Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 19 z. 1, 2012

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    Kognitywne aspekty glottodydaktyki. Czeski student wobec pułapek komunikatywności
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Hofmański, Wojciech
    Foreign language learners are commonly taught explicit rules of grammar, but often fail to apply them when confronted with communicative tasks. The article provides analyses on linguistic errors encountered by teachers during language teaching processes effected in homogeneous, all-Czech groups participating in language courses. Additionally, the article discusses the problem of comprehending the glottodidactical (language education) process within the context of a particular communicative situation (cognitive approach). The main focus of the study relates to competitive planes that are subject to the occurence of linguistic interference. A particular attention is given to pronunciation, grammar (inflection and syntax), and to lexis. For primarily Czech-speaking users of the Polish language, the biggest difficulty as far as the pronunciation is concerned, is the pronunciation of alveolo-palatal consonants and palatal hard consonants that are not appropriately differntiated in their realisation (this refers in particular to [ś] and [š], but also to [č] and [ć] ). A similar problem occurs in vowels – a hard vowel [y] is frquently replaced by a soft vowel [i]. A considerable number of occurences of the dental-alveolar [l] in place of the expected [] is identified and discussed. Within the domain of inflection, the article addresses the problem of the apparent equivalence at the level of the plural nominative and singular genetive of masculine nouns (the occurence of regular interference has been demonstrated), whereas a syntactical analysis has made it possible to indicate modifications at the linear level of utterances that are mainly related to an erroneous location of the Polish reflexive pronoun “się”. With regard to lexis, the division of difficulties to be found within the glottodidactical process is raised (semantic, stylistical and onimic difficulties). Additionally, the article discusses the danger of the abuse of colloquial vocabulary in communiques created in informal situations.
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    Jak powstały nowe nazwy ulic w powojennej Zielonej Górze?
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Żuraszek-Ryś, Iwona
    This is a follow-up article to the earlier article Post-war street names in Zielona Góra that relates to the ways former German urbanonyms were incorporated into the Polish linguistic system. The present article focuses, however, only on those forms that do not refer to earlier names in any way, that is, on completely new names. The material presented in the article includes a hundred urban place names (excerpted from a document, or more precisely from a five-page typescript with no date and no signature in which German names of streets of the town are accommpanied with their Polish counterparts). The comprehensive survey of these forms provides a conclusion that the Polonization of urbanonyms was not by all means an easy task to perform, and that the people responsible for its implementation had to face and come to grips with different problems of linguistic and non-linguistic nature. Things as they were, however, make us realise today that some of the solutions can raise our objection and reservation on the matter.
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    Польские фамилии в прозе Антона Чехова
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Szubin, Roman
    The author considers Polish surnames in Chehov‘s prose from two basic positions – formal and semantic. A Polish surname in Chehov always appears in an intense semantic context and involves ambivalent meanings. Nearly all Polish characters of his works are administrators, managers, or beautiful women. An important point is that a Polish surname in Chehov, regardless of the real national identity of its bearer, starts to function as a sign. Within this aspect, deep semantic structures of the text are involved. According to the author of the article, an adaptation of a foreign surname within the text to be received by the Russian linguistic consciousness is generally effected through an anagram and identification to sound structure of the text.
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    Koncepcja opisu konotacji nazw własnych w „Słowniku metafor i konotacji nazw własnych”
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Rutkowski, Mariusz
    The article discusses issues related to the rules for a description and explanation of connotations of proper names in Słownik metafor i konotacji nazw własnych [Dictionary of Proper Names and their Metaphors and Connotations] due to be published soon. The discussion covers a range of detailed problem issues that, in view of the fact that no lexicographical patterns are available, have to be resolved arbitrarily − in particular with reference to the shape or form of definitions in the dictionary.
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    Funkcjonowanie nazwisk pochodzenia niemieckiego w siedemnasto- i osiemnastowiecznych rejestrach poznańskich podatników czopowego. Świadectwa polonizacji
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Nowak, Ewa
    The proposed paper presents the functioning of German-origin names with their root and etymology of German origin borne by Poznań burghers in the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries. The source material for the study was provided by archival registers of the taxpayer of the tax on production and sale of alcoholic beverages. The work has attempted to determine the motivation behind the names and to track down their development, while the applied research method involves the motivational analysis that results in a pool of particular types of surnames that includes surnames motivated by German proper names and German appellatives. The set of all foreign surnames of the population of Poznań, amounting to nearly 20% of all onomastic material attested in the available archival documents, includes far more German surnames or surnames of German origin than any other surnames. In time, the given names of German people were Polonized both in the phonetic and the morphological plane. A small part of them was incorporated into the Polish language in their original form. In the material under scrutiny the Polonized forms were in preponderance as compared to purely German names. Language adaptation was also responsible for the formation of surnames of women – hybrid feminine forms from German names with Polish feminine suffixes appended onto foreign names. On numerous occasions it was impossible to unequivocally establish the German etymology of some of the surnames, which forced a conclusion leading to a proposition of a multi-motivational character of Poznań anthroponyms that, beside the motivation by a Polish anthroponym or appellative, also referred to German anthroponyms and appellatives. The bulk of surnames of German origin have remained vital and have been testified in the resources of present-day Polish anthroponyms.
