Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 2006, nr 4
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Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Kosmata, AnitaUlrich Beck, Władza i przeciwwładza w epoce globalnej. Nowa ekonomia polityki światowej, przekład J. Łoziński, Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2005, ss. 412.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Matera, RafałZygmunt Bauman, Europa niedokończona przygoda, przekład Tomasz Kunz, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2005, ss. 216.Item SPRAWOZDANIA I INFORMACJE. „EUROPEIZACJA PRAWA KARNEGO W POLSCE I NIEMCZECH - PODSTAWY KONSTYTUCYJNOPRAWNE” POLSKO-NIEMIECKA KONFERENCJA POŚWIĘCONA EUROPEIZACJI PRAWA KARNEGO W POLSCE I NIEMCZECH, Poznań, 6-9 kwietnia 2006 r.(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Długosz, JoannaItem STRATEGIA BEZPOŚREDNIEGO CELU INFLACYJNEGO W POLITYCE PIENIĘŻNEJ BANKÓW CENTRALNYCH(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Przybylska-Kapuścińska, WiesławaThe paper presents the essence of direct inflation targeting strategy. It begins with its different definitions. Three kinds of inflation targeting strategy are characterised: the fully-fledged, eclectic and the lite one. In conclusion the advantages and disadvantages of the strategy are presented The inflation targeting strategy is used by central banks in more than 20 countries. Its realization needs making decisions of technical and organizational character in the designating the inflation target, choosing the inflation indicator and the ways of articulating the inflation target and its level. Central banks apply different solutions, depending on the monetary policy of the state.Item Sprawozdania i informacje SPRAWOZDANIE Z KONFERENCJI „KONCEPCJA EUROPEJSKIEGO ŚCIGANIA KARNEGO” Saloniki, 25-26 maja 2006 r.(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Anna, DemenkoItem SUKCESY I PORAŻKI JEDNOSTEK POMOCNICZYCH SAMORZĄDU TERYTORIALNEGO W POZNANIU I KALISZU W OPINIACH ICH DZIAŁACZY(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Matczak, Piotr; Figiel, AgnieszkaThe revival of local government in Poland in 1990 paved the way for auxiliary units, the so called district councils, that have been established to strengthen the communities within cities. The paper presents the results of the study focused on the barriers and available incentives that district councils in Kalisz and Poznań encounter in their activities. The analysis of the councilors’ opinions shows that their accomplishments in the sphere of culture and infrastructure are those which they consider a success. However, in Kalisz, the successes are not correlated with the expenses particular areas, while in Poznań, such a correlation occurs. Failures are perceived in the areas of infrastructure and relations with the city. In neither case the correlation between failure perception and expenses was detected. In Poznan, the prevailing system o f incentives encourages greater efforts because the undertaken actions and activities create the feeling of success. This can be attributed to a greater amount of resources when compared with Kalisz, where the resources are much too little to create adequate conditions for satisfactory activity.Item POSTĘPOWANIE WEWNĄTRZSPÓŁDZIELCZE I ZASKARŻANIE UCHWAŁ WALNEGO ZGROMADZENIA W ŚWIETLE ZASADY SAMORZĄDNOŚCI SPÓŁDZIELNI(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Niedbała, ZdzisławSince 1920 until very recently Polish law on co-operatives had provided for disputes between a co-operative and its member to be first recognised and settled in the proceedings within the co-operative itself, i.e. in internal proceedings, and only the exhaustion of those opened the way to court proceedings. This concerned mainly disputes arising from the status of the membership (such as striking off the list of members). The amendments of the Law on Co-operatives of 2005 deprived internal proceedings in a co-operative of a statutory status, and nowadays they may only be resorted to in co-operatives whose articles of association provide for such a regulation. This change is an overt attempt to limit the autonomy of a co-operative and allow wider interference in co-operative matters of external bodies. Needless to say, although the internal proceedings had never precluded the right of a member to file a complaint with a court, they were often used to avoid the costly and lengthy court proceedings, and most of the decisions settling disputes so reached had been satisfactory. The authors of the amendments implemented in 2005 had abandoned the principle that had been in force since 1920, restricting the grounds for challenging shareholders' resolutions in court proceedings to: (i) the conflict with the existing laws or (ii) the conflict with the articles of association. The amended laws provide for such, sometimes enigmatic, grounds of challenging shareholders' resolutions as: good practice, conflict with the co-operative interests, or intentional harm to a