a wider exploitation of visual elements in the preparation of glottodidactic materials.