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    Konotacyjne i asocjacyjne właściwości określeń identyfikujących barwy (na przykładzie nazw farb ściennych)
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Graf, Magdalena
    The article analyses the names that define colours of interior wall paints that are currently available on the Polish market. The results of the analysis are then used to identify and discuss substantial problems that accompany unequivocal classification of these descriptions (descriptors) into a delimitatrion of the category of proper names. More detailed analyses, approaching the available linguistic material from the perspective of their marketing value and function, have made it possible to reveal the manifestations of the ritualisation of language, and to provide a typology for the most frequently used themes employed by creators of names, such as “closeness to nature” or “virtual journey” that, in the process of perception, provoke and enhance particular associations in the recipient’s consciousness.
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    Investigation of nicknames in a bilingual environment
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Bauko, Ján
    The author examines the use of nicknames by the Hungarians in Slovakia. Since the state and the verbal representation of nicknames are strongly influenced by the Hungarian-Slovak bilingual environment, the appearing contact phenomena in the anthroponymic corpus are also investigated in this study. In addition, the paper deals with written nicknames found in written sources, the denomination motives of nicknames used in modern language, sociolinguistic, dialectological, etymological, morphological, and stylistic peculiarities found in the onomastic corpus. The usage of nicknames of adults and students is confronted and discussed with reference to an empirical and comparative study.
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    Żydło ich: mało warzonego albo pieczonego używają, czyli nazwy kulinariów i naczyń stołowych na dworze Dymitra Samozwańca I
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Pihan-Kijasowa, Alicja
    Polish memoirs and diaries from the beginning of the seventeenth century provide priceless yet little known source material for linguistic research studies, including lexical studies. Within the scope of the discussed thematic field (i.e. names of dishes, beverages and tableware), the diaries provide a sizeable and diversified source material. Among the names of dishes and tableware mentioned in the excerpted diary of Stanisław Niemojewski, well-known definitions and those deeply-rooted in the tradition in the Polish language are dominant. In many instances, they belong to common lexical resources of the Polish and Russian languages, though substantially numerous foreign (Russian) borrowings do occur. The Polish guests at the Tsar’s court at the time were not capable of identifying or naming many dishes. When this was the case, they resorted to using descriptive and multi-element designations. The otherness of Russian culture, coupled with the perceivable dissimilarities in table culture, triggered evaluative and affective responses and judgments of the diarists. Thus, so many evaluative assessments of the food, more often than not negative rather that favourable. This unfavourable attitude of Polish diarists with regard to what they saw and experienced stemmed not only from objective observation but was also influenced by a difficult situation the diarists were in after their arrival in Russia. Things as they were, the beginning of the seventeenth century was marked by the tumultuous and complicated period of Russian-Polish relations.
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    Poznańskie lata Henryka Ułaszyna
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Skarżyński, Mirosław
    Henryk Ułaszyn (1874–1956), linguist, specialist in Slavic and Polish languages and literatures, disciple of Baudouin de Courtenay and a professor of Poznań University, was not only a scholar but also a prominent social activist and freethinker of the interwar period. His liberal and anticlerical views, overtly expressed in public talks and lectures, the articles published in the press and in pamphlets, as well as his uncompromising and hard hitting polemics in his public addresses in defence of science and reason, led ultimately to a number of conflicts with the local academic community. Ułaszyn was attacked by Catholic and right-wing press, he was even physically assaulted. The article, researched and based on archival material, focuses on this particular aspect in his biography.
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    Teraz Poznań! O egzaminach państwowych z języka polskiego jako obcego
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Węgrzak, Ewa; Wieczorek, Izabela
    The authors outline the history of state examinations for certification in Polish as a foreign language, focusing on their organization and structure in Poznań. In particular, the results of the Poznań-based examinations are compared with the average results of all exams carried out in Poland and abroad, proving that, basically, they do not differ much from one another. A detailed analysis of the results makes it also possible to formulate certain postulates related to the preparation for the examination with certification for the School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreign Students at Adam Mickiewicz University that may be taken into consideration in the future.