member. However, the doctrine, the judicial decisions, and the co-operative practice so far have not offered any serious arguments to justify such widening of the list of grounds for the challenging of the resolutions of the highest organ of a co-operative. In practice, this may entangle co-operatives in numerous disputes in court, which, at best, will impede smooth management of a co-operative will does not serve the best interest of its members (articles 1 and 67 of the Law on Co-operatives).Item NEKROLOGI. ŻEGNAMY PROFESORA ZBIGNIEWA LEOŃSKIEGO (1929-2006)(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Janku, ZbigniewŻEGNAMY PROFESORA ZBIGNIEWA LEOŃSKIEGO (1929-2006)Item LEKSYKA TEKSTÓW AKTÓW PRAWNYCH(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Choduń, AdnieszkaThe paper is an attempt to find the place o f the lexis o f legal acts in the varieties of the Polish language lexis, and to verify the thesis claimed by lawyers that the vocabulary used in legal texts is colloquial. The study was carried out using linguistic research methods and lexicographic dictionaries of Polish language. The main conclusions that could be drawn were that the texts of legal acts are official, and the language used in them is not colloquial. The analysis of the legal texts has shown that the legal vocabulary consists of two layers: (i) one basic lexis, common to all Polish (neutral, standard) and (2) specific lexis, differentiating it from others, composed of: (a) legal words, as referred to in dictionaries o f Polish language, (b) legal words as defined in legal texts, legal science or jurisdiction, and as such part of the general legal vocabulary, and (c) vocabulary of the official variety of Polish language (reserved for books, official documents, professional and scientific texts). The language of legal texts is not a colloquial form which in itself is a variety of Polish language, but unofficial, met only in oral discourse. The language of legal texts is beyond any doubt only written, and the words and expressions contained in legal texts sre not described in dictionaries of Polish language as colloquialItem PRACA ZAWODOWA MATEK A WARUNKI MATERIALNE RODZINY(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Szuman, AlicjaThe aim of this paper was to study and evaluate the main elements that determine the living conditions of families and the extent to which their needs are satisfied at different stages of family development, depending on the professional activity of mothers. The study was based on extensive empirical material collected from questionnaires that had been circulated nationwide by the Centre of the Family Research, at the University of Economics in Poznań. It was carried out in 2004 and comprised a group of 3611 families in which the mother worked, or did not work professionally. The obtained results have shown that families in which mothers work professionally have a relatively better financial conditions than the families with non-working mothers. Almost 3 of mothers reported insufficient means preventing them from fully satisfying the needs of their families. However, families in which mothers worked professionally did not have to save for house repairs or house improvements as much as those with non-working mothers, and the latter exceeded in their saving activity, or inability to invest by 37.2% those with a working mother. A decided majority of families was also forced to cut down on their expenses on recreation and social life. The housing situation of the families under our study was markedly different, to, depending on the professional activity of the mother, the place of the family residence, and some major demographic and social features. The housing situation of families with a non-working mother is less advantageous to than that with a working mother. Their households show a different level of abundance in durable consumer goods. That diversification becomes even more pronounced, when it comes to more expensive or more luxury goods.Item PRZYWRÓCENIE INSTYTUCJI PETYCJI W POLSKIM PORZĄDKU PRAWNYM(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Wójcicka, EwaAfter many years of discontinued existence of the institution of petition in the Polish legal order, the Constitution of the Republic of Poland restored it in 1997. Its new shape is a synthesis of the five projects that supported the institution, and also of variant drafts of the Constitution and the experts’ reports and opinions, all of which had contributed to the final result of the Commission’s work. A number of controversies arose in the discussion concerning the legal form of the petition. They were: who was entitled to take advantage of this new law, the criterium of the interest that decided about the usage of the institution, and the problem of a possible collision of the petition with the protection of privacy. In spite of clear differences in their opinions, the Members of the Commission approved the final draft o f this law on the 39th session. The final version of the Constitution