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    Analiza kwantytatywno-porównawcza słownictwa „Ksiąg o gospodarstwie” Piotra Krescentyna (1549)
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Osiewicz, Marek
    The article presents the results of a quantitative analysis of the vocabulary attested in the Polish translation of the work of Pietro de‘ Crescenzi (Piotr Krescentyn) Księgi o gospodarstwie (original title: Opus ruralium commodorum) against the statystical characteristics of the translations of the New Testament from the latter half of the sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth century, and the text of Wizerunek własny żywota człowieka poczciwego (The Life of the Honest Man) by Mikołaj Rej. The following statystical parameters were studied: the number of words, the number of entries, K quantity factor, arithmetic mean of the frequency of entries, dispersion of entries, vocabulary originality parameter I, distribution of the autosemantic parts of speech (lexical category) and the distribution of individual autosemantic parts of speech (lexical categories). The analysis shows that, with regard to the statistical approach, the vocabulary of Księgi... is rather closer to Wizerunek than to the translations of the New Testament – in comparison to the latter, Księgi... is characterized by a far more ample vocabulary, greater number of entries and autosemantic words, greater number of attested nouns, adverbs in particular (the latter group is characterized by a higher percentage of entries with high frequency). Księgi..., as compared to the translations of the New Testament, also abounds with participles whose repertory is not only more numerous with regard to words but also to entries. The analysis confims the observation made by Władysław Kuraszkiewicz with reference to the dependence between the quantity of vocabulary and the content of texts – the closer it is to real life and refers to its diverse aspects, the richer vocabulary is used for its rendering.
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    Trigramy, czyli powtarzalne trzywyrazowe struktury w dialogach zadaniowych
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Szczyszek, Michał
    The present article analyses trigrams – words constructions that have properties of phrasemes. The studied trigrams have been excerpted from task-oriented dialogues (conducted between participants of a linguistic experiment). It turns out that phrasematic trigrams perform different communication and semantic functions: establishing and enhancing contact, feedback positive, “simple adverbiality” and “complex adverbiality”. The article is a follow-up to the author’s previous article on bi-grams: Bi-grams – Repetitive Two-word-structures in Task-oriented Dialogues.
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    Konteksty występowania leksemów Polak, Polska i polski w zbiorze modlitw powszechnych „Módlmy się wspólnie” o. Ireneusza Żołnierczyka
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne" i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Pałucka-Czerniak, Iwona
    The article presents the results of a pragmalinguistic analysis of the linguistic contexts of the lexemes Polska, Polak and polski (Poland, Pole, Polish) in the collection of common prayers written by Father Ireneusz Żołnierczyk in 1984. The analysis allows the author to present the way of speaking and modelling the thinking on homeland within a specific given community, place and time. The material under scrutiny consists of the collection of common prayers that is to provide a clear illustration for the mechanisms to create and sustain the sense of religious and national unity. The collection, in the form of an auxiliary book for liturgy, had in the past a particular impact as a pattern providing a template in creating specific communiques during the litugy of the high mass in the Catholic Church. The supplications in the prayers execute a well-established and fixed general pattern, shaping the model of a believer as a hard-working, industrious and the virtuous Pole-Catholic. Within the lexical layer of the prayers there is no particularisation or direct references to political, economic and social situation in Poland, though the participants in the common prayer are in position to contextually read a given passage or
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    Kompetencja komunikacyjna Romów. Strategie grzecznościowe w polsko-romskich relacjach interkulturowych
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Grzelak, Eliza; Grzelak, Joanna
    The authors of the article evaluate social-communicative problems of the minority group of Roma Gypsies in Poland. The existing low linguistic competence is additionally constrained by the accompanying insufficient communicative competence. The authors emphasize that teaching of a foreign language, in this particular case of the dominant language in the country, is effective only when it is simultaneously enhanced by a corresponding interaction between the two cultures in question. The authors indicate the barriers to cultural integration that hamper the community’s capacity and capability of establishing the relationships between these communities that would be based on partnership and mutual respect: these barriers include the orality and the tabooisation of Romany culture as well as its unfamiliarity to the Poles. This, in turn, generates patterns for statements and utterances in which ceremonial patterns are of secondary importance. It is rather the pragmatic factor that governs a particular linguistic behaviour: the Romany people simply want to understand the message and want to be understood. The article stresses that the present unfortunate social communication can be changed in the future by the implementation of appropriate activities within educational strategies directed towards the target group.
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    Mowa niezależna w przekazie medialnym a podstawowe funkcje informacji dziennikarskiej (część 3)
    (Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2012) Grzelka, Monika; Kula, Agnieszka
    This article is a part of research project that focuses on citations in media coverage in Poland after 1989; two earlier installments of the article have been included in earlier publications of “Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne”. Part Three provides a discussion on and characteristics of the category of the average man in the street, ordinary people whose utterances are increasingly included in the journalistic narration. Taking the notion of everyday life, with which the demand for an ordinary man in the media is closely linked, as a starting point in the discussion, the authors proceed to characterize citations, along with their explanatory attributions, indicate their textual functions and analyse the categories that are revealed within the process: anonymity, transparency and singularity.