granted everyone the right to submit petitions in the public interest, or in his or her own interest or in the interest of another person, with that person's consent, to organs of public authority, as well as to organisations and social institutions in connection with the performance of their prescribed duties within the field of public administration.Item SPIS TREŚCI(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006)Item SWOBODA PRZEMIESZCZANIA SIĘ, WYBORU MIEJSCA ZAMIESZKANIA I POBYTU W PRAWIE UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ. OMÓWIENIE WYBRANYCH UNORMOWAŃ(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Czajkowski, MaciejThe article is an attempt to analyse Directive 2004/38/EC o f 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States. This document constitutes a turning-point in the regulation of the principles of exercising a right which belongs to the most important human rights. The enforcement of the directive is expected to eliminate most of the legal doubts that have existed so far, and to standardise the manner of application of the rules in force regarding the freedom of movement of people and the right of residence in the European Union member states.Item W odpowiedzi na uwagi prof. Wojciecha Patryasa o artykule Łukasza Pohla Norma sankcjonowana w prawie karnym jako przykład normy prawnej nie będącej normą postępowania(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Pohl, ŁukaszItem IMPLEMENTACJA MIĘDZYNARODOWEGO PRAWA HUMANITARNEGO NA TLE AKTUALNYCH NARUSZEŃ TEGO PRAWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Szpak, AgnieszkaThe purpose of the paper is to present in an accessible and synthetic manner the ways in which international humanitarian law contained in the Geneva Conventions of 1949 for the protection of the victims of war and in the Additional Protocols of 1977 may be implemented. Despite the existence of some implementing measures, the international humanitarian law, being part of public international law, is still weaker when compared with to national law, as it is burdened with all the restrictions characteristic of international law. The analysis of those measures of implementation, their weaknesses and the hopes attached to them show that although they are largely capable of meeting the contemporary challenges, what is still lacking, is a political will and, often, the knowledge of, or familiarity with humanitarian law; hence the importance of disseminating the norms and principles of this law, as emphasised in the paper. In this context the author shortly revises the case of responsibility for the crimes committed on the Guantanamo Bay detainees. 46Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Zaborski, AdamBartosz Liżewski, Prawo międzynarodowe w polskiej praktyce sądowej, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2005, ss. 185.Item ZNACZENIE KOORDYNACJI I WSPÓŁPRACY W ZAKRESIE ZWALCZANIA KARTELI ANTYKONKURENCYJNYCH W PERSPEKTYWIE MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Swora, Mariusz; Sachajko, MarekThe paper deals with international implications of anti-competitive cartel law enforcement. The main issue discussed in the paper is the effectiveness of international legal tools regulating anti-cartel laws enforcement, including, in particular, the leniency programmes. The authors examine the activities of international organisations (especially OECD and ICN) concerning fighting cartels, the US and EU approach to international cooperation within the World Trade Organization, extraterritorial enforcement of the US and EU laws against cartels and the effectiveness of leniency programmes. The authors are skeptical about the possibility of adopting a multilateral antitrust agreement at the WTO, considering particularly US approach. On the other hand, there are legal tools (mainly bilateral agreements) that enable fighting international cartels within a decentralized antitrust law enforcement system. Apart from bilateral agreements, actions against cartels are also taken by certain states through extraterritorial enforcement o f anti - cartel laws. The authors claim that within the system of domestic anti-cartel laws it is necessary to take measures to ensure that anti-cartel sanctions, including those available in criminal law, are effective.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Piotr, WojciechFunkcjonowanie gospodarki rynkowej w Polsce. Aspekty makro- i mikroekonomiczne, red. W. Jarmołowicz, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu, Poznań 2005, Zeszyty Naukowe nr 65, ss. 423.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Nytko, MarcinIntroducing Market Economy Institutions and Instruments: The Role of Public Relations in Transition Economies, red. R. Ławniczak, Wydawnictwo, Poznań 2005, ss. 253.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Bernal, ArkadiuszJanusz Kudła, Ekonomiczne problemy kosztów opodatkowania i nielegalnego unikania podatków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Warszawa 2004, ss. 293.